Incorrect Google Scholar profiles

Google Scholar Citations: Personal bibliometric public profiles

          Google Scholar Citations is one of the best database of researchers personal public profiles. GS is a free service and it is, by far, the largest bibliometric database, so the profiles are the ones with the best and most complete coverage. An additional advantage is that the profiles are created voluntarily, with full control by the authors themselves, that means that they are also in full charge of maintaining and cleaning the contents according to the basic ethical procedures. However, there are several misunderstandings about the aim and functioning of this powerful tool. We provide a series of advices about the correct use of GSC and a list of incorrect profiles in order to request/suggest to the authors to clean and update (or delete) such profiles.

  1. GSC is designed for profiling individual researchers. There is a different tool for journals called Google Scholar Metrics that provides comparative information and indicators (h indexes) for over 40 000 academic journals and serials. Developing and curating profiles for journals is unfair for comparative or ranking purposes as the coverage criteria or citation windows can be wildly different depending of the profile editor. If an journal editor is interested in obtaining a full picture of GS-derived indicators for his/her periodical we suggest to use the Publish or Perish free software that it is even more complete and descriptive the own profile.
  2. GSC should not be used as bibliographic management tool for collecting records of third parties papers. It is very confusing and there are far better alternatives like the free programs Zotero or Mendeley.
  3. GSC uses by default the "automatic updating" of the records in your profile. In general this feature is very practical and useful, but if your last name is relatively common, then the update can add several or a lot of papers that are authored by you. We strongly recommend to disallow this option and clean your profile of incorrect assigned papers.

Google Scholar profiles to be corrected

          The following list is for informative purposes. If your profile has been corrected, please contact our editor for deleting the entry


Jiafan Zhang ABB Corporate Research 144 81865
Menna Ali Ain Shams University 157 198732
KiYoung Lee Ajou University 178 161097
Sung Phil Kim Ajou University 133 85410
Barhatia Karina Akademi Keperawatan Bina Insan 242 253060
Alan Martin Alan Morgan Group 102 127798
Santosh Kumar Alard College of Pharmacy; Pune university 96 53422
Jian Zhang Alberta Innovations 117 105896
Ahmad Alaeraini Al-Imam Mohammad Ibn Saud Islamic University 176 163088
Karen Smith Ambulance Victoria; Monash University 103 53623
Wei Wei Anglia Ruskin University 113 72372
Jose Luis Zamora Jr  Arizona Western College 104 41356
Mark Tibbetts Arundo Analytics 169 119124
So Yeon Kim Asan Medical Center 144 135282
Hsing Chung Chen Asia University Taiwan 93 47230
Nathalie Smith Aspen Medical Writing Services 113 64701
Pier Luigi Meroni ASST Gaetano Pini 141 110397
Sean Hay Kim Autodesk Inc 131 109391
Davood Domiri Ganji Ddganji Babol University of Technology 107 56244
Xiaojing Zhang Baidu 98 58052
P P Roy Bangabasi College 104 53279
Hoang Thi Ha Phuong Banking Academy of Vietnam 114 44906
Somnath Bhattacharya Barasat Govt College 139 126801
Alaa Ba Baban Bayan University 94 38213
Linghua Jin BBC 190 260585
John Smith Bedford Institute of Oceanography 91 38712
Lue Chen Beijing Aerospace Control Center 135 132780
Wang Jinsheng Beijing Normal University 103 58827
J R Li Beijing University of Technology 102 53086
Khader Juma Bethlehem University 125 80960
John Smith Birjand University of Medical Sciences 106 65663
C B Gupta BITS Pilani 101 43295
Jay Kim Boston University 124 186705
Kader Öz Bozok Universitesi 112 55335
Ashley Worthy Brenau University 141 86902
Joonsuk Kim Broadcom 103 66332
David Miller Buffalo State University 167 105691
Mark E Davis California Institute of Technology 122 66031
Calliope Louisa Sotiropoulou Campera Electronic Systems Srl 103 48691
Ly Thi Mai Thanh Can tho University of Medicine and Pharmacy 126 58840
Ji Hee Kim Canisius College 109 63251
Tao Chen Case Western Reserve University 107 66572
Minh Nguyen Hung Center for Environmental Monitoring 113 58414
Juan Wang Central Connecticut State University 95 66097
Yanfei Li Central South University 91 44910
Wang Jiafu Central South University of Forestry and Technology 103 65232
Hiran Jyothilal Centre for Nano and Soft Matter Sciences 103 47952
Zoubeyr Benssokhri Centre Univ Mila 220 299923
Fusuo Zhang China Agricultural University 106 43864
LIU Jiahong China Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research 105 72582
Xiao Wang China Investment Corporation 104 70518
Vincent Lee Chinese University of Hong Kong 124 89610
Juan Wang Chinese University of Hong Kong 93 56517
X D Zhang Chong Qing Obstetric and Gynecology Hospital 97 64454
Jin Hyeok Kim Chonnam National University 91 153373
Sherman A Lee Christopher Newport University 101 57760
Jaehan Kim Chungnam National University 121 86801
C X Wang City University of Hong Kong 177 208752
Yang Zhilin City University of Hong Kong 103 57811
Carol Sze Ki Lin City University of Hong Kong 100 56844
Haerul Fuad CLA 90 70951
Jonathan Smith Cleveland Clinic 100 55225
Amit Kumar COER Engineering College 91 44002
Lucas Villar Colegio Divino Mestre 103 39793
Jun Li Communications Research Centre Canada 96 57066
Ajay Kumar Competent Synergies 97 49900
Arvind Kumar Computer Repair Services 92 47403
Muhammad Irfan
Comsats University
99 83986
Yaohua Chen Conexus 101 102759
Zhaoping Liu Cornell University 86 40744
Christopher J M Smith Coventry University 100 40506
Li Fei Cuesta College 115 93007
Engineer Ahmed It Çukurova Üniversitesi 115 79333
Mherubahsa Daffodil International University 170 168806
Hae Won Kim Dankook University 256 359981
Sally Dasouki Dean Infotech 157 108505
Anongnat Wongubon Dhurakij Pandit University 144 226701
Wansiri Chaiyabud Dhurakij Pundit University 144 226893
Li Haofu Dhurakij Pundit University 94 54405
Randall Scott Reinsch Digital Web Tiger Attorney at Law Magazine 165 154039
Mc Adam Diponegoro University 175 143418
Imam Ghozali Diponegoro university 60 69346
Jerats John Divine word University 162 118184
Kwang Ki Kim Dongguk University Ilsan Hospital 117 107342
N K Jain Dr Hari Singh Gour University 109 52334
Junfeng Zhang Duke University 114 85468
Hae Young Kim Duke University 106 88201
Debargha Basuli East Carolina University 182 144958
Guo Rong Chen East China University of Science and Technology 189 182902
Jianfeng Zhang East China University of Science and Technology 111 93213
Han Edith Cowan University 195 163640
Jeffe Oliveira Educação Fisica Unopar 112 69193
Salem Zemali English Teacher 129 86439
Miguel Branco EPFL 217 270097
M L Simoons Erasmus University Medical Center 141 116950
Juliana Waltermann ESADE 137 74568
Andrye Alves Rios Escola Profissionalizante Cedaspy 162 116128
Mohamed Abd Elwadood Abdel Azim Fayoum University 101 50304
Richard Sison Ferrer Ferrer Networks Foundation 169 163937
Pete Markowitz Florida International University 176 123543
Sha Wang Fourth Military Medical University 100 44801
Yifang Chen Fudan University 170 166594
X J Wang FuWai Hospital 97 48264
Amit Kumar Galgotias University 95 51188
Xue Feng Zhang GE GRC 123 96441
Jill Smith Georgetown University 89 39709
Juan Wang Georgetown University Medical Center 101 69004
Seong Hee Kim Georgia Institute of Technology 126 100474
Gia Arabidze Georgian Technical University 147 72559
Jemal Kankadze Georgian Technical University 123 319980
Sue Chen Gulf Coast Avian & Exotics; Gulf Coast Veterinary Specialists 111 69783
Dong Hyun Kim Hallym University 130 82412
Suk Bok Lee Hanyang University 98 50073
Dongwoo Kim Hanyang University; ERICA 101 65972
Draven Lopez Harvard Dicks 108 49512
Charles Williams Harvard former Astronaut, Goldfish 137 89549
Xu Chang Henan Polytechnic University 92 69012
Dang Thi Thu Ha Hoa Lu University 114 53537
Che Ting Chan Hong Kong University of Science and Technology 97 42289
Juan Miguel Bergua Burgues Hospital San Pedro de Alcántara Cáceres 143 96029
zhang xiaobo Huazhong Agricultrural University 119 87432
Yi Liu Huazhong University of Science and Technology 105 58671
Mariani IAIN Palangkaraya 127 79910
Sanjeev Kumar IIT Roorkee 157 129899
Erekle Magradze Ilia State University 195 256248
Juansher Jejelava Ilia State University 121 51289
H Zaky Indiana University of Pennsylvania 199 145516
Muhammad Naseer Subhani Information Technology University 121 107402
Chang Long Inner Mongolia Finance and Economics College 91 45916
Christian Camilo Ramirez C  Institución Universitaria CESMAG 93 39454
Jingyuan Wang Institute of Geographical Sciences and Natural Resources Research Chinese Academy of Sciences 122 69241
Yunhe Li Institute of Plant Protection CAAS 102 80651
Martin Alberto Díaz Viera Instituto Mexicano del Petróleo 167 112316
Edgar Ivan Gonzalez Jimenez Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Forestales 94 67957
Daniel Henderson Robles Robles Instituto Superior Oriente 109 40173
Jun Li Intel 117 79569
Laktineh IP2I; IPNL de Lyon 107 45254
Hui Zhang ISCAS 86 46229
Zhongheng Zhang Jinhua Municipal Central Hospital; Jinhua Hospital of Zhejiang 99 54247
Solomon H Snyder Johns Hopkins University 274 316466
S ARUN KUMAR Kalasalingam Academy of Research and Education 124 61451
Y M Chen Kaohsiung Medical University 126 62423
Jinliang Wang Karst Dynamics Laboratory 102 65533
Ashwini Sharma Kaziranga University 165 141247
Young Ki Kim Kent State University 113 80669
Jay Lee Kent State University 92 43237
Martin Weber King Saud Bin Abdulaziz University for Health Sciences 120 163068
Julie Tzu Wen Wang King's College London 278 343095
Aqsa Khan KMU 180 150007
Jinkwon Kim Kongju National University 111 93554
Young Jin Kim Korea Aerospace University 102 62156
Jin Sung Kim Korea Railroad Research Institute 100 166309
Seoung Bum Kim Korea University 206 221084
Heenam Stanley Kim Korea University 136 124777
SangHoon Lee Korea University 96 45443
Sangyun Lee Korean Environment Institute 156 145401
J H Wang Korean Wonkwang University 252 379613
Hyungsuk Kim Kwangwoon University 116 78281
Jong Chul Lee Kwangwoon University 109 66232
Hoon Lee Kyung Hee University 126 84215
John Kim Kyung Hee University 108 58500
Yohan Kim La Jolla Institute for Allergy & Immunology 114 71552
Dominique Thers Laboratoire Subatech IN2P3 122 72813
Natalie Butler Legit Claims 166 130758
Suharyo Sumowidagdo Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia 149 105221
Annely Brandt LLH Bee Institute Kirchhain 100 45140
Michael Wilson Longwood University 99 57052
Christopher John Smith Manchester Metropolitan University 100 39525
Martin Alexander Jones Mars44 Consulting 193 191504
Sow Hsin Chen Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIT 100 46052
Louis Yang Liu Michigan State University 108 58378
Rajesh Agarwal Micromax informatics 121 57645
Jian Wu Microsoft Corp 94 50719
Ahmed Zidan Ministry of Education Egypt 185 209486
Hussain Ministry of Foreign Affairs Afghanistan 101 37130
Sandeep Kumar Ministry of Labour and Employment 102 57447
Daraje Kaba Mizan Tepi University 107 70317
Priscah Mosol Moi University 163 175036
Amanda Samantha Monash University 121 119355
Manoj Kumar Mother Parwati Education Services 89 48544
Morgan Hodges
Muscle Shoals City School
145 82410
Chunfang Zhang Nagoya University 160 128117
Cheng Jie Nanjing Medical University 98 64224
Hui Zhang Nanjing University 108 65333
Jun Ming Liu Nanjing University 106 55732
Zhang Minqi Nanyang Technological University 105 54032
Chung Ho Chen National Cheng Kung University 115 73287
Yung Chun Lee National Cheng Kung University 110 78908
Hsin Chin Chen National Cheng Kung University 101 65005
Lieu Hen Chen National Chi Nan University 101 64786
Chuen Tsai Sun National Chiao Tung University 148 134340
Chen Tzung Her National Chiayi University 148 134854
Tuan Anh Nguyen National Economics University 102 48446
Chi Chao Chan National Eye Institute National Institutes of Health 102 41593
Toru Shimizu National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology 130 78607
Ja Ling Wu National Taiwan University 101 55966
Hong Kai Lee National University Hospital 119 74838
Sam Ge National University of Singapore 102 60561
Yi Ming Chen National Yang Ming University 144 111024
Dilber Uzun Ozsahin Near East University 105 48324
Hae Young Kim New England Research Institutes 202 238941
Yan Zhang New Jersey Institute of Technology 95 43521
Jack Cohen New York College of Podiatric Medicine 127 79006
Hongzhou Li Ningbo Institute of Material Technology and Engineering 111 52652
Liang Chen Ningbo Institute of Material Technology and Engineering 102 67567
Okpala Onyinye Peace Nnamdi Azikiwe University 134 84753
Xiaofeng Li NOAA 104 54922
Quanzhi Zhang Northeast Forestry University 110 83308
Dora Bueno Northeastern University 124 77606
Yang W Lee Northeastern University 104 63750
Yu Zhang Northwestern University 101 43413
Christian Smith Notre Dame 110 56749
Kannan Kannan NSIT 127 57117
Joan A Smith Old Dominion University 98 48048
Jeremy Grimshaw Ottawa Hospital Research Institute 115 131292
Sara Borroni Pangea Formazione Srl 159 110391
Sanjay Singh PDA College of Engineering 90 45752
Ying Zhang Peking University 106 62185
Peter Kravtsov Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute 102 43700
Pairach Boonrod Phetchaburi Rajabhat University 114 56001
Irfan Politeknik Penerbangan Makassar 99 38063
Soraya Politeknik Piksi Ganesha Bandung 85 51326
Mário Costa Polytechnic Institute of Guarda 221 213399
Sung Hyun Kim Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná 237 287014
Saurab Dutta Poornima University 175 132787
Anderson Gan Princeton University 214 253761
Jian Li Princeton University 122 83043
Majid Arabgol Purdue University 157 134290
Sunghan Kim Pusan National University 104 49898
James QuantumOne Consulting 168 106223
Osman Albayrak Recep Tayyip Erdoğan Üniversitesi 142 95603
X George Xu Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 100 55715
Kranthi Bheemanadam Royal Roads University 100 44775
Pawan Kumar Sagrados Technology Services 105 67682
Chao Zhang Salford University 99 55653
Fred H Gage Salk Institute for Biological Studies 214 194761
Luigi Naldini San Raffaele Telethon Institute for Gene Therapy 108 57099
Sameer Malik santa fe packers and movers 108 59394
Brian D Ross Sarisa Therapeutics 167 131849
Martial Foucault Sciences Po Paris 286 885050
Fernando Hidalgo Figuerola SCReN Spanish Clinical Research Network 108 76557
Alan Porter Search Technology Inc; Georgia Tech 102 225552
Anoop Gupta SeekOut 144 91869
Rahmat Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Ekuitas Bandung 168 107750
Seung Goo Kim Seoul National University 194 195639
Ju Ok Park Seoul National University 138 102897
Sun Kee Kim Seoul National University 115 51749
Juliana Gil M Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje SENA 92 33562
Freeman Hu Shandong University 203 188138
Mei Wang Shandong University 134 134153
Jian Liu Shandong University 104 70926
Yu Gang Ma Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics Chinese Academy of Sciences 116 74468
Zhihui Zhang Shanghai Jiao Tong University 107 59371
Zhang Qi Shanghai Jiao Tong University 105 63042
Hui Zhang Shanye Marine Services 139 128498
Pengfei Zhang Shenzhen Institute of Advanced Technology; CAS 128 99402
Shudong Wang Shimane University; Shudo Univesity; Yamaguchi University 113 49039
Zheng Tinghui Sichuan University 129 107448
Chin Tung Cheng SinoTech 103 54276
Hammad T Mousa SMS Company 169 121163
Zhuang Liu Soochow University 120 59148
Li Xuefeng South China University of Technology 98 69367
Jian Zhang Southeast University 91 44255
Jia Su Wang Southwest Jiaotong University 252 351413
Sonam Verma St George's University of London 187 186242
Subodh Verma St Michaels Hospital 100 51408
Sanku Dey St. Anthony's College 85 44118
Wing To Stanford University 180 157136
Jinah Kim Stanford University 116 70551
Dale Reonal STI 141 107844
Ahmad Bodek STIE Pembangunan Tanjungpinang 98 27270
Benjamin STIKOM Uyelindo Kupang 142 86998
Abdullah Harly STIM LPI Makassar 103 37936
Anamika Sharma Subharti Dental College Meerut 91 45782
Lee Seok Yong
Sungkyunkwan University
129 92016
Emiola Olabode Gbobaniyi Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute 148 128050
Yang Yang Syracuse University 117 72508
Yin Tien Wang Tamkang University 119 85180
Wu Chyanchyi Tamkang University 110 60207
Akbar Omonov Tashkent Pediatric Medical institute 146 108929
Morten Dam Jørgensen Terma A/S 132 118604
Li Yongqin Third Military Medical University 101 68764
Mohamed Ali Tikrit University 94 62399
Michael Kapps TNH Health 138 131938
Alexey Klimentov Tomsk Polytechnic University 182 159486
Wei Wang Tongji University 101 57119
James M Smith Towson University 112 88962
Jian Yang Tsinghua University 124 92491
Haijun Yang Tsinghua University 123 108427
Satanjeev Banerjee Twitter Inc 97 66891
Lorenzo U.I.P. 188 158695
Luke P Lee UC Berkeley 129 80870
Dario Loureco UEM 167 122443
William Reinaldi UIN Raden Fatah Palembang 104 37025
Luis Garcia UNEMI 120 62847
Hyun Mo Yang UNICAMP 167 114632
Andrea Stefania Diaz Barros UniMinuto 91 31910
Ma Leticia Nieto Gonzalez Universidad Autónoma de Tamaulipas 186 208304
Julián David Sánchez Universidad Católica de Colombia 151 113949
Laura Daniela Rodriguez Jimenez Universidad Colegio Mayor de Cundinamarca 138 71610
Jonathan Alain Sánchez Paredes Universidad Continental 168 115980
Jenny Lorena Ruiz González Universidad de Boyacá 95 56606
Sara Vidal Gonzalez Universidad de Jaen 177 162975
Jesús David Torres Universidad de la Guajira 202 242167
Jesús Antonio Gómez Escorcha Universidad de Otavalo 98 46419
Silvana Andrea Belalcazar Araujo Universidad del Valle Colombia 269 338559
Aaron Alain Paredes Lopez Universidad del Valle de México 178 149757
Tatiana Melissa Prieto Rodriguez Universidad ECCI 110 46522
Cristian Otalora Osorio Universidad Estadual de Campinas 100 47564
Manuel Gomez Universidad Manuela Beltran 97 48937
Carlos Lopez Universidad Militar Nueva Granada 113 62434
Enrique Rodriguez Bonilla Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia UNAD 120 49540
Melissa Castellanos Universidad Nacional de Chimborazo 115 61375
David Augusto Pérez García Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia 166 122316
John Cristian Benavides Ramirez Universidad Regional Autónoma de los Andes Uniandes 114 51241
Hanwen Zhang Universidad Santo Tomás 209 259667
Valentina Botiva Rey Universidad Santo Tomás 110 65422
Diego Lòpez Universidad Técnica de Cotopaxi 171 213851
Yatzari Campoverde Universidad Técnica de Manabi 122 120784
Ávila Universidad Tecnológica de Tabasco 154 112748
Anderson Universidade de Princeton 186 149352
José Luis La Rosa Navarro Universidade de São Paulo 112 51525
Luiz Almeida Da Silva Universidade de São Paulo 91 51542
Deborah Carvalho Malta Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais 86 43386
Monica Jones Costa Universidade Federal de São Carlos 126 79224
Wagner Carvalho Universidade Federal do ABC 109 40267
Lucas Eduardo Morais Brito Universidade Federal do Tocantins 113 57171
Wanderley Romero Universitaria Agustiniana 109 39849
Suharsimi Arikunto Universitas Ahmad Dahlan 67 194189
Arip Nurahman Universitas Ahmad Dahlan 66 218732
Marini  Universitas Bosowa 107 106060
Azza Bimantara Universitas Gadjah Mada 81 55222
Lisa Sersanawawi Universitas Islam Negeri Sumatera Utara 157 88451
Imran Universitas Jabal Ghafur 97 38334
Monica Cintiya Anggraini Universitas Malahayati 162 100354
Ahmad Universitas Negeri Makassar 159 102858
Saepulloh Universitas Negeri Surabaya 102 59596
Achmad Islahudin Universitas Padjajaran 124 56074
Idrus Lubis Universitas Riau 61 49629
Mukhtar S Sos Universitas Sumatera Utara 110 39387
Gregor Herten Universitat Freiburg 147 139937
M Gomez Universitat Rovira i Virgili 109 54780
Djamel Amoura Université Blida 2 113 49888
Lazhari Rihani université de Alger 2 268 577575
Abi Samir Universite de Msila 156 116394
Bin Abdullah Fathallah Université de Msila 96 135687
Mokdad Université des Sciences et de la Technologie Mohammed Boudiaf Oran 108 59655
Baya Merabet Université Paris Sorbonne Paris 3 127 92139
Lee Chien Sing Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman 114 92580
John N Wood University College London 119 57087
Alexander M Clark University of Alberta 192 208367
Qi Liu University of Alberta 107 55934
Adrian Lussi University of Bern 155 93750
George Davey Smith University of Bristol 226 245458
George Davey Smith University of Bristol 215 227398
Seung U Kim University of British Columbia 113 63304
Su Yeon Kim University of California Berkeley; University of Chicago 117 89317
Terry Jones University of California Davis 146 91341
Hyungjin Kim University of California Los Angeles 155 161806
Anthony G Evans University of California Santa Barbara 158 102500
James Jackson University of Cambridge 154 153484
Eamonn Maher University of Cambridge 122 58490
James Jackson University of Cambridge 119 50077
Kim Minwoo University of Central Arkansas 148 137877
Fukun Tang University of Chicago 196 215731
Suk Kim University of Detroit Mercy 216 223480
Sin Wee Lee University of East London 133 106189
Xiao Fei Li University of Electronic Science and Technology 111 29794
David Anderson University of Exeter 113 67709
David Zhengwen Zhang University of Exeter 93 52041
Yanzhuo Zhang University of Georgia 101 38910
Moshe Kim University of Haifa 101 65903
Zhifeng Ren University of Houston 112 63993
Jong Sung Lee University of Illinois 163 143788
Mbhekeni Ngomane University of Johannesburg 156 93473
Hanan Khalid Khan University of Kashmir 88 39747
Ishmael Sello University of Limpopo 191 232580
A C Smith University of Manchester 100 67184
Clark C Chen University of Minnesota 100 52854
Uday Rida University of Mosul 186 151967
J O Ndinya Achola University of Nairobi 151 94480
Joanna Wang University of New South Wales 119 102790
Jenny Lee University of New South Wales 119 86766
Jessica Lee University of North Carolina 142 122351
Shen En Chen University of North Carolina at Charlotte 201 203873
J Scott Young University of North Carolina at Greensboro 106 51323
Jennifer Lee University of North Texas 129 97892
Liang Chen University of Northern British Columbia 100 62323
Yoshiya Tanaka University of Occupational and Environmental Health, Japan 125 79746
Nick Serpone University of Pavia 102 56674
Nick Serpone University of Pavia 99 56453
Etherapist & Eauthor University of Phoenix 115 46170
Otto S Wolfbeis University of Regensburg 106 41392
Otto S Wolfbeis University of Regensburg 102 38222
Michael W Eysenck University of Roehampton 165 163022
Yi Xie University of Science and Technology of China 114 48267
Lvdan Liu University of Science and Technology of China 104 108542
Seungjae Lee University of Seoul 182 169400
Rupeni Mudunavulu University of South Pacific 90 77386
Jianfeng Zhang University of Southern California 146 86502
Yan Li University of Southern Queensland 108 67817
C H Wang University of Taipei 91 53515
Ying Ling Ann Chen University of Tennessee Space Institute 101 66530
Sharon Vaughn University of Texas at Austin 113 43486
R Dantzer University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center 130 66926
Hara Kazuhiko University of Tsukuba 215 251636
Pil Ryang Lee University of Ulsan 130 88034
Christian Smith University of Warwick 86 37458
Jawad Nawar Khait University of Wasit 141 89775
AlI Ahmed Salah Universté de Alger 61 40043
Manuel José López Martínez Unversidad de Almeria 114 59947
Madhukar Trivedi UT Southwestern Medical School 110 55692
Keunwook Lee Vanderbilt University 127 109168
Manjunatha VBG Groups 156 165383
José Luis Rocha Rodríguez VTTC: Vinculación Tecnológica y Transferencia de Conocimiento 195 212722
Kean Roe Mazo Western Mindanao State University 118 78755
Nedaa Alshehri
Western Sydney University
177 147118
Isabel Martinez Western Sydney University 134 84415
Mntomuhle Sithole Wits University 141 95833
Zhi Liu Wuhan University 125 94350
Han Jiahuai Xiamen University 108 48113
Jinyu Zhang Xi'an Jiaotong University 103 74691
Li Wei Yeungnam University 145 114876
Jongki Kim Yonsei University 121 71136
Christopher Seungkyu Lee Yonsei University 118 67328
Hoguen Kim Yonsei University 113 70991
Li Qinchuan Zhejiang Sci Tech University 109 34892
Zibin Zhang Zhejiang University 153 132026
Qiang Yang Zhejiang University 133 110310
Yizhong Zhang Zhejiang University 91 53154
Xiaogui Wang Zhejiang University of Technology 126 119912
Yusuf Jonas   253 308521
Patrick Montes Castro   243 302996
María Cecilia Burgos V   228 274514
Medical Research   222 532094
Yunqi Chen   212 232732
Oliver Santos
206 199421
Ali Alali   201 98539
Yiguo Zhang   194 223084
Erwin Colorado   193 185454
Katllen Franceschi   190 196360
Angel Castro   187 188738
Anupam Gupta   185 172550
Juan Pablo Alvarez Najar   179 154471
Nether Lands   177 162889
John Lloyd Maradia   176 150565
Giorgi Tsilosani   173 126982
Akram Sattar   171 131976
Abe Gonzalez   167 109412
Sanjay Kymar Saini   166 154567
Dylan Lorenzo García   166 135713
M Abu Hammad   163 109237
Kyle Baronet   160 103921
Rizz TandT   158 168743
Ahmad Mukminun   158 114078
Juann Henrique Souza   157 103337
Ma   156 111030
Maryam Zeinali   156 100609
Joo Hong Lee   154 132493
Sara Romero Ricardo   154 109684
maini london   147 115894
Doctor Ebrahim   147 99952
Siddhu Varma   146 86222
R Roxana   143 135924
He Sataar   141 114660
Jigang Wu   140 92244
Marie Beller   140 78300
Gerhard Ertl   139 78861
Shaoping Li   137 116267
Suryun Kim   136 91571
Job e Care   136 83283
Virginia Cherin   133 89583
Ju Tzu Li   132 87910
Amar   131 78337
Paul Patrick
131 72888
Allen E bergin   130 76881
Azmed Zweil   130 75121
Antonio Tropiano   129 77970
Lee Hock Ann   128 89698
Ronald McElroy   128 51730
William Henderson   127 94590
Richard Lepine   127 84158
Lucien C Manchester   125 70663
V K Singh   125 68708
Dariuosh Mozafarian   123 126045
Surya Prakash   123 84204
Luis Serrano   123 59081
Hyangin Kim   121 76416
Amit Kumar Chauhan   117 78028
Armando Santoro   117 76035
Michael Wilson   116 61664
Junfeng Wu   115 70630
Andrew Smith   113 66481
Rakesh Kumar   112 61951
Munther A Khamashta   111 56005
SangHoon Park   110 62529
Ji Yeon Kim   109 86203
Wang Yu   109 68333
Daeyoung Kim   109 67059
Zou   107 50690
Stephane Blanche   104 40470
Smith Bhadra   103 40192
N Kumar   102 72438
Luis Diaz   102 54807
Liyuan Li   100 61597
Georg Hegel   99 96848
John Smith   99 47664
Cameron Eisen   96 58647
Rupert Williams   96 47784
M J Gajjar   96 36115
M A   95 32609
John Arthur Smith   94 50890
Jack Smith   94 47848
Janice Witt Smith   90 39432
Carmen Elena Rodriguez Martinez 90 29515