Ranking of scientists in El Salvador Institutions according to their Google Scholar Citations public profiles

Fifth edition

          This edition data was collected during the third week of November 2016. The list consists of the Top 8 profiles ranked first by h-index in decreasing order and then by the total number of citations. Please contact us (isidro.aguillo@csic.es) if you discover any error, but we strongly suggest to read Methodology in advance.


1 José Ricardo Gutiérrez Quintanilla Universidad Tecnológica de El Salvador 8 168
2 Héctor Samour Universidad Centroamericana José Simeón Cañas 7 142
3 Roberto Hernandez Rauda Universidad Dr Andrés Bello El Salvador 6 156
4 Sonia Elsy Merino   5 220
5 Jorge E Lemus Universidad Don Bosco El Salvador 5 116
6 Amparo Marroquín Universidad Centroamericana José Simeón Cañas 5 80
7 Elio Morán Instituto Especializado de Educacion Superior de Profesionales de la salud 4 262
8 Oscar Martínez Peñate Escuela de Formación Registral 4 73