The July 2017 edition of the Ranking Web of Repositories was cancelled after discovering many entries with a large number of webpages, exceeding several times the global output of the institution. After inspection, we realized the individual records (papers, thesis, chapters) were producing a very large number of webpages (different entries for authors, collection, keywords), so it was impossible to use the "Presence" indicator as a proxy of institutional commitment to the open access initiatives. It is not clear if this is an intended action or it is a result of using new (?) management software, but its impact is so important that radical actions were needed. (Updated 30 October 2017: The Ranking of Repositories has been cancelled definitively).
Regarding the Ranking Web of Universities, from on January 2018 edition we will give value equals to zero (=0) in the Openness indicator to those universities with a Journal (or group, department, project, faculty, university or similar non-personal) profile in the Top 10 Google Scholar profiles of their email-domain filtered profiles.