Highly Cited Researchers (h>100) according to their Google Scholar Citations public profiles

12th Edition         

          The data for this edition was collected during the last week of April 2020 of a BETA list of the public profiles of the most highly cited researchers (h-index larger than 100) according to their declared presence in the Google Scholar Citations database. The high energy physicists with hyper-authored papers are excluded.

          The list, that  includes both living and deceased authors, is ranked first by h-index in decreasing order and when ties appear, then by the total number of citations as a secondary criteria.

          This ranking is far of being complete, as many scientists have not developed a GSC public profile yet. It is volountary but it is a very easy and free task and with a surprisingly large coverage of both contributions and citations. It is also probably we overlooked a few profiles, so please contact us with any information regarding gaps, missing profiles or the full project. Our editor is available from this email address Isidro F. Aguillo (isidro.aguillo@csic.es), but we strongly suggest to read Methodology in advance. There is a list of incorrect profiles, comments and suggestions are welcomed.

1 Michel Foucault Collège de France 296 1026230
2 Ronald C Kessler Harvard University 289 392494
3 Graham Colditz Washington University in St Louis 288 316548
4 Sigmund Freud University of Vienna 284 552109
5 JoAnn E Manson Brigham and Women's Hospital Harvard Medical School 284 332728
6 Shizuo Akira Osaka University 276 362588
7 Pierre Bourdieu Centre de Sociologie Européenne; Collège de France 274 771039
8 Robert Langer Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIT 273 308874
9 Eric Lander Broad Institute Harvard MIT 272 454569
10 Bert Vogelstein Johns Hopkins University 270 410260
11 Eugene Braunwald Brigham and Women's Hospital Harvard Medical School 267 363862
12 Michael Graetzel Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne 264 364838
13 Frank B Hu Harvard University 256 307111
14 Yi Hwa Liu Yale University 255 332019
15 M A Caligiuri City of Hope National Medical Center 253 345173
16 Gordon Guyatt McMaster University 252 284725
17 Salim Yusuf McMaster University 250 357419
18 Michael Karin University of California San Diego 250 273000
19 Richard A Flavell Yale University; Howard Hughes Medical Institute 244 221895
20 T W Robbins University of Cambridge 239 180615
21 Zhong Lin Wang Georgia Institute of Technology 238 234085
22 Martín Heidegger Universität Freiburg 234 335652
23 Paul M Ridker Harvard Medical School 234 318801
24 Daniel Levy National Institutes of Health NIH 232 286694
25 Guido Kroemer INSERM 231 240372
26 Steven A Rosenberg National Institutes of Health NIH 231 224154
27 Matthias Mann Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry; University of Copenhagen 230 243995
28 Karl Friston University College London 229 243329
29 Robert J Lefkowitz Howard Hughes Medical Institute; Duke University 229 188149
30 Douglas G Altman Oxford University 228 494237
31 Eric Topol Scripps Research Institute 228 272767
32 Michael Rutter King's College London 227 244340
33 Carlo Croce Ohio State University 226 237839
34 Kenneth Kinzler Johns Hopkins University 225 277500
35 S B Kim Seoul National University 225 265235
36 John Trojanowski University of Pennsylvania 224 211479
37 Chris Frith University College London 224 198888
38 Peter J Barnes Imperial College London 223 218561
39 Ralph B D'Agostino Boston University 222 227169
40 Peter Libby Harvard Medical School 222 215414
41 A S Fauci National Institutes of Health NIH 220 207431
42 Younan Xia Georgia Institute of Technology 220 199624
43 Adam Warburton McGill University 215 225356
44 Joseph E Stiglitz Columbia University 214 309759
45 Justin Albert University of Victoria 212 217871
46 Mark P Mattson Johns Hopkins University 212 167102
47 David J Hunter Harvard University 211 235005
48 Ronald M Evans Salk Institute 211 193460
49 Harold J Vinegar Vinegar Technologies LLC; Ben Gurion University 211 76316
50 Jacques Derrida École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales de Paris EHESS 210 306367
51 Eric Rimm Harvard University 210 212830
52 Friedrich Nietzsche Universidad de Bonn 208 261639
53 Craig Thompson Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center 208 192917
54 Stephen V Faraone SUNY Upstate Medical University 208 162854
55 Albert Einstein Institute for Advanced Study 207 260659
56 Eugene Koonin National Institutes of Health NIH 207 184849
57 Cyrus Cooper University of Southampton; Oxford University; Mayo Clinic 207 183787
58 Xiaoping Zhang Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai 207 179985
59 Yen Da Chen Lunghwa University of Science 206 251815
60 Michael G Marmot University College London 206 227610
61 Alan Heeger University of California Santa Barbara 206 216222
62 Kokmeng Lee Georgia Institute of Technology 206 184291
63 Raymond J Dolan University College London 206 171847
64 Richard Frackowiak EPFL; CHUV; UCL 206 164161
65 Yunfei Gao Purdue University 206 154016
66 Amartya Sen Harvard University 204 349329
67 Diederick E Grobbee University Medical Center Utrecht 204 238039
68 Jong Suk Lee Korea Institute of Science & Technology 204 189982
69 Kwanil Lee Korea Institute of Science and Technology 204 181195
70 Irving Weissman Stanford University 202 186852
71 Lewis C Cantley Weill Cornell Medical College 202 176118
72 Thomas Doherty University of Edinburgh 201 244613
73 Peer Bork European Molecular Biology Laboratory 201 226431
74 Ralph Hruban Johns Hopkins University 201 169652
75 Christopher Murray University of Washington 200 309317
76 Valentin Fuster Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Cardiovasculares CNIC 200 285301
77 Harlan Krumholz Yale University 200 218753
78 Kin Sing Lee Michigan State University 200 170970
79 Daniel R Weinberger Lieber Institute for Brain Development 200 155865
80 Dennis Charney Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai 200 154674
81 Albert Bandura Stanford University 199 642527
82 Gregory Lip University of Liverpool; Aalborg University 199 307715
83 C Ronald Kahn Joslin Diabetes Center and Harvard Medical School 199 146025
84 Luigi Ferrucci National Institutes of Health NIH 198 220656
85 Mark Daly Harvard University 196 280584
86 Robert A Weinberg Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIT 196 271613
87 John P A Ioannidis Stanford University 196 267437
88 Kenneth Kendler Virginia Commonwealth University 196 169952
89 Yi Cui Stanford University 195 171869
90 Bharat B Aggarwal University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center 195 139715
91 Patrice Graham Lincoln Memorial University 194 217624
92 Cornelia M Van Duijn   194 157162
93 Tim D Spector King's College London 194 153181
94 John McMurray University of Glasgow 193 284192
95 Nicholas Wareham University of Cambridge 193 201516
96 Simon Baron Cohen University of Cambridge 193 187228
97 Alberto Mantovani Istituto Clinico Humanitas; Università degli Studi di Milano 193 179837
98 Joan Massague Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Cencer 192 165649
99 R Aebersold ETH Zürich 192 159220
100 Adrian L Harris Oxford University 192 156023
101 Alan Evans McGill University 192 148346
102 Joel Schwartz Harvard School of Public Health 192 127741
103 Hans Clevers Hubrecht Institute Utrecht 191 156432
104 Stuart H Orkin Harvard University 191 116563
105 Hongjie Dai Stanford University 190 200835
106 Douglas R Green St Jude Children's Research Hospital 190 164601
107 George P Chrousos National and Kapodistrian University of Athens 190 152817
108 Dennis W Dickson Mayo Clinic 190 149917
109 Michael Tomasello Duke University; Max Planck for Evolutionary Anthropology 189 151499
110 Karlheinz Meier Ruprecht Karls Universität Heidelberg 188 204217
111 Steven R Cummings CPMC Research Institute; University of California San Francisco 188 192353
112 Yusuke Nakamura JFCR; University of Chicago; University of Tokyo; RIKEN; Cancer Institute 188 180217
113 Ralph Weissleder Massachusetts General Hospital 188 160260
114 Terrie E Moffitt Duke University 188 159212
115 Philip Kotler Northwestern University 187 442387
116 Anil K Jain Michigan State University 187 205305
117 H Eugene Stanley Boston University 187 189725
118 Krzysztof Matyjaszewski Carnegie Mellon University 187 150646
119 Zygmunt Bauman University of Leeds 186 384590
120 G Remuzzi Istituto di Ricerche Farmacologiche Mario Negri  186 215047
121 Lam Ching Wan University of Hong Kong 186 207843
122 Justin Thomas University of Notre Dame 186 200337
123 Stefan Schael RWTH Aachen University 186 153228
124 Nicholas G Martin QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute 186 150247
125 Raymond Brock Michigan State University 185 188204
126 H Erich Wichmann Helmholtz Zentrum München; LMU München 185 175477
127 Peidong Yang University of California Berkeley 185 151995
128 Tony Hunter Salk Institute for Biological Studies 185 143617
129 Elaine Sarkin Jaffe National Institutes of Health NIH 184 166700
130 Giancarlo Susinno Universita della Calabria; Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare 184 148864
131 Russel J Reiter University of Texas Health Science Center San Antonio 184 143654
132 Frank J Gonzalez National Institutes of Health NIH 184 142218
133 Michael G Rosenfeld University of California San Diego 184 121319
134 Timothy Springer Harvard Medical School; Childrens Hospital Boston 183 144073
135 Robin M Murray King's College London 183 133348
136 John Minna University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center 183 128499
137 Noam Chomsky Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIT 182 414105
138 Karl Marx University of Bonn; University of Berlin; University of Jena 182 331326
139 David Botstein Princeton University 182 240621
140 Leroy Hood Institute for Systems Biology 182 165219
141 Jan Ake Gustafsson University of Houston 182 160719
142 Patrick C Walsh Johns Hopkins University 182 143843
143 Gordon B Mills University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center 182 143799
144 Peter W Wilson Emory University 182 142114
145 Jean Frechet King Abdullah University of Science and Technology 182 125327
146 Michael E Porter Bishop William Lawrence University; Harvard Business School 181 535384
147 Gilles Deleuze   181 320673
148 James F Sallis Australian Catholic University 181 173815
149 Douglas Easton University of Cambridge 181 149247
150 P M Ajayan Rice University 181 144421
151 Avshalom Caspi Duke University 181 142272
152 Anil Sood   181 135516
153 Eric Nestler Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai 181 125268
154 Antonietti Markus Max Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces 181 124964
155 Richard K Wilson Nationwide Children's Hospital; Ohio State University 180 238547
156 David R Anderson Colorado State University 180 194765
157 Bruce Spiegelman Harvard University 180 173605
158 Gábor I Veres Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem 180 135939
159 Joseph Schlessinger Yale University 180 134871
160 John Yates Scripps Research Institute 180 134169
161 Bradley Hyman Massachusetts General Hospital; Harvard Medical School 180 132521
162 Jens Juul Holst University of Copenhagen 180 128555
163 Herbert W Marsh Australian Catholic University; Oxford University 180 124160
164 Herbert A Simon Carnegie Mellon University 179 364102
165 Emelia J Benjamin Boston University 179 234162
166 George A Wells University of Ottawa 179 213614
167 Deborah Cook McMaster University 179 204693
168 Thomas E  Finger University Colorado 179 140064
169 Nicholas J White Mahidol University; Oxford University 179 127988
170 Nahum Sonenberg McGill University 179 117564
171 Richard M Ryan Australian Catholic University 178 344575
172 Jean Philippe Collet Sorbonne Université; Inserm; Institut de Cardiologie 178 262803
173 Rob Knight University of California San Diego 178 196074
174 Cheng Wang Intel Labs 178 178588
175 Karl Barry Sharpless Scripps Research Institute 178 164229
176 Stephen B Baylin Van Andel Research Institute 178 152203
177 Lance Liotta George Mason University 178 136097
178 Alan Silman Oxford University 178 135891
179 Stephen R Bloom Imperial College London 178 132420
180 Lawrence Summers Harvard University 177 151782
181 Jeffrey Cummings Cleveland Clinic 177 149656
182 Tomas Hökfelt Karolinska Institutet 177 127641
183 Nicholas Talley University of Newcastle 177 113055
184 Jean Louis Vincent Université Libre de Bruxelles 176 200455
185 R H Friend University of Cambridge 176 160235
186 Gregg L Semenza Johns Hopkins University 176 146757
187 Tobin Marks Northwestern University 176 136104
188 Adi Gazdar University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center 176 132760
189 Robert M May University of Oxford 175 157016
190 Didier Raoult Aix Marseille Université; CHU Timone 175 149549
191 Roy S Herbst Yale University; Smilow Cancer Hospital at Yale New Haven 175 137061
192 Richard J Davidson University of Wisconsin Madison 175 124312
193 George Koob National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism 175 121419
194 Stephen O'rahilly University of Cambridge 175 118832
195 John Rothwell University College London 175 112799
196 Roy F Baumeister University of Queensland 174 196687
197 René S Kahn Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai 174 168223
198 Napoleone Ferrara University of California San Diego 174 167912
199 Monique M B Breteler   174 158681
200 Gregg C Fonarow University of California Los Angeles 174 131332
201 John A Rogers Northwestern University 174 124655
202 Carl Cotman University of California Irvine 174 120263
203 Chris Sander Dana Farber Cancer Institute; Harvard Medical School; Broad Institute; Memorial Sloan Kettering 173 189581
204 Jiawei Han University of Illinois 173 185998
205 Donald Truhlar University of Minnesota 173 169966
206 D W Schindler University of Alberta 173 159126
207 Claude Bouchard Pennington Biomedical Research Center 173 145752
208 Myrna M Weissman Columbia University 173 145141
209 Stefano Colafranceschi Florida Institute of Technology 173 123747
210 Richard Lipton Albert Einstein College of Medicine 173 118091
211 Frederick Appelbaum Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center 173 110607
212 Alvaro Pascual Leone Harvard University 173 107056
213 Stephen L Buchwald Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIT 173 101723
214 Goncalo Abecasis University of Michigan 172 204273
215 Chad Mirkin Northwestern University 172 151992
216 Peter Carmeliet Universiteit van Leuven VIB 172 135100
217 Marc Van Montagu VIB IPBO 172 108442
218 Xiong Wen David Lou Nanyang Technological University 172 82149
219 Richard Peto Oxford University 171 231657
220 Ed Diener University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign; University of Washington 171 223492
221 Jack Hirsh McMaster University 171 165309
222 Huahai Yang IBM Almaden Research Center 171 152898
223 Jeffrey A Lieberman Columbia University 171 150239
224 Lex Bouter VU University Amsterdam 171 116500
225 M Flint Beal Weill Cornell Medical College 171 105914
226 Andrew P Mcmahon University of Southern California 171 97247
227 Paul Alivisatos University of California Berkeley; Lawrence Berkeley National Lab 170 159830
228 Mark McCarthy Oxford University 170 149934
229 Nicholas A Peppas University of Texas at Dallas 170 136561
230 David A Weitz Harvard University 170 106863
231 Derek Lovley University of Massachusetts Amherst 170 99635
232 Vinod Kumar Gupta Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee 170 86458
233 Markku Laakso University of Eastern Finland 169 189251
234 Veysi Erkcan Ozcan Bogazici University 169 171986
235 Jane Cauley University of Pittsburgh 169 158659
236 Vasan Ramachandran   169 146074
237 William Sandborn University of California San Diego 169 122535
238 Martin Blaser New York University School of Medicine 169 116402
239 Jiaguo Yu Wuhan University of Technology 169 97490
240 James J Heckman University of Chicago 168 204148
241 Gad Getz Broad Institute Harvard MIT 168 172276
242 Mark Gerstein Yale University 168 150134
243 Carlo La Vecchia Università degli Studi di Milano 168 137314
244 Zena Werb University of California San Francisco 168 131969
245 Adam Heller Synagile Corp and University of Texas 168 119448
246 Kypros Nicolaides   168 117613
247 Richard Young Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIT 168 116985
248 George Church Harvard Medical School 168 116314
249 Willem M de Vos Wageningen University; Helsinki University 168 113660
250 Brenda Penninx   168 107634
251 Stephen R Forrest University of Michigan 167 143965
252 Stuart J Connolly Population Health Research Institute; Mcmaster University 167 138737
253 I Kawachi Harvard University 167 138295
254 Gregg W Stone Columbia University 167 134326
255 Philip Cohen University of Dundee 167 127970
256 Stephen Holgate University of Southampton 167 120039
257 Ralph Weichselbaum University of Chicago 167 120002
258 Marc Kirschner Harvard Medical School 167 112807
259 Ronald A DePinho University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center 167 110764
260 David Baker University of Washington 167 102539
261 Lewis L Lanier University of California San Francisco 167 95666
262 Yuh Nung Jan University of California San Francisco 167 84255
263 Stacey Gabriel Broad Institute Harvard MIT 166 235137
264 Ronald W Davis Stanford University 166 189692
265 Wilmar Schaufeli Utrecht University 166 177631
266 Chen Yongsheng National University Health System 166 174046
267 John T Cacioppo University of Chicago 166 165575
268 L Adrienne Cupples Boston University 166 150569
269 Marcus E Raichle Washington University in St Louis 166 148711
270 Barry Popkin University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 166 142300
271 Ralph A DeFronzo University of Texas Health Science Center San Antonio 166 132995
272 Paul Thompson University of Southern California 166 132464
273 Robert Black Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health 166 130444
274 Philippe Froguel Imperial College London; CNRS 166 123421
275 Joseph Wang New Mexico State University; Arizona State University; Technion; University of California San Diego 166 116829
276 D I Boomsma VU University Amsterdam 166 113764
277 Roberto Castello École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne 166 112788
278 Edward T Bullmore University of Cambridge; GlaxoSmithKline 166 110781
279 Jeanne Brooks Gunn Columbia University 166 109573
280 David Holtzman Washington University in St Louis 166 96510
281 Robert M Strieter Novartis Institutes for Biomedical Research 166 86462
282 Paul R Krugman Princeton University 165 238104
283 David Haussler University of California Santa Cruz 165 208049
284 Jeffrey I Gordon Washington University in St. Louis 165 182785
285 Michael I Jordan University of California Berkeley 165 176764
286 Elio Riboli Imperial College London 165 138879
287 Michael Snyder Stanford University 165 138360
288 Avelino Corma Canos Instituto de Tecnología Química UPV CSIC 165 137997
289 James Blair National Institute of Mental Health 165 136242
290 Paolo Boffetta Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai 165 135490
291 Kenji Kangawa National Cerebral and Cardiovascular Center 165 131346
292 Fraser Stoddart Northwestern University 165 117880
293 Gerald I Shulman Howard Hughes Medical Institute 165 115050
294 David P Farrington University of Cambridge 165 103002
295 Michael Vonkorff Kaiser Permanente Washington Health Research Institute 165 100211
296 Anders Björklund Lund University 165 83612
297 Gregory Hannon Cambridge University; New York Genome Center; Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory 164 182676
298 Tiziano Rovelli Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare Bologna 164 142626
299 Mauro Villa Università di Bologna; Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare Bologna 164 140188
300 Moungi Bawendi Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIT 164 126306
301 Steven P Gygi Harvard Medical School 164 125632
302 A Jamil Tajik   164 111780
303 Michael E Phelps University of California Los Angeles 164 106295
304 Joseph Jankovic Baylor College of Medicine 164 104699
305 Lily Jan University of California San Francisco 164 76329
306 Hiroshi Takeda Kyoto University 163 165825
307 David Tilman University of Minnesota 163 161977
308 Alexei V Filippenko University of California Berkeley 163 151856
309 Evan Eichler University of Washington 163 147972
310 Rudolf Frühwirth Institute of High Energy Physics OEAW 163 142560
311 Hans Ulrich Wittchen Technische Universitaet Dresden 163 133553
312 Jorge Antonio Gómez Luna Universidade de São Paulo 163 131399
313 John Freeman Point Park University 163 128317
314 Hans Olov Adami Harvard School of Public Health 163 122580
315 Jack Strominger Harvard University 163 116067
316 Donald Ingber Harvard University 163 104768
317 Robert G Roeder Rockefeller University 163 96395
318 Alan Baddeley University of York 162 209009
319 Piotr Zalewski Policja 162 140591
320 Youfa Zhang Southeast University of China 162 129860
321 Jiandi Zhang Louisiana State University 162 119073
322 Stanislas Dehaene Collège de France 162 112173
323 Ted M Dawson Johns Hopkins University 162 107643
324 Frederik Barkhof VU University Medical Center 162 105905
325 Johan Auwerx EPFL 162 97743
326 Edmund T Rolls Oxford Centre for Computational Neuroscience; University of Warwick 162 93394
327 Josef Coresh Johns Hopkins University 161 190150
328 Takeo Kanade Carnegie Mellon University 161 156710
329 F Stuart Chapin III University of Alaska Fairbanks 161 154002
330 Mika Kivimaki University College London; University of Helsinki 161 148843
331 Christopher P Cannon Harvard Medical School 161 133509
332 Xabier Anduaga Universidad Nacional de la Plata 161 124084
333 Philip S Yu University of Illinois at Chicago 161 119870
334 Philip Scheltens VU University Medical Center 161 115060
335 Michael Manns Medizinische Hochschule Hannover 161 114153
336 Robert Plomin King's College London 161 111058
337 Steve C R Williams King's College London 161 110520
338 Caroline Freund Peterson Institute for International Economics 160 230641
339 John Butler Royal Marsden Hospital 160 226242
340 Martin Seligman University of Pennsylvania 160 204922
341 Lars Wallentin Uppsala University 160 199818
342 Daniel J Rader University of Pennsylvania 160 154046
343 Terrence Sejnowski Francis Crick Institute; Salk Institute for Biological Studies; University of California San Diego 160 143595
344 Jacquelynne Sue Eccles University of California Irvine 160 133332
345 William A Goddard California Institute of Technology 160 132831
346 Anthony Cerami Rockefeller University; Araim Pharmaceuticals 160 120042
347 Roberto Romero NICHD NIH 160 119265
348 Jean Bousquet INSERM 160 116715
349 Larry R Squire University of California San Diego; Veterans Affairs San Diego Healthcare System 160 114510
350 Dongyuan Zhao Fudan University 160 111344
351 Daniel Schacter Harvard University 160 110834
352 John Morley Saint Louis University 160 107619
353 Antonella Succurro University of Cologne 160 105937
354 Ian J Deary University of Edinburgh 160 105617
355 Bert W O'Malley Baylor College of Medicine 160 101159
356 Robert E W Hancock University of British Columbia 160 99334
357 Zhenan Bao Stanford University 160 97670
358 J John Mann Columbia University; New York State Psychiatric Institute 160 96078
359 Kuo Chen Chou Gordon Life Science Institute 160 73182
360 Theodor Adorno Goethe Universität Frankfurt am Main 159 182442
361 Cass R Sunstein Harvard University 159 129219
362 Jeffrey S Flier Harvard Medical School 159 120214
363 Richard S Ellis University College London 159 112770
364 Anthony E Lang University of Toronto 159 103245
365 Fred Guengerich Vanderbilt University 159 101224
366 Bart Staels Université Lille 2 159 98760
367 Gregory J Gores Mayo Clinic 159 81074
368 Geoffrey Hinton University of Toronto 158 364560
369 Yoshua Bengio University of Montreal; Mila; CIFAR; CRM; IVADO; REPARTI; GRSNC 158 273964
370 P Gabriel Steg Université Paris 7 Diderot Sorbonne Paris Cité 158 199699
371 Zulfiqar Bhutta Centre for Global Child Health Toronto 158 164811
372 M K Nazeeruddin Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne 158 126534
373 Roger J Davis Howard Hughes Medical Institute and Molecular Medicine 158 120325
374 Tien Yin Wong Singapore National Eye Center 158 120064
375 Ernest E Moore Denver Health Medical Center 158 117656
376 Jaakko Kaprio University of Helsinki 158 116737
377 Adrian Furnham University College London 158 111784
378 David Cella Northwestern University 158 109504
379 Eduardo Salas Rice University 158 95899
380 Michael P Lisanti University of Salford 158 90744
381 W M Linehan National Cancer Institute 158 89853
382 Elinor Ostrom Arizona State University 157 204624
383 Andrew Zisserman Oxford University 157 201760
384 Patrick O Brown Impossible Foods Inc; Stanford University School of Medicine 157 187969
385 James P Butler Harvard School of Public Health; Harvard Medical School 157 179087
386 Arnold B Bakker Erasmus University Rotterdam 157 150090
387 David Lopez Mateos Harvard University 157 138448
388 A John Rush Duke National University of Singapore 157 134663
389 Klaus Schulten University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign 157 133515
390 Robert A Baron Oklahoma State University 157 131498
391 Sanjiv Kaul Oregon Health & Science University 157 124314
392 David Bates Harvard Medical School 157 122289
393 Patrice David CNRS 157 121390
394 James Tiedje Michigan State University 157 108329
395 Jonathan I Epstein Johns Hopkins University 157 106971
396 Pier Paolo Pandolfi Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center 157 94102
397 Scott T Weiss Harvard Medical School 157 87725
398 Charles Serhan Brigham and Women's Hospital Harvard Medical School 157 85974
399 Rodney S Ruoff Ulsan National University 156 197338
400 John E Ware Jr University of Massachusetts Medical School 156 193556
401 Marco Marra BC Cancer 156 162836
402 Deepak L Bhatt Harvard Medical School 156 162738
403 Jeffrey D Sachs   156 155061
404 Harold Mooney Stanford University 156 145735
405 Carol Brayne Cambridge Institute of Public Health 156 141000
406 Joseph LeDoux New York University 156 129406
407 Kenneth A Dodge Duke University 156 120217
408 Janice D Thomas The Cancer Institute of New Jersey 156 118286
409 Gabriel Nuñez University of Michigan 156 112969
410 Thomas C Quinn Johns Hopkins University 156 112499
411 Dan Littman New York University 156 111357
412 Lei Jiang Technical Institute of Physics and Chemistry Chinese Academy of Sciences 156 110078
413 Paul R Ehrlich Stanford University 156 106316
414 D Das BARC 156 105965
415 Jian Kang Zhu Purdue University 156 105125
416 Dimitrios Trichopoulos Harvard School of Public Health; National and Kapodistrian University of Athens 156 103407
417 Teruo Okano Tokyo Women's Medical University 156 102544
418 David J Brooks Newcastle University 156 97611
419 Carlos Cordon Cardo Mount Sinai School of Medicine 156 97349
420 Patricia Goldman Rakic Yale University 156 91131
421 Inder M Verma Salk Institute for Biological Studies 156 90009
422 Mark J Smyth QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute 156 86737
423 Robert M Post Grounded Theory Institute  156 86526
424 Stanley Falkow Stanford University 156 84589
425 Michel Nussenzweig Howard Hughes Medical Institute; Rockefeller University 156 81054
426 Ferenc Jolesz Brigham and Women's Hospital Harvard Medical School 156 76440
427 Marin Soljacic Massachusetts Institute of Technology 156 66199
428 Tom Maniatis Columbia University 155 351606
429 Panos Deloukas Queen Mary University of London 155 190444
430 Matthias Egger University of Bern 155 175192
431 Stefan D Anker Charité Berlin 155 161327
432 Omar Yaghi University of California Berkeley 155 158007
433 Thomas S Huang University of Illinois Urbana Champaign 155 157725
434 Peter Tugwell Université de Ottawa 155 146784
435 Scott Shenker University of California Berkeley 155 145902
436 Alexandre Vaniachine Argonne National Laboratory 155 139533
437 Richard A Posner University of Chicago 155 132843
438 Geoffrey Burnstock University College London 155 123532
439 Ana Valeria Barros Castro Henry Ford Health System 155 119115
440 C N R Rao Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research 155 118742
441 David Sidransky Johns Hopkins University 155 113574
442 Stephen Chanock National Institutes of Health NIH 155 109660
443 Barry Trost Stanford University 155 109555
444 Christopher M Dobson University of Cambridge 155 106938
445 Stephen J O'Brien Nova Southeastern University 155 103479
446 Gordon Freeman Dana Farber Cancer Institute; Harvard Medical School 155 101103
447 Jean Pierre Changeux Pasteur Institute 155 99004
448 John Dewey University of Chicago 154 288758
449 Todd Golub Broad Institute 154 185736
450 Pratap Chandra Behera University of Delhi 154 144787
451 Russell Tracy University of Vermont 154 137485
452 Richard M Myers HudsonAlpha Institute for Biotechnology 154 133214
453 Stefano Veneziano Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare 154 131354
454 Yury Gogotsi Drexel University 154 111021
455 Colin Louis Masters University of Melbourne 154 109977
456 Rattan Lal   154 105488
457 Xiaoyuan Chen National Institutes of Health NIH 154 105005
458 Kevin J Gaston University of Exeter 154 94371
459 Eugene C Butcher Stanford University 154 84627
460 Ming T Tsuang University of California San Diego 154 84124
461 John F Hartwig University of California Berkeley 154 77937
462 Kenneth J Arrow Stanford University 153 215911
463 K M Narayan Emory University 153 195029
464 Ali H Mokdad University of Washington 153 185858
465 Howard Gardner Harvard University 153 184367
466 Cormac Taylor University College Dublin 153 158490
467 Paul Costa Duke University 153 152950
468 Michael I Posner University of Oregon 153 149708
469 Klaus Honscheid Ohio State University 153 136771
470 Frits R Rosendaal Leiden University Medical Center 153 135398
471 Jukka T Salonen University of Helsinki 153 130335
472 Linda Darling Hammond Stanford University 153 121368
473 Gerald M Rubin Howard Hughes Medical Institute 153 121294
474 Galen Stucky University of California Santa Barbara 153 120163
475 Michael A Strauss Princeton University 153 115532
476 Chen Xiang Baylor College of Medicine 153 111787
477 Alan E Kazdin Yale University 153 104297
478 Peter Reich University of Minnesota 153 103719
479 Kai Simons Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics 153 101053
480 Richard A Deyo Oregon Health & Science University 153 99222
481 Peter A Wijeratne University College London 153 99139
482 Jingdan Zhang Siemens Corporate Research 153 98840
483 Jianzhong Zhang Beijing ESKY Technology Ltd 153 98528
484 George Perry University of Texas at San Antonio 153 93836
485 Jiong Zhang University of Illinois 153 92059
486 Menachem Elimelech Yale University 153 90609
487 Prashant V Kamat University of Notre Dame 153 89295
488 Don W Cleveland University of California San Diego 153 86440
489 Dirk Inze Ghent University 153 85436
490 Alessandro Sette La Jolla Institute for Allergy & Immunology 153 76089
491 Jean Marie Tarascon College de France 152 155433
492 Richard E Mayer University of California Santa Barbara 152 148813
493 Ya Ju Lee National Taiwan Normal University 152 144985
494 Eugene H Blackstone University of Alabama; Cleveland Clinic 152 129929
495 Philip Jones University of East Anglia 152 126432
496 Adriaan Bax National Institutes of Health NIH 152 119950
497 Vishva M Dixit Genentech Inc 152 109531
498 Timothy Heckman Johns Hopkins University 152 109051
499 Andrew C Heath Washington University in St Louis 152 106089
500 Richard D Smith Pacific Northwest National Laboratory 152 102696
501 Johnson Thomas Oklahoma State University 152 102564
502 Yaakov Stern Columbia University 152 100095
503 Dante Cicchetti University of Minnesota 152 97786
504 Nancy C Andreasen University of Iowa 152 95895
505 Giorgio Trinchieri National Institutes of Health NIH 152 95547
506 Svante Paabo Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology  152 92837
507 Nico van Rooijen VUMC Amsterdam; Liposoma Science park Amsterdam 152 90229
508 Itamar Willner Hebrew University of Jerusalem 152 86850
509 Alan Fersht University of Cambridge 152 81398
510 Daniel J Jacob Harvard University 152 72281
511 Hannah Arendt Stanford; Princeton; Yale; University of Chicago 151 264917
512 Stefan Thor Smith   151 259092
513 M H Criqui University of California San Diego 151 201854
514 David Altshuler Vertex Pharmaceuticals 151 195911
515 Xianwei Wang Sun Yat sen University 151 161461
516 Robert Bonow Northwestern University 151 158397
517 Chen Chuncheng Insitute of Chemistry 151 128641
518 Martin Nowak Harvard University 151 113649
519 Jean Luc Bredas Georgia Institute of Technology 151 106910
520 Phaedon Avouris IBM 151 103759
521 Seeram Ramakrishna National University of Singapore 151 103634
522 Ted Belytschko Northwestern University 151 103203
523 Richard Mayeux Columbia University 151 95434
524 Cesar Victora Universidade Federal de Pelotas 151 95393
525 Jun Liu Pacific Northwest National Laboratory 151 93397
526 Niels Birbaumer University of Tübingen; Wyss Center 151 92677
527 T P Russell University of Massachusetts Amherst 151 89972
528 Christopher Thomas Walsh Stanford University 151 88450
529 Mark van Loosdrecht Delft University of Technology 151 87066
530 N H Chua Rockefeller University 151 72749
531 Markus Büchler   151 67509
532 Robert Tibshirani Stanford University 150 330129
533 Paul Slovic University of Oregon 150 246078
534 Edward O Wilson Museum of Comparative Zoology Harvard University 150 219413
535 Peter Drucker Claremont University 150 200092
536 Roxana Mehran Mount Sinai School of Medicine 150 150363
537 Hermann Brenner   150 149660
538 James H Brown University of New Mexico 150 127549
539 Michael F Holick Boston University 150 125946
540 Christopher K Glass University of California San Diego 150 109440
541 Yang Yang University of California Los Angeles 150 108954
542 Naveed Sattar University of Glasgow 150 106349
543 Manel Esteller Josep Carreras Leukaemia Research Institute; University of Barcelona 150 102147
544 John L Hopper University of Melbourne 150 97163
545 Mark Cooper Monash University 150 91113
546 David Mooney Harvard University; Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIT; University of Michigan 150 90408
547 Jerrold M Olefsky University of California San Diego 150 87731
548 Dan Geschwind University of California Los Angeles 150 87195
549 Bernhard Palsson University of California San Diego 150 86606
550 Tomas Ganz University of California Los Angeles 150 83657
551 Alan S Verkman University of California San Francisco 150 76065
552 Edward L Deci Australian Catholic University Sydney; University of Rochester; University College of Southeast Norway 149 303348
553 Karl Swedberg University of Gothenburg 149 156292
554 Mark D Adams Jackson Laboratory for Genomic Medicine 149 155863
555 Andrew S Levey Tufts Medical Center; Tufts University 149 154407
556 Daron Acemoglu Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIT 149 152215
557 Jean Pierre Després Universitè Laval 149 134467
558 James J Gross Stanford University 149 130780
559 Anders M Dale University of California San Diego 149 120429
560 James Herman University of Pittsburgh 149 119012
561 Stylianos E Antonarakis Université de Genève 149 114794
562 Thomas J R Hughes University of Texas at Dallas 149 114044
563 Sebastian Thrun Stanford University 149 109939
564 Frede Blaabjerg Aalborg University 149 109222
565 Pierre Petroff University of California Santa Cruz 149 107336
566 C M O'Connor   149 103422
567 Wil van der Aalst RWTH Aachen University 149 102743
568 Guanrong Chen City University of Hong Kong 149 100572
569 N J Halas Rice University 149 94174
570 J K Nicholson Murdoch University 149 92074
571 Robert Malenka Stanford University 149 88881
572 Paul Zimmet Monash University; Baker IDI 148 209241
573 Keith Aa Fox University of Edinburgh 148 174789
574 Robert R McCrae   148 160157
575 David H Barlow Boston University 148 111088
576 Mark C Thompson King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals 148 108587
577 A Torres Hospital Clinic Barcelona; Unversidad de Barcelona; Ciberes; Idibaps 148 95919
578 Ron D Hays University of California Los Angeles 148 92159
579 Paul M Vanhoutte University of Hong Kong 148 91687
580 Carl June University of Pennsylvania 148 85747
581 Edzard Ernst University of Exeter 148 85492
582 Richard J Johnson University of Washington; Baylor College of Medicine; University of Colorado 148 83492
583 Antonios G Mikos Rice University 148 80996
584 Kazunori Kataoka University of Tokyo 148 80602
585 Daniel Kahneman Princeton University 147 396561
586 Andrei Shleifer Harvard University 147 295553
587 Charles M Perou University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 147 167445
588 Jonathan D Cohen Princeton University 147 152999
589 Stephen G Ellis Cleveland Clinic 147 151636
590 Bertrand Laforge Sorbonne Université 147 140372
591 Gérald Simonneau   147 134533
592 Wang Shuo Shanghai Normal University 147 132149
593 Christof Koch Allen Institute 147 124763
594 Jim van Os Maastricht University Medical Centre 147 117824
595 Rinaldo Bellomo Austin Health 147 114535
596 Jean Marie Lehn CNRS 147 114356
597 Peter Fonagy University College London 147 112824
598 Arul M Chinnaiyan University of Michigan 147 103840
599 Helmut Sies Heinrich Heine Universität Düsseldorf 147 101038
600 Steven B Heymsfield Pennington Biomedical Research Center 147 99776
601 Clifford Woolf Boston Children's Hopsital 147 95488
602 Vincent Rajkumar Mayo Clinic 147 93407
603 Paul Elliott Imperial College London 147 90605
604 Jay Belsky University of California Davis 147 87417
605 Baha M Sibai University of Texas Houston 147 86924
606 M Schwaiger UCLA; University of Michigan; Technische Universität München 147 82843
607 Hasan Mukhtar University of Wisconsin Madison 147 82038
608 Rolf Loeber University of Pittsburgh 147 81591
609 John Gabrieli Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIT 147 77808
610 Robert Webster St Jude Children's Research Hospital 147 76417
611 Barbara J Sahakian University of Cambridge 147 75239
612 Karen A Matthews University of Pittsburgh 147 74993
613 Elaine Mardis Ohio State University 146 173685
614 Graeme J Hankey University of Western Australia 146 171908
615 Alberto Ascherio Harvard University 146 124499
616 Jacob Searcy University of Oregon 146 122834
617 Akihisa Inoue Josai International University 146 122276
618 Ignazio Lazzizzera Università di Trento 146 108981
619 Josef Penninger Austrian Academy of Sciences 146 102058
620 Josua P Meyer University of Pretoria 146 100097
621 Murray B Stein University of California San Diego 146 95229
622 Joseph L Witztum University of California San Diego 146 94621
623 D G Evans   146 91864
624 Stephane Udry Université de Genève 146 88315
625 Xiaofeng Wang Tsinghua University 146 83553
626 Kenneth M Yamada National Institutes of Health NIH 146 83246
627 Michael A Moskowitz Harvard Medical School 146 81618
628 Vincenzo Di Marzo Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche 146 80949
629 Mary Story University of Minnesota 146 77778
630 Olaf Reimer Innsbruck University 146 74778
631 Paulo Freire   145 397155
632 Albert László Barabási Northeastern University; Harvard Medical School 145 220390
633 Jan Staessen KU University of Leuven 145 178765
634 Stephen R Daniels University of Colorado School of Medicine 145 146244
635 Wei Wang University of California Riverside 145 128535
636 Jonathan D Jones Sainsbury Lab 145 125892
637 Augusto Santiago Cerqueira Federal University of Juiz de Fora 145 125301
638 Leslie L Robison St Jude Children's Research Hospital 145 114686
639 Julian Bunn California Institute of Technology 145 107170
640 Jaakko Härkönen University of Helsinki 145 106482
641 Hui Ming Cheng Chinese Academy of Sciences 145 106163
642 Altan Cakir Istanbul Technical University 145 106027
643 Damià Barceló Catalan Institute for Water Research ICRA 145 99403
644 Ronald N Jones JMI Laboratories 145 97281
645 Kevin J Tracey Feinstein Institute 145 96489
646 Gyorgy Buzsaki NYU Neuroscience Institute 145 96404
647 John W Hutchinson Harvard University 145 90428
648 Kyriacos Nicolaou Rice University 145 90031
649 Hidde Ploegh Boston Children's Hospital 145 84005
650 Mikhail D lukin Harvard University 145 82909
651 Janet Rossant University of Toronto 145 82076
652 Craig Hawker University of California Santa Barbara 145 81859
653 Bente Klarlund Pedersen Rigshospitalet 145 79814
654 Masayori Inouye Rutgers University 145 79765
655 Kevin P Campbell University of Iowa 145 69409
656 Pietro De Camilli Yale University; Howard Hughes Medical Institute 145 65597
657 Michael Boehnke University of Michigan 144 158354
658 Klein Samuel Washington University in St Louis 144 149604
659 Stephen Carpenter University of Wisconsin Madison 144 141143
660 John R Anderson Carnegie Mellon University 144 140969
661 Bart De Moor KU University of Leuven 144 119435
662 Michael E Greenberg Harvard Medical School 144 118892
663 Peter M Rothwell Oxford University 144 117836
664 Philippe Ciais Université Paris Saclay 144 114278
665 Eija Tuominen University of Helsinki 144 114174
666 Peter J Schwartz IRCCS Istituto Auxologico Italiano 144 112333
667 Leontino Battistin University of Padova 144 111011
668 Joe Gray Oregon Health and Sciences University 144 108459
669 Michele Parrinello ETH Zürich 144 104948
670 James M Tour Rice University 144 101772
671 William Travis Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center 144 99789
672 Ben Zhong Tang Hong Kong University of Science and Technology 144 98593
673 Randy D Gascoyne University of British Columbia 144 91855
674 Paolo Vineis Imperial College London 144 88643
675 Jerry W Shay University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center 144 88187
676 Mark A Rubin University of Bern 144 88063
677 Niels E Skakkebaek # Rigshospitalet 144 80886
678 Anders Pape Møller Université Paris Sud; CNRS AgroParisTech; Université Paris Saclay 144 79300
679 King K Holmes University of Washington 144 76945
680 A Steptoe University College London 144 75630
681 Georgios B Giannakis University of Minnesota 144 74676
682 Shelley E Taylor University of California Los Angeles 143 130651
683 Andrew Pardoll Johns Hopkins University 143 115382
684 Joseph Loscalzo Harvard Medical School 143 114928
685 Shanshan Li Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development 143 111636
686 William C Knowler National Institutes of Health NIH 143 109335
687 Carl Nathan Weill Cornell Medical College 143 107603
688 Steven A Narod Women's College Research Institute 143 102412
689 M G Kanatzidis Northwestern University 143 101507
690 Tim J Cole University College London 143 100144
691 R J Cava Princeton University 143 98161
692 Christopher B Field Stanford University 143 97604
693 Patrick M Bossuyt University of Amsterdam 143 92464
694 Rudolf Amann Max Planck Institute for Marine Microbiology 143 91126
695 Raymond A Dwek Oxford University 143 90126
696 Kun Liang Guan University of California San Diego 143 89609
697 Ewout W Steyerberg Erasmus University Medical Center 143 88291
698 Karl Deisseroth Stanford University 143 87460
699 Bruce E Logan Pennsylvania State University 143 84075
700 Michael Hayden University of British Columbia 143 83730
701 Sven Kreiss École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne 143 82798
702 Liming Dai Case Western Reserve University 143 79025
703 Martin C Raff University College London 143 77941
704 Chi Huey Wong The Scripps Research Institute; Academia Sinica 143 77272
705 Patrick Mcgorry University of Melbourne; Orygen 143 72358
706 John Krystal Yale University 143 71445
707 Danny Reinberg NYU School of Medicine 143 70795
708 Ruben C Gur University of Pennsylvania 143 70782
709 Franklin Tay Augusta University 143 63415
710 Werner Hacke Ruprecht Karls Universität Heidelberg 142 153313
711 Carl Folke Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences 142 150431
712 Bernhard Schölkopf Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems 142 145424
713 Tomaso Poggio Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIT 142 114845
714 Henry Giroux McMaster University 142 111940
715 Eric Boersma Erasmus University Medical Center 142 110487
716 Yajun Wang Microsoft Research 142 106452
717 Paul J Crutzen Max Planck Institut für Chemie 142 103288
718 Rudolph E Tanzi Harvard Medical School 142 101427
719 Andrew Hattersley University of Exeter 142 101101
720 Joseph R Ecker Howard Hughes Medical Institute; Salk Institute for Biological Studies 142 98673
721 Nancy Eisenberg Arizona State University 142 94375
722 Michael J Meaney McGill University 142 90171
723 Pasko Rakic Yale University 142 86299
724 Claudiu T Supuran Universita di Firenze 142 84701
725 Philipp E Scherer University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center 142 83930
726 Mark M Davis Stanford University 142 80257
727 Nicholas P Restifo National Institutes of Health NIH 142 79667
728 Scott Rauch McLean Hospital Harvard 142 77426
729 Patrice Nordmann University of Fribourg 142 77159
730 David Gerdes University of Michigan 142 76797
731 Keith Rayner University of California San Diego 142 76459
732 Jean Laurent Casanova Rockefeller University; Howard Hughes Medical Institute 142 72720
733 Leonardo G Cohen National Institutes of Health NIH 142 72459
734 Francis V Chisari Scripps Research Institute 142 70821
735 David Fergusson University of Otago 142 68633
736 David Moher Ottawa Hospital Research Institute 141 257295
737 Jerome Friedman Stanford University 141 232650
738 Silvia G Priori IRCCS Maugeri Fundation; Universitá di Pavia; New York University 141 216289
739 Richard E Petty Ohio State University 141 127828
740 Holger J Schunemann McMaster University 141 113100
741 Alicja Wolk Karolinska Institute 141 112140
742 George C Schatz Northwestern University 141 107395
743 Julian Parkhill University of Cambridge 141 106313
744 Martin McKee London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine 141 105716
745 Chenming Hu University of California Berkeley 141 104237
746 Antonio Lanzavecchia ETH Zürich 141 102610
747 Bernard Henrissat CNRS 141 101060
748 David P Lane A*STAR 141 100793
749 Barry Eichengreen University of California at Berkeley 141 94384
750 Vijay Kumar Kuchroo Harvard Medical School 141 88918
751 Rafi Ahmed Emory Vaccine Center 141 87600
752 Fernando Martinez Valencia 141 87426
753 Hans Jürgen Möller Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich 141 84051
754 Mike Wright Imperial College London 141 83610
755 Marc Feldmann Imperial College London; Oxford University 141 79746
756 Se Kwon Kim Pukyong National University 141 79425
757 David G Harrison Vanderbilt University 141 79385
758 Timothy Billiar University of Pittsburgh 141 77934
759 Joseph P Broderick University of Cincinnati 141 76406
760 Eva Negri Università degli Studi di Milano 141 75659
761 Graeme Bell University of Chicago 141 72214
762 michel lazdunski Institute Molecular Pharmacology CNRS; UCA Nice Sophia Antipolis 141 72195
763 Anton M Koekemoer Space Telescope Science Institute 141 70991
764 Richard Pestell Kimmel Cancer Center; Thomas Jefferson University 141 64244
765 Steven Salzberg Johns Hopkins University 140 206716
766 Alan M Rugman University of Reading 140 182632
767 Hans Eysenck King's College London 140 115887
768 James Hill   140 115286
769 Yehuda Shoenfeld Saint Petersburg State University 140 110921
770 Hartzell V Schaff Mayo Clinic 140 107932
771 Francesco Longo Università degli Studi di Trieste 140 105062
772 Adnan Kastrati Deutsches Herzzentrum München 140 102730
773 Joan Li University of Queensland 140 97956
774 Clara D Bloomfield Ohio State University 140 95636
775 David S Eisenberg University of California Los Angeles 140 94941
776 John M Davis University of Illinois at Chicago 140 92601
777 Wu Hongxun Jiangsu Institute of Nuclear Medicine 140 91982
778 Hakon Hakonarson Children's Hospital of Philadelphia; University of Pennsylvania 140 89961
779 Jiachang Li Fudan University 140 86811
780 Hua Zhang City University of Hong Kong 140 85922
781 Paul J Harrison University of British Columbia 140 85890
782 Paul M Matthews Imperial College London 140 84926
783 William Zev Rymer Northwestern University 140 84596
784 Daphne Koller Insitro 140 83560
785 Francisco Herrera Universidad de Granada 140 82389
786 Clifford B Saper Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center 140 78949
787 James J Collins Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Broad Institute; Harvard's Wyss Institute 140 78865
788 Mark Schiffman National Institutes of Health NIH 140 76625
789 Lars Klareskog Karolinska Institute 140 73965
790 Barry J Everitt University of Cambridge 140 72608
791 Xiaoyuan Shawn Chen National Institutes of Health NIH 140 71754
792 Simon C Watkins University of Pittsburgh 140 69229
793 Pim Cuijpers VU University Amsterdam 140 68342
794 Steven F Maier University of Colorado Boulder 140 67117
795 Weihong Tan University of Florida; Hunan University; University of Michigan; Iowa state University 140 66258
796 Shu Hong Yu University of Science and Technology of China 140 62143
797 Jean Tirole Toulouse School of Economics 139 189891
798 Zhihua Liang   139 131124
799 Jonathan W Lee Sandia National Laboratories 139 126595
800 Ronald M Krauss Children's Hospital Oakland Research Institute 139 121325
801 Janet M Thornton European Molecular Biology Laboratory; European Institute of Bioinformatics 139 117028
802 Qy Zhang South China University 139 115650
803 Phillip R Shaver University of California Davis 139 114689
804 Christie M Ballantyne Baylor College of Medicine 139 112271
805 George Loewenstein Carnegie Mellon University 139 107421
806 Fernando Martinez Cornell University 139 105831
807 Randy L Buckner Harvard University 139 104126
808 Adrian Bauman Sydney University 139 102243
809 George A Bray LSU 139 102189
810 Ramon Garcia Martinez National University of Lanus 139 95469
811 Ignacio Cirac Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics 139 93804
812 Jack Cuzick Queen Mary University of London 139 93640
813 Heon Lee Korea University 139 92596
814 Jing Wang CSIRO's Australia Telescope National Facility 139 92039
815 Massimo Filippi Vita Salute San Raffaele University 139 90330
816 Alan J Thompson University College London 139 90029
817 Alexis Brice Institut du Cerveau et de la Moelle Epinière 139 87107
818 Dan Blazer Duke University 139 85802
819 Valina L Dawson Johns Hopkins University 139 83713
820 Detlef Weigel Max Planck Gesellschaft MPG 139 82868
821 Yu Zong Chen National University of Singapore 139 82492
822 Brigid L Hogan Duke University 139 80362
823 Wei Zheng Vanderbilt University 139 79947
824 John Laragh Cornell University 139 79564
825 Werner Poewe Medical University of Innsbruck 139 78708
826 Joseph Hupp Northwestern University; Argonne National Laboratory 139 77062
827 Javier Bilbao de Mendizabal Melexis 139 76536
828 Kristine Yaffe University of California San Francisco 139 72629
829 Frank C Verhulst Erasmus University Medical Center 139 72178
830 Lorenzo Moretta Bambino Gesù Children’s Hospital 139 70622
831 Cumran Vafa Harvard University 139 68005
832 L S Vygotsky MGPPU 138 334747
833 Dani Rodrik Harvard University 138 124229
834 Luc Van Gool ETH Zurich; KU Leuven 138 120772
835 H C Diener University Duisburg Essen 138 116921
836 Zhang Jianming Changsha University of Science and Technology 138 116470
837 Kee Jun Kim University of Kansas Medical Center 138 108092
838 Y F Zhang National University of Singapore 138 103806
839 Simon I Hay University of Washington 138 99887
840 Hugh Calkins Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions 138 93714
841 Hector Garcia Molina Stanford University 138 92294
842 Richard Harris University of Bath 138 88378
843 Mark I Johnson Leeds Metropolitan University 138 87483
844 Hongju Wu Tulane University 138 85920
845 C J Chen Academia Sinica 138 84621
846 Richard N Zare Stanford University 138 83917
847 Johan Ormel University Medical Center Groningen 138 83582
848 David Julian McClements University of Massachusetts Amherst 138 80500
849 M Fava Massachusetts General Hospital; Harvard Medical School 138 79231
850 Anthony Jorm University of Melbourne 138 77750
851 Daniel Pine National Institutes of Health NIH 138 74288
852 Wallace S Broecker Columbia University 138 74114
853 Eric Horvitz Microsoft Research 138 71754
854 Stefan H E Kaufmann Max Planck Gesellschaft MPG 138 71118
855 Peter ten Dijke Leiden University Medical Center 138 70849
856 Yoshio Bando University of Wollongong; Tianjin University; National Institute for Materials Science 138 70110
857 Joachim Maier Max Planck Gesellschaft MPG 138 68493
858 B Brett Finlay University of British Columbia 138 64513
859 Michael A Kamm University of Melbourne 138 63346
860 Neal S Young National Institutes of Health NIH 138 62571
861 Scott Solomon Brigham and Women's Hospital Harvard Medical School 137 145999
862 Nilesh Samani University of Leicester 137 132275
863 Alex Sandy Pentland Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIT 137 123513
864 Jeongho Jay Lee University of Tokyo 137 120780
865 Stewart Wolmark   137 120075
866 Graham G Giles Cancer Council Victoria 137 116470
867 Joseph T Coyle Harvard Medical School 137 113738
868 Sander Greenland University of California Los Angeles 137 101243
869 Victor M Montori Mayo Clinic 137 100449
870 Vilmundur Gudnason University of Iceland 137 99202
871 Borys Grynyov Institute of Scintillation Materials National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine 137 96957
872 Rutgers Matthieu Europe Hospital 137 92699
873 Nicholas Eggert Cornell University 137 92132
874 Jesús San Miguel Clínica Universidad de Navarra 137 91689
875 Grant Montgomery University of Queensland 137 88084
876 Volker Springel Max Planck Institute for Astrophysics 137 85796
877 Jerry M Melillo Marine Biological Laboratory Woods Hole 137 82851
878 Sanjiv S Gambhir Stanford University 137 81628
879 Larry Swanson University of Southern California 137 79467
880 Peter Lichter   137 77482
881 Jeffrey Hubbell University of Chicago 137 77460
882 G Q Max Lu University of Surrey 137 75748
883 Helmuth Moehwald Max Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces 137 75713
884 Harry B Gray California Institute of Technology 137 75046
885 Christian Elger Universität Bonn 137 73708
886 Yusuf A Hannun Stony Brook Cancer Center 137 72222
887 Steve P McGrath Rothamsted Research Harpenden 137 71483
888 Donna S Neuberg Dana Farber Cancer Institute 137 70228
889 Jaap Sinninghe Damste NIOZ Netherlands Institute for Sea Research and Utrecht University 137 68575
890 Samuel F Berkovic University of Melbourne 137 67252
891 Rob Ivison ESO 137 65407
892 Riccardo Dalla Favera Columbia University 137 64361
893 Raquel Gur University of Pennsylvania 137 63389
894 David A Brenner University of California San Diego 137 62819
895 David S Johnson Columbia University 136 232481
896 Theo Vos University of Washington 136 181868
897 John Deanfield University College London 136 117775
898 Allan I Levey Emory University 136 110857
899 Eric Jansen Euro Mediterranean Center on Climate Change 136 104788
900 Derek Hill IXICO 136 97601
901 Norbert Schwarz University of Southern California 136 94654
902 Wang Erkang Changchun Institue of Applied Chemistry Chinese Academy of Science 136 94055
903 Russell Barkley Medical University of South Carolina 136 93476
904 Y J Liu Schering Plough; DNAX; MD Anderson; Medimmune; Sanofi 136 93163
905 Albert de la Chapelle Ohio State University 136 92841
906 Alan Sill Texas Tech University 136 92059
907 Robert Bast University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center 136 87120
908 Wolf Singer Max Planck Gesellschaft MPG 136 86722
909 Richard Gelber Harvard Medical School, Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health, Dana Farber Cancer Institute, Frontier Science Foundation 136 85811
910 David Finkelhor University of New Hampshire 136 85258
911 Jeeseon Song University of Michigan 136 85179
912 Nick C Fox University College London 136 84975
913 Jinbo Wu Hong Kong University of Science and Technology 136 84781
914 Gary Glover Stanford University 136 82230
915 Michael O'Donovan Cardiff University 136 82037
916 Ramamoorthy Ramesh University of California Berkeley 136 81569
917 Dominik Smith Universität Gießen 136 81347
918 Meinrat O Andreae Max Planck Gesellschaft MPG 136 79018
919 Stephen R Durham Imperial College London 136 77829
920 Peter Vandenabeele Ghent University 136 77682
921 Taeghwan Hyeon Seoul National University 136 73639
922 D Neil Granger Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center 136 73154
923 Mark Griffiths Nottingham Trent University 136 71744
924 John Baron University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 136 71360
925 Joachim Heinrich Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich; Helmholtz; GSF 136 71173
926 Ari Helenius ETH Zürich 136 70567
927 N Perrimon Harvard Medical School 136 70558
927 Robert R Wolfe University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences 136 70558
929 Françoise Dignat George Aix Marseille Université 136 65390
930 Dianne Neumark Sztainer University of Minnesota 136 64829
931 Richard L Huganir Johns Hopkins University 136 63798
932 Daniel Olive PU PH 136 63277
933 Jacques Pouyssegur University of Nice; Centre Scientifique de Monaco 136 62930
934 John Spertus Saint Luke's Mid America Heart Institute; University of Missouri 135 139650
935 Charles S Carver University of Miami 135 136901
936 Teun A Van Dijk Pompeu Fabra University 135 134303
937 Akira Fujishima Tokyo University of Science 135 128409
938 Michael A Hitt Texas A&M University College Station 135 106493
939 Antonia Trichopoulou National Kapodistrian University of Athens 135 100600
940 Daniel Pauly University of British Columbia 135 100300
941 David Audretsch Indiana University 135 97363
942 Rajkumar Buyya University of Melbourne; ManjraSoft 135 96380
943 Masashi Yanagisawa University of Tsukuba; University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center 135 94496
944 Alexander Gude Intuit 135 91578
945 Mietek Jaroniec Kent State University 135 89052
946 Anders Hagfeldt École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne 135 88390
947 Peter A Jones Van Andel Research Institute 135 87931
948 Stephen W Scherer Hospital for Sick Children 135 87082
949 Steven Running University of Montana 135 85950
950 David R Williams Harvard School of Public Health 135 85914
951 Hediye Erdjument Bromage Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center 135 84696
952 Patrick F Sullivan University of North Carolina; Karolinska Institutet 135 84444
953 Neville Owen Baker IDI Heart and Diabetes Institute 135 82205
954 Robert L Byer Stanford University 135 81247
955 Peter Goadsby King's College London 135 77139
956 James Lupski Baylor College of Medicine 135 76726
957 Stuart Lipton Scripps Research Institute; University of California San Diego 135 75622
958 Beatrice H Hahn University of Pennsylvania 135 75551
959 Cisca Wijmenga University Medical Center Groningen 135 75128
960 C Stehouwer Universiteit Maastricht 135 73242
961 Rino Rappuoli GSK Vaccines 135 72248
962 elliot k fishman Johns Hopkins Hospital 135 71462
963 Shu Chien University of California San Diego 135 68770
964 David A Kass Johns Hopkins University 135 66969
965 Edward C Holmes University of Sydney 135 66457
966 Michael Brammer King's College London 135 62947
967 Jun Chen Nankai University 135 62862
968 Kevin Marsh University of Oxford 135 61018
969 Richard R Nelson Columbia University 134 210204
970 Dan Roden Vanderbilt University 134 128991
971 Thomas Illig Medizinische Hochschule Hannover 134 126284
972 Wouter Jukema Leiden University Medical Center 134 123917
973 Jack Dongarra University of Tennessee at Knoxville; Oak Ridge National Laboratory; University of Manchester 134 117724
974 Steven Jones Genome Sciences Centre 134 115443
975 Ion Stoica University of California Berkeley 134 108654
976 Shigekazu Nagata Osaka University 134 95242
977 Stanley Nattel Université de Montréal 134 93048
978 Po Chen University of Wyoming 134 91453
979 Shlomo Havlin Bar Ilan University 134 90474
980 Bruno Dubois   134 87133
981 Anthony Howell University of Manchester 134 86815
982 Louis M Staudt National Cancer Institute 134 86491
983 Garret A FitzGerald University of Pennsylvania 134 84776
984 Mark A Ratner Northwestern University 134 81401
985 Laurence Zitvogel Institut Gustave Roussy; Université de Paris Saclay; INSERM 134 80943
986 Christopher T Russell University of California Los Angeles UCLA 134 79271
987 P Couvreur Université Paris Sud 134 77426
988 Lihong V Wang Caltech 134 75760
989 Doug Soltis University of Florida 134 75287
990 Donald Patrick University of Washington 134 75003
991 Steven DenBaars University of California Santa Barbara 134 74543
992 Francesco Montorsi Vita Salute San Raffaele University 134 71578
993 Risto Näätänen University of Tartu; University of Helsinki 134 70944
994 Peter Carroll University of California San Francisco 134 68269
995 Marco Colonna Washington University St Louis 134 66858
996 Michael Camilleri Mayo Clinic 134 66553
997 Michael Andreeff University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center 134 66494
998 Alessandro Moretta University of Genova 134 64791
999 Klaus Ley La Jolla Institute for Immunology 134 64692
1000 Jaime Bosch University of Barcerlona; IDIBAPS; Bern University 134 62371
1001 Russell E Glasgow University of Colorado Denver 134 61179
1002 Jeffery D Molkentin Cincinnati Children's Hospital 134 61097
1003 David Klimstra Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center 134 60886
1004 K S Novoselov University of Manchester 133 286949
1005 Paul W Armstrong University of Alberta 133 153908
1006 Simin Liu Brown University 133 112151
1007 Gerardo Heiss University of North Carolina 133 104006
1008 Steven E Kahn VA Puget Sound Health Care System; University of Washington 133 96643
1009 H V Poor Princeton University 133 91676
1010 Jerry Avorn   133 89415
1011 Steven Henikoff Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center 133 84782
1012 Mark E Thompson University of Southern California; Princeton University; California Institute of Technology; Oxford University 133 84420
1013 C A Beltrami   133 83880
1014 Alessandro Rossi Università di Siena 133 83647
1015 Kazuhito Hashimoto National Institute for Materials Science Japan 133 82392
1016 Jes Olesen Capital Region Health 133 79154
1017 G Marius Clore National Institutes of Health NIH 133 78733
1018 Ryoji Noyori Nagoya University 133 77903
1019 Richard Simon National Institutes of Health NIH 133 77308
1020 Dennis Turk University of Washington 133 76449
1021 David Grahame Hardie University of Dundee 133 74893
1022 Scott L Friedman Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai 133 72117
1023 Mitchell A Lazar University of Pennsylvania 133 69746
1024 Domenico Palli ISPO 133 68909
1025 Ron Kikinis Harvard Medical School; University of Bremen 133 68622
1026 Susanta Pal Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre 133 67692
1027 Helmut Friess Technische Universität München 133 65382
1028 Anita Reimer University of Innsbruck 133 63568
1029 Derek Yellon University College London 133 61098
1030 Max D Cooper   133 57840
1031 Donald B Rubin YCMS Tsinghua; Temple University; Harvard University 132 306592
1032 Karl Popper London School of Economics; University of London 132 196337
1033 Jitendra Malik University of California Berkeley 132 173406
1034 George Bakris University of Chicago 132 163306
1035 Oluf Pedersen University of Copenhagen 132 142052
1036 Hideo Hosono Tokyo Institute of Technology 132 136080
1037 Giacomo Rizzolatti University of Parma 132 124698
1038 Slavoj Zizek Birkbeck Institute for the Humanities 132 123708
1039 Frederick Wolfe University of Kansas 132 122478
1040 Peter Salovey Yale University 132 116304
1041 Olgierd Zienkiewicz Swansea University 132 115703
1042 Lawrence J Appel Johns Hopkins University 132 114033
1043 Kathleen Merikangas NIMH 132 113741
1044 J Pina LIP 132 113247
1045 Jacob Israelachvili University of California Santa Barbara 132 108360
1046 Laurence Steinberg Temple University 132 106172
1047 G D Farquhar Australian National University 132 99039
1048 David Cunningham Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust 132 96966
1049 Henry J Snaith University of Oxford 132 96864
1050 Daniel F Hayes University of Michigan 132 95831
1051 John Robertson University of Cambridge 132 93558
1052 Kunhong Kim Yonsei University 132 92855
1053 Richard Bergman Cedars Sinai Medical Center 132 92268
1054 L Aravind National Institutes of Health NIH 132 91347
1055 Jeremiah Ostriker Columbia University 132 90435
1056 Claude Robert Cloninger Washington University in St Louis 132 89531
1057 Clive Osmond southampton University 132 86019
1058 T W J Huizinga Leiden University Medical Center 132 79990
1059 Carlos M Duarte King Abdullah University of Science and Technology 132 79587
1060 Dario Alessi University of Dundee 132 79215
1061 Terence G Langdon University of Southampton; University of Southern California 132 78185
1062 A David Smith University of Oxford; MRC 132 77532
1063 Richard Dixon University of North Texas 132 77050
1064 James Allison   132 77016
1065 Anirban Maitra University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center 132 76616
1066 Guy Rouleau Montreal Neurological Institute and Hospital 132 75720
1067 Tim Clutton Brock University of Cambridge 132 74330
1068 Ashok Agarwal Cleveland Clinic 132 73329
1069 Yuman Fong City of Hope Medical Center 132 72859
1070 David Goldman National Institutes of Health NIH 132 71908
1071 Daniel I Sessler Cleveland Clinic 132 70675
1072 Pat Mcgeer University of British Columbia 132 70388
1073 H Phillip Koeffler University of California Los Angeles 132 70264
1074 Bruce R Blazar University of Minnesota 132 69857
1075 David Cheresh University of California San Diego 132 69624
1076 Locatelli Franco University of Pavia; Ospedale Bambino Gesù Roma; Policlinico San Matteo 132 69226
1077 Steven J Jacobsen Kaiser Permanente 132 68938
1078 Richard Tsien New York University 132 68813
1079 Alan R Tall Columbia University 132 67939
1080 Gerbrand Ceder University of California Berkeley 132 67658
1081 Steven Wofsy Harvard University 132 64686
1082 W Oertel Philipps Universitaet Marburg 132 63800
1083 Stefan Funk Stanford University; SLAC; FAU Erlangen 132 62427
1084 Pascale Cossart   132 61807
1085 Peng Shi University of Adelaide 132 60088
1086 Scott D Emr Cornell University 132 54992
1087 Jatin Shah Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center 132 54239
1088 Milton Friedman University of Chicago 131 197049
1089 Richard Durbin University of Cambridge 131 191711
1090 Dariush Mozaffarian Friedman School of Nutrition Science & Policy 131 146321
1091 Bruce J Avolio University of Washington 131 144181
1092 Edwin A Locke University of Maryland 131 127030
1093 Tom Tyler Yale University 131 100989
1094 James Kyung Jin Lee University of California Irvine 131 99440
1095 Andrew J Stewart Coats Monash University; Warwick University 131 96350
1096 Hyun Geun Lee Korea University 131 95030
1097 Manuel Cardona Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research 131 94250
1098 Christos Faloutsos Carnegie Mellon University 131 90089
1099 Martin A Green University of New South Wales 131 88706
1100 Meletios Athanasios Dimopoulos National and Kapodistrian University of Athens 131 79957
1101 T Poynard APHP; UPMC; INSERM; BioPredictive 131 78821
1102 Michael Neale Virginia Commonwealth University 131 77844
1103 Stephen Jackson University of Cambridge 131 77182
1104 Philip Russell Max Planck Gesellschaft MPG 131 76208
1105 Zdenek Bazant Northwestern University 131 75553
1106 Glen H Elder Jr  University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 131 74950
1107 Michel Goedert University of Cambridge 131 74276
1108 Carlos A Camargo Jr Massachusetts General Hospital 131 72343
1109 Paul G Falkowski Rutgers University 131 71563
1110 Kian Fan Chung Imperial College London 131 69679
1111 Lewis E Kay University of Toronto 131 66927
1112 Joseph Bonventre Harvard Medical School 131 65850
1113 Thomas R Cech University of Colorado Boulder 131 65507
1114 Michael W Kattan Cleveland Clinic 131 64175
1115 Philip Calder University of Southampton 131 63221
1116 Kurunthachalam Kannan SUNY at Albany; Wadsworth Center 131 62782
1117 John A Eisman Garvan Institute of Medical Research 131 62495
1118 Shi Zhang Qiao University of Adelaide 131 61959
1119 Robert Mahley Gladstone Institutes 131 61783
1120 Carlos F Barbas III Scripps Research Institute 131 61372
1121 Chuxia Deng University of Macau 131 59800
1122 David Ja Jenkins University of Toronto 131 59392
1123 Freddie Fu University of Pittsburgh 131 59096
1124 David J Kwiatkowski Brigham and Women's Hospital Harvard Medical School 131 58734
1125 Gustavo E Scuseria Rice University 130 258707
1126 Robert Merton Columbia University 130 206458
1127 Douglas Scott University of British Columbia 130 170597
1128 Stephen M Smith Oxford University 130 142464
1129 Beverley Balkau INSERM 130 126202
1130 Deborah Estrin Cornell University; NYC Tech 130 124242
1131 Alan Krueger Princeton University 130 119887
1132 José M Ordovás Tufts University 130 110827
1133 Stanley L Hazen Cleveland Clinic 130 106570
1134 J Rouleau Universite de Montreal 130 100795
1135 John Orav Brigham and Women's Hospital Harvard Medical School 130 97683
1136 Yichia Wang National Taiwan University Hospital 130 94740
1137 A Kong University of Oxford 130 87896
1138 Yungang Wang   130 85287
1139 Andreas Meyer Universität Hamburg 130 85213
1140 Shahrokh F Shariat Medical University of Vienna 130 84322
1141 Steven DeKosky University of Florida 130 83947
1142 Marinus van IJzendoorn Leiden University; Erasmus University Rotterdam 130 82074
1143 E W Meijer Eindhoven University of Technology 130 79332
1144 Giuseppe Viale Università di Milano; Istituto Europeo di Oncologia 130 78249
1145 Vladimir Uversky University of South Florida; Russian Academy of Sciences RAS 130 78072
1146 J C Gore Vanderbilt University 130 77003
1147 Fereidoon Shahidi Memorial University of Newfoundland 130 75927
1148 Frank McCormick University of California San Francisco 130 75587
1149 Matthias Schmitt Universität Stuttgart 130 73389
1150 Greg J Duncan University of California Irvine 130 71775
1151 Dennis P Lettenmaier University of Washington 130 68931
1152 Hermann Wagner Technische Universität München 130 68569
1153 Gilbert Laporte CIRRELT; HEC Montréal 130 67832
1154 Anthony David King's College London 130 67367
1155 Csaba Szabo University of Fribourg 130 66884
1156 Hongjiang Zhang Sourcecode Capital 130 65930
1157 Larry J Seidman Harvard Medical School 130 65905
1158 Robert Peter Gale University of California Los Angeles UCLA; Imperial College London 130 64403
1159 Huda Akil University of Michigan 130 63544
1160 Morgan Sheng Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard 130 60327
1161 Ian Smail Durham University 130 59391
1162 Geoffrey Marcy University of California Berkeley 130 59048
1163 Godfrey Pearlson   130 58539
1164 Robert G Parton University of Queensland 130 58307
1165 James C Paulson Scripps Research Institute 130 56776
1166 Erich Nigg University of Basel 130 54009
1167 Jurgen Rehm Centre for Addiction and Mental Health 129 127147
1168 Ian T Foster University of Chicago; Argonne National Laboratory 129 120803
1169 George Calin University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center 129 113299
1170 Christos S Mantzoros Harvard Medical School 129 104318
1171 Jedd Wolchok Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center 129 104039
1172 Gillian Knapp Princeton University 129 102486
1173 Pak Sham University of Hong Kong 129 99596
1174 Albert Vernon Smith University of Michigan 129 93865
1175 Colin Prentice Imperial College London 129 91922
1176 Matthew W Gillman Harvard Medical School; NIH 129 89905
1177 Allan Bradley Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute 129 87273
1178 Peter T Fox University of Texas Health Science Center San Antonio 129 85146
1179 Christos H Papadimitriou University of California Berkeley 129 85117
1180 Hyung Mok Lee Seoul National University 129 83813
1181 Bruno S Frey University of Basel 129 81504
1182 Kevin Struhl Harvard Medical School 129 80190
1183 J Andrew Mccammon University of California San Diego 129 80051
1184 Peter H Bennett National Institutes of Health NIH 129 79818
1185 Peter Burger Johns Hopkins University 129 78821
1186 Martin J Rees Cambridge University 129 78281
1187 Robert Graham Cooks Purdue University 129 76085
1188 Kristine E Ensrud University of Minnesota 129 75952
1189 Robert Kloner Huntington Medical Resesarch Institute 129 74614
1190 Michael Gimbrone Harvard Medical School 129 73522
1191 Patrick Baeuerle MPM Capital 129 73061
1192 Jonathan Stamler Case Western Reserve University 129 72145
1193 James McGaugh University of California Irvine 129 71742
1194 Kim Mueser Boston University 129 71592
1195 Charles DeCarli University of California Davis 129 70722
1196 Robert C Haddon University of California Riverside 129 69978
1197 David Hafler Yale University 129 69921
1198 Don Towsley University of Massachusetts Amherst 129 69649
1199 Yonggang Huang Northwestern University 129 69528
1200 John Neoptolemos Ruprecht Karls Universität Heidelberg 129 69252
1201 Nicolas Gisin University of Geneva 129 69241
1202 Jack Roth University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center 129 68219
1203 Charles Antzelevitch Lankenau Institute for Medical Research 129 66772
1204 Robert W McCarley Harvard Medical School 129 66535
1205 Warren Olanow Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai 129 66459
1206 James Ehleringer University of Utah 129 66442
1207 Mark W Chase Royal Botanic Gardens Kew 129 65267
1208 Arthur M Krieg Checkmate Pharma 129 65230
1209 Morris F White Harvard University 129 64827
1210 Yasuo Fukui   129 63911
1211 Moshe Oren Weizmann Institute of Science 129 61998
1212 Mithat Gönen Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center 129 61458
1213 Brett Bouma Harvard Medical School; Institute for Medical Engineering and Science, MIT; Wellman Center, MGH 129 61425
1214 Jean Pierre Issa Coriell Institute for Medical Research 129 60186
1215 Anders Ekbom Karolinska Institute 129 59218
1216 Matt McGue University of Minnesota 129 59059
1217 Simon Wessely King's College London 129 58790
1218 Rand D Conger University of California Davis 129 57432
1219 James M Swanson University of California Irvine 129 56324
1220 Charles Dermer Naval Research Laboratory 129 54621
1221 Aravinda Chakravarti   128 134356
1222 Richard Cooper Loyola University Chicago 128 126138
1223 Mostafa A El Sayed Georgia Institute of Technology 128 122805
1224 Peter J Koudstaal Erasmus MC Rotterdam 128 122424
1225 Leslee Shaw Weill Cornell Medicine 128 120897
1226 Sekar Kathiresan Harvard Medical School 128 117607
1227 John Allison Geant4 Associates International Ltd 128 105967
1228 Jacob Selhub Tufts University 128 105724
1229 Dirk Schadendorf Universität Duisburg Essen 128 99866
1230 Richard P Van Duyne Northwestern University 128 88811
1231 Daniel J Klionsky University of Michigan 128 87656
1232 Steven C Hayes University of Nevada Reno 128 86412
1233 Donal Bradley King Abdullah University of Science and Technology 128 85757
1234 Didier Dubois CNRS 128 84087
1235 Michael Pollak University of California Riverside 128 80986
1236 Paul J Steinhardt Princeton University 128 78748
1237 Andrew Singleton National Institutes of Health NIH 128 78480
1238 P Henson   128 78303
1239 Ruth Loos Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai 128 78207
1240 Stephen Grossberg Boston University 128 76507
1241 Marco van Leeuwen Nikhef; Utrecht University 128 75256
1242 Peter McGuffin King's College London 128 72806
1243 Andreas Strasser Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research 128 72182
1244 Daniel Weisdorf University of Minnesota 128 72057
1245 Don Anderson Caltech 128 71349
1246 Jeffrey E Lee University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center 128 71016
1247 Jeff Dahn Dalhousie University 128 70913
1248 Gerald R Patterson Oregon Social Learning Center 128 70361
1249 Paul Pharoah University of Cambridge 128 70280
1250 Ara Darzi Imperial College London 128 69289
1251 Nicola Maffulli University of Salerno 128 68274
1252 Rodolfo R Llinas NYU Medical School 128 67902
1253 Abass Alavi University of Pennsylvania 128 67638
1254 Gang Chen Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIT 128 67199
1255 H A Verbrugh Erasmus University Medical Center 128 66257
1256 E R de Kloet Leiden University 128 65485
1257 Jack M Fletcher University of Houston 128 64881
1258 Brian Kobilka Stanford University 128 64803
1259 Philip C Kendall Temple University 128 63376
1260 James E Rothman Yale University 128 63342
1261 I Gotlib Stanford University 128 63313
1262 Mark D'Esposito University of California Berkeley 128 62046
1263 Ali Khademhosseini UCLA; Harvard University; MIT 128 61669
1264 James D Griffin Dana Farber Cancer Institute 128 61376
1265 Adolfo Garcia Sastre Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai 128 60435
1266 Ernesto L Schiffrin McGill University 128 59778
1267 John C Wingfield University of California Davis 128 59275
1268 Steven G Deeks University of California San Francisco 128 58585
1269 Lee Ellis University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center 128 58144
1270 Dinshaw J Patel Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center 128 57211
1271 Paolo Sassone Corsi University of California Irvine 128 55524
1272 Richard A Mathies University of California Berkeley 128 53912
1273 Jon Driver (1962 2011) University College London 128 52476
1274 Trevor Hastie Stanford University 127 225283
1275 Paul Ekman   127 172052
1276 Igor Rudan University of Edinburgh 127 129918
1277 Justin Smith Drexel University 127 117409
1278 Carol Dweck Stanford University 127 116973
1279 Susan Fiske Princeton University 127 113663
1280 David A Bluemke University of Wisconsin Madison 127 110467
1281 Jin Man Lee DePaul University 127 103654
1282 Edward Glaeser Harvard University 127 101848
1283 Wei Zhang Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center 127 100490
1284 Peter J Lang University of Florida 127 99731
1285 Frank Wilczek Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIT 127 95717
1286 Guy Salvesen Sanford Burnham Medical Research Institute 127 94878
1287 Francesc X Bosch University Hospital Vall d'Hebron 127 94619
1288 Peter Visscher University of Queensland 127 93233
1289 Robert Schreiber Washington University in St Louis 127 92415
1290 Thomas Wadden University of Pennsylvania 127 92378
1291 Douglas S Massey Princeton University 127 91632
1292 Andrew Connolly University of Washington 127 84924
1293 Simon Levin Princeton University 127 82020
1294 David Rubinsztein University of Cambridge 127 78112
1295 Joseph Lau Brown University 127 77760
1296 Theodor Haensch Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics; Ludwig Maximilians University 127 77736
1297 Stephen Safe Texas A&M University College Station 127 77108
1298 Michael Gill Trinity College Dublin 127 76651
1299 Rasmus Nielsen University of California Berkeley; University of Copenhagen 127 73289
1300 Paul Peter Tak GlaxoSmithKline; Academic Medical Center; Amsterdam University Medical Center; Cambridge University 127 71677
1301 Jon Clardy Harvard Medical School 127 71392
1302 Michael E Lamb University of Cambridge 127 70390
1303 Jimmy C Yu Chinese University of Hong Kong 127 69259
1304 Gerard Karsenty Columbia University 127 67967
1305 Fred C Lee Virginia Tech 127 67850
1306 Peter Nordlander Rice University 127 67680
1307 Joanne Chory Salk Institute for Biological Studies; Howard Hughes Medical Institute 127 67301
1308 Georg Schett Universitätsklinikum Erlangen 127 67246
1309 P B Jones University of Cambridge 127 67063
1310 Richard Schulz University of Pittsburgh 127 66291
1311 Patricia A Ganz University of California Los Angeles 127 65984
1312 David G Amaral University of California Davis 127 65715
1313 Doron Aurbach Bar Ilan University 127 65113
1314 Erwin F Wagner Medical University of Vienna 127 64980
1315 Francesco Giordano Università degli studi di Bari A Moro; INFN Bari 127 64471
1316 Daniel J Drucker Lunenfeld Tanenbaum Research Institute; Mount Sinai Hospital Toronto 127 63802
1317 Lawrence Steinman Stanford University 127 62902
1318 Eliane Gluckman   127 61635
1319 Luis M Liz Marzán CIC biomaGUNE 127 61128
1320 Frank Caruso University of Melbourne 127 61028
1321 Luke O'Neill Trinity College Dublin 127 59775
1322 Richard E Tremblay Universite de Montreal 127 59162
1323 Per Brandtzaeg University of Oslo 127 58776
1324 Gareth J Barker King's College London 127 58726
1325 James Robert Durrant Imperial College London 127 57496
1326 Peter Gruss Max Planck Society and Okinawa Institute of Technology 127 57278
1327 Bryan R Cullen Duke University 127 57163
1328 Gerhard Wagner Harvard Medical School 127 56545
1329 Simona Murgia University of California Irvine 127 56009
1330 Mark Horowitz Stanford University 127 55714
1331 Michael Wagner University of Vienna 127 54421
1332 Helen Christensen University of New South Wales 127 53218
1333 Stephen Badylak University of Pittsburgh 127 53017
1334 Joseph Heitman Duke University 127 51753
1335 Hedvig Hricak Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center 127 48254
1336 Kauser Abdulla Malik Forman Christian College Lahore 127 38195
1337 P Amouyel Université de Lille 126 116933
1338 V Mohan Madras Diabetes Research Foundation 126 116031
1339 Heribert Schunkert Deutsches Herzzentrum München 126 114729
1340 Jeong Won Lee Samsung Medical Center 126 100764
1341 Ken G Smith University of Maryland College Park 126 91810
1342 John G Mchutchison Gilead 126 90070
1343 Shanhui Fan Stanford University 126 87450
1344 Ji Li University of Chinese Academy of Sciences 126 85608
1345 Arne Astrup University of Copenhagen 126 82816
1346 Hyonny Kim University of California San Diego 126 81410
1347 Arthur S Slutsky University of Toronto 126 80877
1348 Donald Klein Columbia University 126 79097
1349 Bruno Vellas CHU Toulouse; UT3 INSERM 126 78241
1350 Alexey Buzykaev Novosibirsk State University; Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics 126 77660
1351 Brian T Chait Rockefeller University 126 76933
1352 Yuri Kivshar Australian National University; ITMO University 126 76810
1353 Maurizio Prato Università di Trieste 126 74151
1354 Ronald S Duman Yale University 126 71687
1355 Katsuhiko Mikoshiba RIKEN 126 71163
1356 John Giesy University of Saskatchewan 126 70277
1357 Henrik Toft Sorensen Aarhus University 126 69660
1358 Guillermo Garcia Manero University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center 126 67491
1359 Kelly D Brownell Duke University 126 67139
1360 James Dumesic University of Wisconsin Madison 126 66625
1361 Huda Zoghbi Baylor College of Medicine 126 66502
1362 Jordi Sunyer   126 66037
1363 David C Montefiori Duke University Medical Center 126 65777
1364 Kenneth Pienta Johns Hopkins University 126 64617
1365 Edward Sargent University of Toronto 126 64184
1366 Thomas Look Harvard Medical School 126 63842
1367 Arumugam Manthiram University of Texas at Austin 126 63677
1368 Thomas Joiner Florida State University 126 63626
1369 John J Oshea National Institutes of Health NIH 126 63440
1370 James N Ihle St Jude Children's Research Hospital 126 63320
1371 Thomas Marwick Baker IDI Heart and Diabetes Institute 126 63272
1372 Anthony Demetris University of Pittsburgh Medical Center 126 63135
1373 Ho Kwang Mao Carnegie Institution for Science 126 61731
1374 Stephen Mann University of Bristol 126 61226
1375 Laurent D Cohen   126 60595
1376 Alfonso Caramazza Harvard University 126 59367
1377 George A Kaplan University of Michigan 126 59022
1378 Mcarthur Justin Charles Johns Hopkins University 126 58838
1379 Peter Kalivas Medical University of South Carolina 126 58621
1380 Hugh Possingham Nature Conservancy 126 58395
1381 Thomas E Mallouk University of Pennsylvania 126 58239
1382 Sergio Grinstein Hospital for Sick Children 126 58133
1383 Dorothy V M Bishop Oxford University 126 55899
1384 Herman Waldmann Oxford University 126 55565
1385 Jerome Ritz Dana Farber Cancer Institute 126 51747
1386 Ahmedin Jemal American Cancer Society 125 388128
1387 David Harvey City University of New York 125 246124
1388 Keiji Morokuma   125 227644
1389 Mary Cushman University of Vermont 125 134679
1390 Matthew Budoff University of California Los Angeles 125 110740
1391 Trevor Darrell University of California Berkeley 125 109513
1392 David M Sabatini Whitehead Institute; MIT; Howard Hughes Medical Institute 125 107877
1393 Andres Metspalu University of Tartu 125 107712
1394 Robert Costanza Australian National University 125 105926
1395 Hee Chul Lee   125 97731
1396 Paul B Baltes Wayne State University 125 94031
1397 Hang Keun Kim Gachon University 125 92605
1398 E Tory Higgins Columbia University 125 90280
1399 Hiroshi Maeda   125 89132
1400 Soo Young Lee Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology 125 88602
1401 Jiaqing Wang Soochow University 125 87805
1402 Leon Chua   125 84275
1403 Nick Jennings Imperial College 125 81422
1404 Anton Zeilinger University of Vienna 125 81143
1405 Byoung Kwon Lee Yonsei University 125 77704
1406 A Zettl University of California Berkeley 125 77207
1407 Yong Liu IBM T J Watson Research Center 125 75843
1408 Bharat Bhushan Ohio State University 125 75701
1409 John N Weinstein University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center 125 74926
1410 Hanshuang Chen Anhui University 125 74859
1411 Peter Walter Howard Hughes Medical Institute; University of California San Francisco 125 72882
1412 A Ciechanover Technion Israel Institute of Technology 125 72552
1413 Ha Quigley Johns Hopkins University 125 71631
1414 Arthur Kramer Northeastern University; University of Illinois 125 71540
1415 Jens Nielsen Chalmers University of Technology 125 71425
1416 Hashem B El Serag Baylor College of Medicine 125 70642
1417 Anjana Rao Harvard Medical School 125 69607
1418 Henry McQuay   125 69388
1419 George M Shaw University of Pennsylvania 125 67027
1420 A H MacDonald University of Texas at Dallas 125 66385
1421 Richard M Ransohoff Third Rock Ventures 125 66154
1422 Ulrich Hartl Max Planck Institute of Biochemsitry 125 65868
1423 A M Lozano University Health Network Canada 125 65652
1424 Jeffrey N Katz Harvard Medical School 125 64867
1425 Jaffer Ajani University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center 125 62165
1426 Ajit Varki University of California San Diego 125 62139
1427 Michael Maes Chulalongkorn University 125 61417
1428 Leaf Huang University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 125 61302
1429 Robert J Genco University at Buffalo SUNY 125 60169
1430 Christopher E M Griffiths University of Manchester 125 59194
1431 Eduard Vieta University of Barcelona; Hospital Clinic; IDIBAPS; CIBERSAM 125 57950
1432 Lynn S Fuchs Vanderbilt University 125 56699
1433 Ewine Van Dishoeck Leiden University 125 56552
1434 Arne Holmgren Karolinska Institute 125 56282
1435 Salvatore Panico Università Federico II di Napoli 125 53363
1436 Nathana Fox University of Maryland College Park 125 52449
1437 Simon C Gandevia Neuroscience Research Australia 125 51414
1438 Bo Barker Jørgensen Aarhus University 125 50632
1439 Savio L Y Woo University of Pittsburgh 125 50348
1440 Gordana Vunjak Novakovic Columbia University 125 48386
1441 Robert J Barro Harvard University 124 176878
1442 Alan D Lopez University of Melbourne 124 173817
1443 Craig Rogers Henry Ford Hospital 124 120387
1444 Linus Pauling California Institute of Technology 124 116848
1445 Jeremy Ernst Embry Riddle Aeronautical University 124 106929
1446 William L Jorgensen Yale University 124 105611
1447 Milton Packer Baylor University Medical Center 124 101866
1448 David Culler University of California Berkeley 124 100758
1449 Michael A Hogg Claremont Graduate University 124 98309
1450 Flemming Besenbacher Aarhus University 124 96377
1451 Jimmy A Lee Institute for Infocomm Research 124 95229
1452 Paul Glasziou Bond University 124 91524
1453 Paul Jacques Tufts University 124 89408
1454 S Pileri Università di Bologna 124 88124
1455 M J Brown University of Cambridge 124 87875
1456 Peter Linsley Benaroya Research Institute 124 87337
1457 Liu Jianjun Genome Institute of Singapore 124 85321
1458 Gaetano Thiene University of Padova 124 84510
1459 Robert B Jackson Stanford University 124 83170
1460 Dananiel E Furst UCLA; University of Washingyon; University of Florence 124 83014
1461 Yawu Liu University of Eastern Finland 124 81149
1462 Jose Alfonso Gomez Calero Institute for Sustainable Agriculture CSIC 124 81076
1463 Teresa E Seeman University of California Los Angeles 124 75342
1464 Baldin Austin   124 74089
1465 Xian Hua Li Institute of Geology and Geophysics Chinese Academy of Sciences 124 73309
1466 Douglas T Golenbock University of Massachusetts Medical School 124 71738
1467 Martin Ravallion Georgetown University 124 70728
1468 Surendra Shah Northwestern University; University of Texas 124 70626
1469 John Dovidio Yale University 124 70468
1470 Yosef Yarden Weizmann Institute 124 70344
1471 Gert Pfurtscheller Graz University of Technology 124 70119
1472 Qutayba Hamid University of Sharjah 124 69758
1473 Harrison G Pope Harvard University 124 68202
1474 Robert K Heaton University of California San Diego 124 68196
1475 Clemens Kirschbaum Technische Universität Dresden 124 67337
1476 Jordan Grafman Northwestern University 124 67253
1477 Steven A Hillyard University of California San Diego 124 66640
1478 Shouheng Sun Brown University 124 65157
1479 Guy Paic   124 65009
1480 Jonathan R Seckl University of Edinburgh 124 64817
1481 Dennis Baldocchi University of California Berkeley 124 64085
1482 Mark E Sherman Mayo Clinic 124 63980
1483 Quoc Mai Playcast Media 124 63943
1484 Teja Tscharntke University of Göttingen 124 63663
1485 Peter M Lewinsohn Oregon Research Institute 124 63290
1486 Johann Cohen Tanugi Université Montpellier 2; IN2P3 CNRS 124 62145
1487 Alex K Y Jen City University of Hong Kong 124 61707
1488 Jacob Moulijn   124 60225
1489 P Spinelli Universitá degli Studi di Bari; Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare 124 59489
1490 Eric N Jacobsen Harvard University 124 59444
1491 W Allen Hauser Columbia University 124 57997
1492 Aldo Morselli Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare; Università Roma Tor Vergata 124 57952
1493 Arturo Casadevall Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health 124 57409
1494 Dun Xian Tan University of Texas Health Science Center San Antonio 124 57355
1495 Adriano Aguzzi University Hospital Zurich 124 57225
1496 Patrick Maisonneuve Istituto Europeo di Oncologia 124 57157
1497 Nicholas A Kotov University of Michigan 124 56544
1498 Michael Sheetz National University of Singapore 124 56376
1499 Wolfgang Wernsdorfer Karlsruhe Universität für Technologie; Institut Néel CNRS 124 56140
1500 Graham Thornicroft King's College London 124 55700
1501 Zhigang Suo Harvard University; Princeton University; UCSB 124 55079
1502 Michael Goggins Johns Hopkins University 124 53632
1503 David Huntsman BC Cancer Agency 124 53271
1504 Ahmed H Zewail   124 53078
1505 Aziz Sancar   124 52175
1506 Andrew H Knoll Harvard University 124 51195
1507 Foo Yew Liew University of Glasgow 124 50691
1508 A A Hyman Max Planck Gesellschaft MPG 124 47561
1509 Michael S Diamond Washington University in Saint Louis 124 46582
1510 Masatoshi Nei Temple University 123 352695
1511 James G March Stanford University 123 292407
1512 Oliver E Williamson University of California Berkeley 123 273059
1513 Alejandro Portes Princeton University 123 145430
1514 Ewan Birney European Molecular Biology Laboratory; European Institute of Bioinformatics 123 143775
1515 Andrew Ng Stanford University 123 141778
1516 R Prentice Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center 123 128830
1517 T Lehtimaki University of Tampere 123 121727
1518 Alberto Alesina Harvard University 123 119680
1519 Thomas Münzel University Medical Center Mainz 123 117992
1520 Olivier J Blanchard Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIT 123 110599
1521 Daehee Kim Chung Ang University 123 106626
1522 Donna Muzny Baylor College of Medicine 123 105709
1523 Alastair M Thompson University of Dundee 123 105405
1524 Samuel Pouplin Hôpital R. Poincaré 123 100261
1525 Carlos Henrique da Silva Federal University of Technology Paraná 123 97782
1526 Sohee Park Vanderbilt University 123 94014
1527 Antoni Ribas University of California Los Angeles 123 88446
1528 Jianshe wang Zhengzhou University 123 81738
1529 Daniel Simberloff University of Tennessee at Knoxville 123 81346
1530 Paras N Prasad University at Buffalo SUNY 123 78938
1531 Jonathan Williams University of Hawaii 123 77585
1532 Attilio Maseri Heart Care Foundation Onlus 123 77286
1533 Elisabeth de Vries University Medical Center Groningen 123 73455
1534 Christine H Foyer University of Birmingham 123 73255
1535 George Q Daley Boston Children's Hospital Harvard Medical School 123 72292
1536 Brent N Holben Goddard Space Flight Center 123 71793
1537 John Webb St Paul's Hospital; University of British Columbia 123 71470
1538 Sang Wook Cheong Rutgers University 123 71288
1539 John A J Matthews University of New Mexico 123 69907
1540 Rama Chellappa University of Maryland College Park 123 69479
1541 David Brent University of Pittsburgh 123 67028
1542 Elaine Holmes Imperial College London 123 66404
1543 Daniel W Nebert University of Cincinnati Medical Center 123 65781
1544 Shaojun Dong Changchun Institue of Applied Chemistry Chinese Academy of Sciences 123 65351
1545 Alexis T Bell University of California Berkeley 123 65258
1546 Robert Heath University of Texas at Dallas 123 64015
1547 David Lindenmayer Australian National University 123 63718
1548 Mark H Johnson   123 63117
1549 Klaus Peter Lesch Universität Würzburg 123 62928
1550 Peter K Gregersen Robert S Boas Center for Genomics and Human Genetics 123 62542
1551 Stanley Rapoport National Institutes of Health NIH 123 62515
1552 Geraldine Dawson Duke University 123 62294
1553 Donald Pfaff   123 61687
1554 Robert Weinreb University of California San Diego 123 60960
1555 William F Laurance James Cook University 123 60867
1556 David A Lewis University of Pittsburgh 123 60736
1557 Barry Honig Columbia University 123 60620
1558 Lars Arendt Nielsen   123 60344
1559 John J Voorhees University of Michigan 123 59795
1560 Cornelis Melief Universiteit van Leiden 123 59689
1561 Stefan W Hell Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry; Max Planck Institute for Medical Research 123 59464
1562 J Silvio Gutkind Moores Cancer Center 123 58948
1563 Naomi Breslau Michigan State University 123 58854
1564 Warren J Leonard National Heart Lung and Blood Institute 123 58085
1565 W Van Mechelen VU University Medical Center 123 57322
1566 David I Perrett University of St Andrews 123 57084
1567 B C Fauser University Medical Center Utrecht 123 56391
1568 Peter Arner   123 56316
1569 Jillian Banfield University of California Berkeley 123 56226
1570 Richard I Morimoto Northwestern University 123 56158
1571 Andrew L Warshaw Massachusetts General Hospital 123 54946
1572 Elisabetta Dejana University of Milan 123 54294
1573 Robert W Snow KEMRI 123 53968
1574 R A North University of Manchester 123 53762
1575 Shree Nayar Columbia University 123 53061
1576 Sarah Spiegel Virginia Commonwealth University 123 52153
1577 John Tainer University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center; Lawrence Berkeley Lab 123 51912
1578 Wim H Saris Maastricht University 123 49667
1579 Steffen Gay University Hospital of Zurich 123 49273
1580 C Barr Taylor Stanford University 123 48463
1581 Angus C Nairn Yale University 123 47284
1582 Michael Cole University of California San Diego 122 221423
1583 Yann Lecun New York University 122 145054
1584 Alex Smola Amazon Web Services 122 125392
1585 Jacob Seidell VU University Amsterdam 122 122681
1586 Louisa Degenhardt University of New South Wales 122 117622
1587 Ian F Akyildiz Georgia Institute of Technology 122 117242
1588 U de Faire Karolinska Institute 122 116404
1589 Gunnar von Heijne Stockholm University 122 107532
1590 Sube Banerjee Brighton and Sussex Medical School 122 100833
1591 Peter W Laird Van Andel Research Institute 122 98298
1592 Alessandro Gabrielli Università di Bologna 122 96506
1593 Jiang He Tulane University 122 94452
1594 Shankar Sastry University of California Berkeley 122 93150
1595 Jesse A Berlin Janssen Research and Development 122 91031
1596 Abraham Z Snyder Washington University in St Louis 122 89792
1597 Zhifeng Ren Boston College 122 87832
1598 Sankar Das Sarma University of Maryland College Park 122 86033
1599 Marcello Tonelli University of Calgary 122 85097
1600 George A Olah University of Southern California 122 80621
1601 Curtis D Klaassen University of Kansas Medical Center 122 80616
1602 Jürgen Kurths Humboldt University Berlin 122 79487
1603 Andrew G Nicholson Imperial College London 122 77893
1604 Laura Fratiglioni Karolinska Institute 122 77419
1605 R M Anderson Imperial College London 122 76450
1606 M Hassan Murad Mayo Clinic 122 73838
1607 Robert Kennicutt University of Cambridge 122 73777
1608 Daniel J Miller Stanford University 122 73468
1609 Aziz Sheikh University of Edinburgh 122 73180
1610 Pierre Alain Clavien   122 73083
1611 Alan S Perelson Los Alamos National Laboratory 122 72154
1612 David J Greenblatt Tufts University 122 70262
1613 Franciole Marinho Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro 122 69558
1614 Raymond Rosen New England Research Institutes 122 68960
1615 Andrew Pickles King's College London 122 68339
1616 Andrew Moore University of Oxford 122 68325
1617 Daniel H Kim University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston 122 67405
1618 Bart Kiemeney   122 65694
1619 Mark Greenberg Pennsylvania State University 122 65686
1620 Peter Liu University of Ottawa; University of Toronto 122 65386
1621 Leonidas Guibas Stanford University 122 65333
1622 Jaak Panksepp   122 64529
1623 Jean Decety University of Chicago 122 64361
1624 William B Isaacs Johns Hopkins University 122 64312
1625 Claudio Franceschi Università di Bologna 122 63951
1626 Jim Speck University of California Santa Barbara 122 63670
1627 A Schapira University College London 122 63622
1628 M A Martínez González CIBEROBN; Universidad de Navarra; Harvard TH Chan 122 63042
1629 Michael Merzenich University of California San Francisco; Posit Science 122 62925
1630 Angela Dispenzieri Mayo Clinic 122 62333
1631 Xiao Ou Shu Vanderbilt University 122 61396
1632 Glyn Lewis University College London 122 60486
1633 David Clapham Howard Hughes Medical Institute 122 60373
1634 Harry V Vinters University of California Los Angeles 122 59647
1635 Mario Mikulincer Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya 122 59577
1636 Laurent Poirel University of Fribourg 122 59032
1637 Sonia Ancoli Israel University of California San Diego 122 57649
1638 Walter F Stewart HINT Consulting 122 57619
1639 William Catalona Northwestern University 122 57540
1640 Matthew Falagas Alfa Institute of Biomedical Sciences; Tufts University 122 57494
1641 Fred R Volkmar Yale University 122 57312
1642 Mark A Geyer University of California San Diego 122 56766
1643 J Douglas Bremner Emory University 122 56748
1644 Yehezkel Ben Ari IBEN 122 54247
1645 Martin Ernst Schwab Universität Zurich; ETH Zurich 122 54022
1646 John Mekalanos Harvard Medical School 122 53946
1647 Cornelia Weyand Stanford University 122 53597
1648 Kerry S Courneya University of Alberta 122 53022
1649 Hannele Yki Järvinen University of Helsinki 122 52903
1650 Julian Schroeder University of California San Diego 122 52649
1651 Lutz Birnbaumer University of Buenos Aires 122 52255
1652 Frances Arnold California Institute of Technology 122 52115
1653 Khalil Amine Argonne National Laboratory; Stanford University; IMAM ABDULRAHMAN BIN FAISAL UNIVERSITY 122 51944
1654 R Mark Wightman University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 122 50837
1655 Richard J Miller Northwestern University 122 50653
1656 Henry Mintzberg McGill University 121 213710
1657 William Dietz   121 180523
1658 Hari Balakrishnan Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIT 121 128810
1659 Christopher D Manning Stanford University 121 122783
1660 Mark Hlatky Stanford University 121 115778
1661 Elisabete Weiderpass Karolinska Institute 121 105746
1662 Aarno Palotie FIMM; Broad Institute; UCLA; University of Helsinki; Sanger Institute 121 103415
1663 Stephen Hawking Cambridge University 121 98788
1664 Kevin E Trenberth National Center for Atmospheric Research 121 95052
1665 Jixi Zhang University of Nevada Reno 121 93347
1666 Stephen Pearton University of Florida 121 91469
1667 Wayne Hall University of Queensland 121 87540
1668 Justina Yw Liu Hong Kong Polytechnic University 121 85934
1669 Jonathan S Weissman University of California San Francisco; Howard Hughes Medical Institute 121 76816
1670 Ronald R Yager Iona College 121 76101
1671 Mario Gerla   121 75184
1672 John C Byrd Ohio State University 121 74983
1673 Alimuddin Zumla University College London 121 74396
1674 Josep Penuelas CREAF CSIC Barcelona 121 73301
1675 William S Lane Harvard University 121 70082
1676 Andrew Phillips University College London 121 69844
1677 Ruslan Z Valiev Saint Petersburg State University 121 69648
1678 John A Kellum University of Pittsburgh 121 69370
1679 Ming Tsao University of Toronto; Princess Margaret Hospital 121 68633
1680 S Kawata   121 68094
1681 Yongsheng Chen Nankai University 121 67971
1682 Compton J Tucker NASA 121 67803
1683 Mary Beth Weber Emory University 121 67375
1684 Jacques S Beckmann University of Lausanne 121 66448
1685 Gregory P Asner Arizona State University 121 64641
1686 Tom Curran Children's Mercy Kansas City 121 64171
1687 Gereon R Fink University Hospital Cologne; Research Centre Jülich 121 63387
1688 Michael Dustin Oxford University 121 63163
1689 S J H van Deventer Leiden University Medical Center 121 62981
1690 Robert Berner (1935 2015) Yale University 121 62495
1691 Kenneth Walsh University of Virginia 121 62430
1692 R M Harrison University of Birmingham 121 62245
1693 Stephen Galli Stanford University 121 62147
1694 Maria José Sánchez Pérez Andalusian School of Public Health 121 62056
1695 Wolf Reik Babraham Institute 121 60827
1696 Eleftherios Diamandis University of Toronto 121 60144
1697 Robert Ricklefs University of Missouri St Louis 121 59777
1698 B l Roth University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 121 59440
1699 William E Evans St Jude Children's Research Hospital 121 59208
1700 Kenneth Aldape National Cancer Institute 121 58936
1701 Robert G Bergman University California Berkeley 121 58792
1702 Steven P Nolan Ghent University 121 58669
1703 William C Sessa Yale University 121 58259
1704 S Gorbach Tufts University 121 57900
1705 Mike S M Jetten Radboud University Nijmegen; TU Delft 121 57620
1706 Gene Jack Wang National Institutes of Health NIH 121 57413
1707 David Spiegel Stanford University 121 56663
1708 Chris Somerville University of California Berkeley 121 56386
1709 Elias Anaissie University of Cincinnati 121 56144
1710 Angela Vincent University of Oxford 121 55230
1711 Donald Bers University of California Davis 121 55130
1712 Randall T Moon University of Washington 121 55023
1713 Cecilia Favuzzi Università degli Studi e Politecnico di Bari; Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare 121 54478
1714 Donald F Hunt University of Virginia 121 54416
1715 Guy M Goodwin University of Oxford 121 54185
1716 Tullio Pozzan University of Padova 121 53450
1717 Christian Weber Ludwig Maximilians University Munich 121 53396
1718 Eric F Wood Princeton University 121 52644
1719 William M Pardridge University of California Los angeles 121 52222
1720 Paul Worley Johns Hopkins University 121 52034
1721 Ronald Burke   121 51750
1722 Gerhard Andersson Linköping University 121 51742
1723 Richard G Heimberg Temple University 121 51714
1724 Maiken Nedergaard University of Rochester 121 50949
1725 Jacques Montplaisir Universite de Montreal 121 50791
1726 Aaron Hsueh Stanford University 121 50734
1727 Dmitri Golberg Queensland University of Technology 121 50723
1728 Enrico Gratton University of California Irvine 121 50369
1729 William E Pelham Florida International University 121 50279
1730 Constantine Lyketsos Johns Hopkins University 121 50148
1731 Arthur Weiss University of California San Francisco 121 50082
1732 William F DeGrado University of California San Francisco 121 49604
1733 Robert I Lehrer University of California Los Angeles 121 49423
1734 Gerald Hart   121 49361
1735 Denisa D Wagner Harvard Medical School 121 46432
1736 Steve Graham Arizona State University 121 46363
1737 Georg Kresse University of Vienna 120 237680
1738 Talcott Parsons Harvard University 120 158128
1739 William T Abraham Ohio State University 120 129225
1740 Andrew D Oxman Norwegian Institute of Public Health 120 119720
1741 Ernst Fehr Universität Zurich 120 110101
1742 Eric Schadt Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai 120 110039
1743 Noboru Mizushima University of Tokyo 120 108396
1744 Matti Uusitupa University of Eastern Finland 120 108158
1745 G W Albers Stanford University 120 107350
1746 Colin Camerer California Institute of Technology 120 104304
1747 C l Smith Boston University 120 103526
1748 Robert Heine   120 103355
1749 Edith Feskens Wageningen University 120 102897
1750 Neil R Powe University of California San Francisco; San Francisco General Hospital 120 101768
1751 Michal Dwuznik Akademia Górniczo Hutnicza w Krakowie 120 98617
1752 Bartolome Celli   120 87420
1753 James M Buchanan George Mason University 120 86401
1754 Torben Hansen University of Copenhagen 120 82875
1755 J Wade Harper Harvard Medical School 120 81103
1756 Henri Prade CNRS; University of Technology Sydney 120 80237
1757 Andrej Sali University of California San Francisco 120 74504
1758 David L Paterson University of Queensland 120 72836
1759 Julio Montaner BC CfE 120 70688
1760 David B Tanner University of Florida 120 70608
1761 Rodney Bartlett University of Florida 120 69335
1762 Michael Shlipak   120 68921
1763 Alan W Partin Johns Hopkins University 120 68623
1764 Alexander EGGERMONT Gustave Roussy Cancer Center 120 68400
1765 Vincenzo Balzani Università di Bologna 120 65817
1766 John Johnson California Institute of Technology 120 64562
1767 R I M Dunbar University of Oxford 120 64402
1768 Didier Pittet University of Geneva Hospitals 120 63499
1769 George Rieke University of Arizona 120 63257
1770 Allan Basbaum University of California San Francisco 120 63005
1771 Bruce D Hammock University of California Davis 120 62516
1772 Giulio Gabbiani Professeur Honoraire de Pathlogie Universitè de Genève 120 61543
1773 Frank S Bates University of Minnesota 120 59789
1774 Uta Francke Stanford University 120 59641
1775 C Ballard University of Exeter 120 59471
1776 Jean Paul Kneib École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne 120 59413
1777 Daren Heyland Queen's University 120 59359
1778 Klaus Kern Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research; Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne 120 58379
1779 Mauricio Terrones Pennsylvania State University 120 58124
1780 Mary V Relling St Jude Children's Research Hospital 120 57565
1781 Robert O Ritchie University of California Berkeley 120 57283
1782 Zeshui Xu Sichuan University 120 56545
1783 Jeffrey S Moore University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign 120 56441
1784 Hugh Markus University of Cambridge 120 56131
1785 Hua Kun Liu University of Wollongong 120 56025
1786 Ruth Nussinov Tel Aviv University 120 54850
1787 Richard L Gallo University of California San Diego 120 54289
1788 Olle Inganas Linköping University 120 54212
1789 Richard Bryant University of New South Wales 120 54123
1790 W C Earnshaw University of Edinburgh 120 53914
1791 Charles Spence Oxford University 120 53803
1792 Ignacio E Grossmann Carnegie Mellon University 120 52870
1793 Derek Muir Environment and Climate Change Canada 120 52742
1794 Xandra O Breakefield Harvard Medical School; Massachusetts General Hospital 120 52596
1795 Jinde Cao Southeast University 120 52572
1796 Lawrence Que Jr  University of Minnesota 120 52520
1797 Kelly Hunt University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center 120 52187
1798 Marc H Bornstein   120 51341
1799 Morris Moscovitch University of Toronto 120 50776
1800 Thomas Smyrk Mayo Clinic 120 50653
1801 Emanuele Daddi CEA Saclay 120 48883
1802 Keith Sullivan Duke University 120 48267
1803 Mark Tarnopolsky McMaster University 120 47269
1804 Charles Robert Darwin   119 195625
1805 R Bagozzi University of Michigan 119 145467
1806 Friedrich Hayek LSE; University of Chicago; University of Freiburg 119 131475
1807 Sheldon Cohen Carnegie Mellon University 119 128333
1808 William Weintraub MedStar Washington Hospital Center 119 106426
1809 John B Taylor Stanford University 119 104852
1810 Chris Ponting University of Edinburgh 119 101982
1811 Stephen Walter McMaster University 119 91571
1812 Junying Yuan Harvard Medical School 119 88603
1813 Stephen Ball Institute of Education University of London 119 85887
1814 Paul Erdős   119 84832
1815 Giorgio Parisi Sapienza Università di Roma 119 84531
1816 Randy Katz University of California Berkeley 119 81010
1817 Vikram Patel London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine; Harvard Medical School 119 80955
1818 J Richard Bond University of Toronto 119 79388
1819 Fernando D Martinez University of Arizona 119 79215
1820 Axel Brunger Stanford University 119 78370
1821 Webster Cavenee Ludwig Institute; University of California San Diego 119 78257
1822 James C Grotta Memorial Hermann Hospital 119 77578
1823 David Heckerman Microsoft Research 119 76667
1824 Daniel Tranel University of Iowa 119 76109
1825 Jay N Giedd University of California San Diego 119 75546
1826 Elliot Meyerowitz California Institute of Technology 119 74579
1827 Robert Kirshner Harvard University 119 73969
1828 Kenneth M Murphy Washington University in St Louis 119 73886
1829 Jon Aster Brigham and Women's Hospital Harvard Medical School 119 70831
1830 Ryosuke Takahashi Kyoto University 119 69979
1831 Jitender Dubey USDA ARS 119 69964
1832 Carlos Caldas University of Cambridge 119 69329
1833 Fred Saad University of Montreal 119 68154
1834 Neil Aaronson Netherlands Cancer Institute 119 67690
1835 Jeffrey Ravetch Rockefeller University 119 65732
1836 Jennifer Doudna University of California Berkeley 119 65329
1837 Benoit Roux University of Chicago 119 63972
1838 Rita R Colwell University of Maryland 119 63488
1839 Mathias Uhlén KTH Royal Institute of Technology 119 63174
1840 Colin Michael Hall University of Canterbury; Linneaus University; University of Oulu 119 61509
1841 Richard Shine Macquarie University 119 61172
1842 Giulio Tononi   119 60772
1843 Joseph D Buxbaum Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai 119 60742
1844 Jean Yves Blay Centre Leon Berard; University Claude Bernard Lyon I 119 58941
1845 Raphael Mechoulam Hebrew University of Jerusalem 119 57957
1846 Joan Steitz Yale University 119 56825
1847 Stephen Woods University of Cincinnati 119 56615
1848 R P Brennan Beaumont Hospital Dublin 119 56533
1849 Roberto Kolter Harvard Medical School 119 56255
1850 Andrew Sharpley University of Arkansas Fayetteville 119 55938
1851 Edward McAuley University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign 119 55922
1852 Ellis Reinherz Dana Farber Cancre Institute 119 55912
1853 Pete Smith University of Aberdeen 119 55889
1854 Phillip Low Mayo Clinic 119 55579
1855 Thomas Roth Henry Ford Hospital 119 55440
1856 Eric Reiman Banner Alzheimer's Institute 119 54887
1857 Mark Ellisman University of California San Diego 119 54792
1858 Kamyar Kalantar Zadeh University of California Irvine 119 54033
1859 Ronald Dematteo University of Pennsylvania 119 53680
1860 Mario Roederer National Institutes of Health NIH 119 53547
1861 Eckhard Mandelkow DZNE; Max Planck Institute 119 53192
1862 Kenneth S Suslick University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign 119 52954
1863 David Karl University of Hawaii 119 51978
1864 Timothy E Hewett Mayo Clinic 119 51736
1865 Christos Pantelis University of Melbourne 119 51105
1866 John Nash University of Kentucky 119 50391
1867 Christopher A Walsh Boston Children's Hospital 119 49580
1868 Franz Hofmann Technische Universität München 119 49558
1869 Robert F Krueger University of Minnesota 119 49234
1870 Janet Treasure King's College London 119 49060
1871 Russell J Hemley University of Illinois at Chicago 119 47039
1872 William E Dietrich University of California Berkeley 119 46485
1873 John Morrison University of California Davis 119 43869
1874 Louis Rosenberg Unanimous A.I. 119 40518
1875 Martin Head Gordon University of California Berkeley 118 228407
1876 Julian Higgins University of Bristol 118 184648
1877 Rury R Holman NIHR Oxford Bio medical Research Centre 118 176548
1878 David Faxon Harvard Medical School 118 173391
1879 Paul A Samuelson Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIT 118 134844
1880 Chrissie Rogers University of Bradford 118 134381
1881 John Eikelboom McMaster University 118 131618
1882 R B Haynes McMaster University 118 122855
1883 C Michael Gibson Harvard Medical School 118 107573
1884 John Joseph Mcgrath Niels Bohr Aarhus University; University of Queensland; QCMHR 118 102559
1885 Gerald Meehl University Corporation for Atmospheric Research 118 98324
1886 Robert Wayne Alexander Emory University 118 95093
1887 Ben Shneiderman University of Maryland College Park 118 91767
1888 Ramachandra Rao Dasari Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIT 118 84931
1889 Richard Szeliski Facebook 118 82569
1890 Russell R Pate University of South Carolina 118 81145
1891 David N Cooper Cardiff University 118 79990
1892 David Ron University of Cambridge 118 78783
1893 Manfred Morari University of Pennsylvania 118 77903
1894 Fergus I M Craik Rotman Research Institute at Baycrest Toronto 118 76884
1895 Douglas C Bauer University of California San Francisco 118 76488
1896 David Denning University of Manchester 118 73212
1897 David M Brown Retina Consultants of Houston 118 73048
1898 Christoph J Brabec FAU Erlangen; ZAE Bayern e.V. 118 72895
1899 David Thomas Johns Hopkins University 118 72621
1900 Paul I Terasaki Terasaki Foundation 118 72501
1901 Tore Kvien University of Oslo 118 71730
1902 Seth Lloyd Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIT 118 70932
1903 John Mattick University of Oxford 118 70722
1904 Henry F Schaefer III University of Georgia 118 70480
1905 Marek Palka Uniwerystet Jagielloński 118 70104
1906 Keith Riles University of Michigan 118 69008
1907 Susumu Kitagawa Kyoto University 118 68966
1908 David B Goldstein Columbia University 118 67914
1909 James A Yorke University of Maryland 118 67798
1910 Robert H Anderson Newcastle University 118 66461
1911 F Xavier Castellanos NYU Langone Medical Center 118 66189
1912 Philip Kantoff Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center 118 65885
1913 P L C M van Riel Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Center 118 65140
1914 Daniel H Janzen University of Pennsylvania 118 63618
1915 James M Robins Harvard School of Public Health 118 63070
1916 Janusz Pawliszyn University of Waterloo 118 62877
1917 James L Kennedy Centre for Addiction and Mental Health 118 62415
1918 Filippo Giorgi International Centre for Theoretical Physics 118 61698
1919 David M Richardson Stellenbosch University 118 61600
1920 Robert S Kerbel University of Toronto 118 60772
1921 James W Head III Brown University 118 60631
1922 Richard B Freeman Harvard University; NBER 118 60237
1923 C S Lee City University of Hong Kong 118 60193
1924 Costas M Soukoulis Iowa State University 118 59770
1925 Ken Donaldson University of Edinburgh 118 59663
1926 Christopher Amos Baylor College of Medicine 118 59169
1927 Gasbarrini Giovanni   118 58973
1928 David Alan Schoenfeld   118 58900
1929 Andrew H Paterson University of Georgia 118 58652
1930 Murray Esler Baker IDI Heart and Diabetes Institute 118 57421
1931 Carol Shields Wills Eye Hospital 118 56825
1932 Carl G Figdor Radboud University Nijmegen 118 56207
1933 Leann Birch University of Georgia 118 55919
1934 Richard T Lee Harvard University 118 54851
1935 Reggie Edgerton UCLA 118 54630
1936 Robert Zatorre McGill University 118 54544
1937 F Shanahan University College Cork; National University of Ireland 118 54384
1938 D J Nutt Imperial College London 118 54331
1939 Jose L Jimenez University of Colorado Boulder 118 54045
1940 R Quirion Université McGill 118 53942
1941 Marie Griffin Vanderbilt University 118 53539
1942 Athol U Wells Imperial College London 118 53219
1943 Eugenio Paolini University of Pisa 118 53094
1944 Tiziano Barbui Fondazione per la Ricerca Ospedale Maggiore di Bergamo 118 52661
1945 Victor R Edgerton University of California Los Angeles 118 51914
1946 Lars Alfredsson Karolinska Institutet 118 51462
1947 Douglas Lauffenburger Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIT 118 49979
1948 Dade Lunsford UPMC 118 49634
1949 Jean Poesen KU Leuven 118 48561
1950 Riitta Hari Aalto University 118 47765
1951 Paolo M Comoglio Candiolo Cancer Institute IRCCS 118 46665
1952 Kenneth Offit Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center 118 46277
1953 Neal Rosen Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center 118 45609
1954 Andreas Pluckthun Universität Zurich 118 45325
1955 Stephen Sparks University of Bristol 118 43367
1956 C J Hawkesworth University of Bristol 118 43017
1957 Nan Laird Harvard School of Public Health 117 232391
1958 David Bartel Howard Hughes Medical Institute; MIT; Whitehead Institute 117 182228
1959 Stephen Boyd Stanford University 117 171287
1960 Kalyanmoy Deb Michigan State University 117 141211
1961 Barbara Russell University of Toronto 117 136040
1962 S Anand McMaster University 117 128155
1963 Richard M Lerner Tufts University 117 125205
1964 J David Hawkins University of Washington 117 116546
1965 Frederic Jameson   117 116480
1966 Andrew G Clark Cornell University 117 100753
1967 Takeuchi Osamu Kyoto University 117 97850
1968 Jere H Mitchell UT Southwestern Medical Center 117 96509
1969 Jiangzhou Wang University of Kent 117 95615
1970 Murray Straus University of New Hampshire 117 86827
1971 Josep M Llovet M Sinai Liver Cancer Prog 117 83005
1972 Xiang Zhang University of California Berkeley 117 81275
1973 Chen Ming Guangzhou Institute of Geochemistry Chinese Academy of Sciences 117 80558
1974 Darko Mekterovic University of Rijeka 117 77518
1975 David C Van Essen Washington University in St Louis 117 77091
1976 Evert Jan Baerends VU University Amsterdam 117 75057
1977 Keith Beven Lancaster University 117 71475
1978 Johann De Bono Institute of Cancer Research London 117 69840
1979 George Patton University of Melbourne 117 69566
1980 Michael Wigler Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory 117 69561
1981 Jim Wilson University of Edinburgh 117 68492
1982 Pablo Yepes Rice University 117 68062
1983 hirofumi yamamoto Osaka university 117 67712
1984 Wayne Smith University of Newcastle; University of Sydney 117 67094
1985 Shuanglong Liu University of Southern California 117 66701
1986 Douglas Galasko University of California San Diego 117 66561
1987 Alberto Sangiovanni Vincentelli University of California Berkeley 117 65679
1988 Mariano Barbacid Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Oncológicas CNIO 117 65610
1989 Yves Van De Peer Ghent University 117 65463
1990 Jay Shendure University of Washington 117 64653
1991 John Stankovic University of Virginia 117 62574
1992 Michael Lewis Rutgers University 117 61032
1993 I Hanski University of Helsinki 117 60629
1994 Kenneth Nealson University of Southern California 117 59820
1995 P K Smith Goldsmiths 117 59686
1996 Sandro Galea Boston University 117 58847
1997 Hiroo Kanamori California Institute of Technology 117 58555
1998 Sheng Dai Oak Ridge National Laboratary; University of Tennessee 117 58513
1999 Razelle Kurzrock University of California San Diego 117 57868
2000 Charles R Martin   117 57583
2001 P W Gold National Institutes of Health NIH 117 57145
2002 Steve Weiner Weizmann Institute 117 57039
2003 Raymond Stevens University of Southern California 117 56355
2004 Janice Kiecolt Glaser Ohio State University Medical Center 117 55956
2005 Guoyao Wu Texas A&M University College Station 117 55857
2006 Annamaria Colao Università Federico II di Napoli 117 55621
2007 Bruce F Pennington   117 54877
2008 Lawrence J Beilin University of Western Australia 117 54760
2009 Pedro Crous CBS KNAW Fungal Biodiversity Centre 117 54684
2010 V Craig Jordan University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center 117 53854
2011 Mark Olfson   117 53658
2012 Günther Deuschl Christian Albrechts University Kiel 117 53345
2013 Guido Reifenberger Heinrich Heine Universität Düsseldorf 117 53310
2014 Christian Körner University of Basel 117 53088
2015 Pieter R Cullis University of British Columbia 117 53030
2016 Peter Simmonds University of Edinburgh 117 52987
2017 Yang Kook Sun Hanyang University 117 52221
2018 B W Hollis Medical University of South Carolina 117 52203
2019 Arthur Beaudet Baylor College of Medicine 117 51744
2020 Gino Tosti Università di Perugia 117 51684
2021 Benjamin Lahey University of Chicago 117 51503
2022 Bart De Strooper KU University of Leuven; VIB 117 51420
2023 Theo J Visser Erasmus University Medical Center 117 51381
2024 Stephen Lord University of New South Wales 117 51235
2025 Bruce Kemp St Vincent's Institute of Medical Research 117 50970
2026 Jon H Kaas Vanderbilt University 117 50954
2027 Richard Passingham Oxford University 117 50152
2028 Johannes Brug National Institute for Public Health and the Environment 117 49757
2029 Wolfgang Baumeister Max Planck Institut für Biochemie 117 49185
2030 Frank Fincham Florida State University 117 49160
2031 Ian Adcock Imperial College London 117 48670
2032 Krzysztof Palczewski University of California Irvine 117 48222
2033 Michael Givskov University of Copenhagen 117 48033
2034 Robert W Doms Children's Hospital of Philadelphia 117 47164
2035 Rachel Yehuda Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai 117 47052
2036 James S Dunlop University of Edinburgh 117 46368
2037 James Krueger   117 46354
2038 Carol V Robinson University of Oxford 117 45848
2039 Thomas Shenk Princeton University 117 45246
2040 Jeff Palmer Indiana University 117 43703
2041 Jay Berzofsky CCR, NCI, NIH 117 43189
2042 J J Goronzy Stanford University 117 42781
2043 Dominique Valla Assistance Publique Hôpitaux de Paris 117 41185
2044 F Dean Toste University of California at Berkeley 117 37153
2045 Amos Tversky Stanford University 116 308853
2046 George Sheldrick Goettingen University 116 235692
2047 H Bernhard Schlegel Wayne State University 116 218518
2048 Jeffrey Kim Radiant Genomics 116 203750
2049 Faiez Zannad CHRU Nancy 116 173733
2050 G H R Silva UNESP 116 109055
2051 Ramon Miquel Institut de Fisica d'Altes Energies Barcelona 116 99528
2052 Endel Tulving University of Toronto 116 97570
2053 Cordelia Schmid INRIA 116 97285
2054 Carolyn L Smith Baylor College of Medicine 116 96666
2055 Ulf Ekelund Norwegian Institute of Public Health 116 95188
2056 Matt Dobbs McGill University 116 92733
2057 Andrew Rambaut University of Edinburgh 116 90335
2058 John P Cooke Houston Methodist Research Institute 116 87356
2059 Yadong Yin University of California Riverside 116 86565
2060 michael Sarr Mayo Clinic 116 85431
2061 Jeferson Lehmann   116 85324
2062 Asli Demirguc Kunt World Bank 116 85295
2063 Ian Paulsen Macquarie University 116 82108
2064 Dan Boneh Stanford University 116 81253
2065 Andy Hargreaves Boston College 116 77634
2066 Xufei Wang Arizona State University 116 77409
2067 Niyazi Serdar Sariciftci Johannes Kepler University Linz 116 77148
2068 F A Smith University of Adelaide 116 74439
2069 Wafik El Deiry Brown University 116 73681
2070 Klaus Robert Müller Technische Universität Berlin; Korea University 116 73316
2071 Yafei Zhang Shanghai Jiaotong University 116 72620
2072 Thomas J Kipps University of California San Diego 116 69188
2073 Vladimir Torchilin Northeastern University 116 68672
2074 Baruch Fischhoff Howard Heinz University; Carnegie Mellon University 116 67668
2075 Robert J Vallerand Université du Québec à Montréal 116 67224
2076 Jeffrey R Long University of California Berkeley 116 66704
2077 Julia A Haller Wills Eye; Hopkins; Jefferson 116 66233
2078 Ulrich S Schubert Friedrich Schiller University Jena 116 65409
2079 Xavier Estivill qGenomics Quantitative Genomics Laboratories 116 63174
2080 Seiji Shinkai Kyushu University 116 62562
2081 Massimo Loda Harvard Medical School 116 62075
2082 Steven Gallinger University of Toronto 116 61632
2083 Ashley Bush Massachusetts General Hospital 116 61331
2084 Jingya Wang MedImmune LLC 116 60952
2085 Zhi Xun Shen Stanford University 116 60807
2086 Umesh Mishra University of California Santa Barbara 116 60381
2087 Geoffrey A Ozin University of Toronto 116 59865
2088 Stewart Cole École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne 116 59188
2089 Wilfried Thuiller CNRS; Universite Grenoble Alpes 116 59150
2090 Patrik Schmuki University of Erlangen Nuremberg 116 57882
2091 A C Graesser University of Memphis 116 57517
2092 Jordan S Pober Yale University 116 56775
2093 John O'Brien University of Cambridge 116 55448
2094 Ian McKeith Newcastle University UK 116 55314
2095 Leonardo M Fabbri Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia 116 55125
2096 Paul Cleary Yale University 116 54024
2097 Peter van Zijl Johns Hopkins University 116 53997
2098 Matcheri Keshavan Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center 116 53789
2099 Ulrich H Von Andrian Harvard Medical School 116 52729
2100 G A Sawatzky University of British Columbia 116 52617
2101 Manfred T Reetz Max Planck Gesellschaft MPG 116 52563
2102 William Eaton Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health 116 52504
2103 Maria J Merino National Cancer Institute 116 52365
2104 Karl Tryggvason Karolinska Institute; Duke University; National University of Singapore 116 52063
2105 Joan Brugge Harvard Medical School 116 51798
2106 Jan Feijen University of Twente 116 51304
2107 Edward Oldfield University of Virginia 116 50642
2108 Wolfgang Knoll Austrian Institute of Technology 116 49763
2109 Kam W Leong Columbia University 116 49540
2110 M Horowitz University of Adelaide 116 49093
2111 William de Groat University of Pittsburgh 116 47200
2112 Cynthia Bulik University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 116 46304
2113 Jean Claude Reubi University of Bern 116 45082
2114 Hadi Manji National Hospital for Neurology 116 43599
2115 Farshid Guilak Washington University; Shriners Hospitals for Children 116 43565
2116 Murata Norio National Institute for Basic Biology 116 43401
2117 Benita S Katzenellenbogen University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign 116 43263
2118 Da Wen Sun Academia Europaea, Royal Irish Academy, Polish Academy of Sciences 116 42885
2119 Zidong Wang Brunel University 116 42763
2120 Dinesh Manocha University of Maryland College Park 116 41199
2121 Caryn lerman University of Pennsylvania 116 40317
2122 B F Skinner B F Skinner Foundation 115 143977
2123 S Osher University of California Los Angeles 115 130800
2124 Jeffrey Ullman Stanford University 115 129587
2125 Pierre Gilles De Gennes Collège de France; Ecole de Physique et Chimie 115 113975
2126 Shaun Purcell Brigham and Women's Hospital Harvard Medical School 115 108320
2127 Derek C Angus University of Pittsburgh 115 108212
2128 Shalom H Schwartz Hebrew University of Jerusalem 115 106202
2129 Tae Young Kim Hallym University 115 96244
2130 Michael Stumvoll University Hospital Leipzig 115 92555
2131 S E Black   115 91348
2132 Hertzel Gerstein McMaster University 115 90891
2133 Michael L Klein Temple University 115 90696
2134 Jonathan Sterne University of Bristol 115 90649
2135 Uta Frith University College London 115 90392
2136 Peter Sandercock University of Edinburgh 115 89714
2137 Alan Shuldiner Regeneron 115 87805
2138 K Heyde Ghent University 115 82259
2139 Gilles Montalescot   115 79809
2140 Rameen Beroukhim Broad Institute Harvard MIT 115 78092
2141 Frederic Bushman University of Pennsylvania 115 76397
2142 Jeeyun Lee Samsung Medical Center 115 76324
2143 Flaherty K Massachusetts General Hospital; University of Pennsylvania 115 72419
2144 Kouzarides University of Cambridge 115 71654
2145 Michael J Lee Beaumont Hospital 115 71463
2146 Koichi Tanaka Kobe International Frontier Medical Center 115 70907
2147 Jeffrey Frankel Harvard Kennedy School 115 70637
2148 Jeff Dangl Howard Hughes Medical Institute; University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 115 70479
2149 David Bredt Janssen Research and Development 115 70402
2150 Yin Zhang University of Texas at Dallas 115 68984
2151 Tony F Heinz SLAC National Accelerator Lab; Stanford University 115 68033
2152 Harry Atwater California Institute of Technology 115 67366
2153 Yoram J Kaufman (1948 2006) NASA Goddard Space Flight Center GSFC 115 64684
2154 Mark Pepys University College London 115 63137
2155 David Scadden Harvard Medical School 115 62312
2156 Mark Crowther McMaster University 115 62114
2157 Harald Hampel Sorbonne Universities; Pierre and Marie Curie University 115 61989
2158 Julian Downward Francis Crick Institute 115 61911
2159 Richard R Behringer University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center 115 61503
2160 Hisashi Yamamoto Chubu University; University of Chicago; Nagoya University 115 61218
2161 Kenneth M Heilman University of Florida 115 60036
2162 William Westra Johns Hopkins University 115 59427
2163 David Dunger University of Cambridge 115 59230
2164 Elizabeth Costello Duke University 115 58900
2165 Tom L Blundell University of Cambridge 115 58758
2166 Xinliang Feng Technische Universität Dresden 115 58719
2167 Dean P Jones Emory University 115 57627
2168 Oscar Lopez University of Pittsburgh 115 57456
2169 Clifford Rosen Tufts University 115 57346
2170 Harden M McConnell Stanford University 115 57029
2171 Jeffrey D Rothstein Johns Hopkins University 115 55591
2172 Milton Saier University of California San Diego 115 55349
2173 Chi Tang Ho Rutgers University 115 55269
2174 Sergio Romagnani Università di Firenze 115 55020
2175 Paul Ross University College Cork 115 54313
2176 Suhuai Wei Beijing Computational Science Research Center 115 54151
2177 Shih Fu Chang Columbia University 115 54002
2178 J Born Universität Tübingen 115 53902
2179 Jack Gorman Franklin Behavioral Health Consultants; Critica Inc 115 53677
2180 Michael Berk Deakin University 115 53630
2181 Wim Hennink Utrecht University 115 53623
2182 Thomas A Platts Mills University of Virginia 115 53610
2183 James Tielsch George Washington University 115 53346
2184 Manolis Kogevinas Barcelona Institute for Global Health ISGlobal 115 52909
2185 David T Curiel Washington University in St Louis 115 52335
2186 Douglas Evans Medical College of Wisconsin 115 52297
2187 Richard Chaisson Johns Hopkins University 115 52079
2188 Thomas Lipo University of Wisconsin Madison 115 51821
2189 Giorgio Bernardi 1 Università Roma Tor Vergata; IRCSS S Lucia 115 51718
2190 Klavs F Jensen Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIT 115 51450
2191 Martin Gleave University of British Columbia 115 51255
2192 Connie Eaves BC Cancer Agency 115 50516
2193 William G Iacono University of Minnesota 115 49802
2194 Axel Meyer University of Konstanz 115 49284
2195 Stefan Rose John University of Kiel 115 49187
2196 Fuller Bazer Texas A&M University 115 48796
2197 Dierk Raabe Max Planck Institut für Eisenforschung GmbH 115 48203
2198 Bernd Nilius KU University of Leuven 115 47802
2199 Anseth Kristi University of Colorado; Howard Hughes Medical Institute 115 47377
2200 William Figg National Cancer Institute 115 45775
2201 Gerd Heusch Universität Duisburg Essen 115 44480
2202 Wolfgang Rhode Technische Universität Dortmund 115 43119
2203 Daniel Javitt Columbia University 115 41444
2204 Robert Lamb Northwestern University 115 40856
2205 Peter Muris Maastricht University 115 38832
2206 Robert S Kaplan Harvard Business School Harvard University 114 175100
2207 George Weinstock The Jackson Laboratory for Genomic Medicine 114 137869
2208 Lev Davidovich Landau Moscow State University; Russian Academy of Sciences RAS 114 136475
2209 Ronald Inglehart University of Michigan 114 118481
2210 Francisco Varela CNRS 114 112523
2211 Veronique Lroger Mayo Clinic 114 107476
2212 James O Prochaska University of Rhode Island 114 106707
2213 Jon Deeks University of Birmingham 114 103695
2214 Jane Newburger Harvard Medical School 114 99844
2215 Alan Bovik University of Texas at Dallas 114 98252
2216 Yingjun Wang Shanghai University 114 96361
2217 Shimon Sakaguchi Osaka University 114 95508
2218 Francois Cambien INSERM 114 95158
2219 Philippe Aghion London School of Economics; College de France 114 94451
2220 Lawrence Leiter University of Toronto 114 92119
2221 Chen Wanqing National Office for Cancer Prevention and Control 114 92042
2222 Vipin Kumar University of Minnesota 114 91942
2223 Caroline Robert   114 91179
2224 Doo Sik Kim Yonsei University 114 87992
2225 Kenneth J Gergen   114 87184
2226 Gareth F Moorhead CSIRO 114 85813
2227 Gerd Gigerenzer Max Planck Institute for Human Development 114 84961
2228 James W Pennebaker University of Texas at Austin 114 84386
2229 Muin J Khoury Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 114 84015
2230 Kazuhiko Ishihara University of Tokyo 114 82694
2231 Claudio Ronco San Bortolo Hospital 114 81484
2232 Levi Garraway Harvard Medical School 114 81186
2233 Zhang Zexu Harbin Institute of Technology 114 79238
2234 Barry Simon California Institute of Technology 114 78419
2235 Paul DN Hebert University of Guelph 114 76052
2236 Thomas Kailath Stanford University 114 75345
2237 Heinrich Kurz AMICA AMO GmbH 114 75288
2238 Martin Vetterli Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne 114 75106
2239 Lewis J Rubin University of California San Diego 114 74289
2240 Sam Zhang Nanyang Technological University 114 73521
2241 Ludwig Kappos University Hospital Basel 114 73058
2242 Louis Brus Columbia University 114 72997
2243 Goran K Hansson Karolinska Institute 114 71521
2244 Yu Chen Sheffield Hallam University 114 70686
2245 Harry Williams University of North Texas 114 70466
2246 Christodoulos Stefanadis National and Kapodistrian University of Athens 114 69928
2247 Joseph Wayne Smith University of Adelaide 114 68541
2248 alexander rudensky Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center 114 68337
2249 Yongbin Zhang FDA 114 67461
2250 Xiaoou Tang Chinese University of Hong Kong 114 67325
2251 Jean Luc Starck CEA Saclay 114 65182
2252 Peter Galle Mainz University 114 64776
2253 Robert D Hare University of British Columbia 114 63927
2254 Erko Stackebrandt   114 63470
2255 A Majumdar Stanford University 114 62371
2256 Edward Ott University of Maryland College Park 114 61742
2257 Ian Tannock Princess Margaret Hospital 114 61696
2258 Jonathan C Craig Flinders University 114 61119
2259 Raymond DuBois Medical University of South Carolina 114 60999
2260 Nicole Soranzo Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute 114 60923
2261 Henry Masur NIH 114 59183
2262 Samuel Klein   114 58892
2263 Ching Lung Lai University of Hong Kong 114 58715
2264 Gordon Wallace ARC Centre of Excellence for Electromaterials Science 114 58714
2265 Peter Kahrilas   114 58662
2266 Y Efremenko University of Tennessee at Knoxville 114 58045
2267 Robert Recker Creighton University School of Medicine 114 57130
2268 Jeff Greenberg University of Arizona 114 56564
2269 Horst Kessler Technische Universität München 114 55929
2270 Frank Neese Max Planck Institute für Kohlenforschung 114 55886
2271 David Baulcombe University of Cambridge 114 55605
2272 David Gozal University of Missouri 114 54807
2273 Eric Stice Stanford University 114 54112
2274 Javad Parvizi Thomas Jefferson Univerisity 114 54015
2275 Cezmi Akdis Universität Zurich 114 53969
2276 Gavin Andrews University of New South Wales 114 53654
2277 James C Hogg University of British Columbia 114 52404
2278 John Raven University of Dundee 114 52252
2279 Xi Zhang Texas A&M University College Station 114 51658
2280 Manohar Panjabi Yale University 114 51406
2281 Daniel L Hartl Harvard University 114 51176
2282 Vincent Mor Brown University 114 51025
2283 Michael R Wasielewski Northwestern University 114 50328
2284 Bette Korber Los Alamos National Laboratory 114 50243
2285 Tadashi Yamamoto OIST 114 50234
2286 Zbigniew Darzynkiewicz New York Medical College 114 49968
2287 Katsuhiko Ariga National Institute for Materials Science NIMS Japan 114 47954
2288 W Stetler Stevenson National Institutes of Health NIH 114 47811
2289 Ian T Baldwin Max Planck Gesellschaft MPG 114 47709
2290 Perminder Sachdev University of New South Wales 114 47690
2291 Douglas Kiel Harvard Medical School 114 47632
2292 Andrey Rogach City University of Hong Kong 114 46628
2293 Albert Fornace Georgetown University 114 46607
2294 Van C Mow Columbia University 114 46504
2295 Thomas Kensler Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center 114 45765
2296 Gregory E Simon Kaiser Permanente Washington Health Research Institute 114 45301
2297 Ed Silverman Harvard University 114 44930
2298 Staffan Kjelleberg University of New South Wales 114 44912
2299 Michelle Craske University of California Los Angeles 114 44820
2300 Asrar B Malik University of Illinois at Chicago 114 44428
2301 Klaus Mosbach Lund University 114 44271
2302 James L Manley Columbia University 114 43827
2303 Peter Groffman CUNY Brooklyn College; Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies 114 43189
2304 John T Fallon New York Medical College 114 42364
2305 Rhian Touyz University of Glasgow 114 41616
2306 Clifford Geertz Princeton University 113 231162
2307 Peter M Bentler University of California Los Angeles 113 216541
2308 Clive Granger University of Nottingham; University of California San Diego 113 182457
2309 Mohsen Naghavi University of Washington 113 169084
2310 Gerasimos Filippatos National and Kapodistrian University of Athens 113 166777
2311 Ross Levine University of California Berkeley 113 150189
2312 Jeffrey Pfeffer Stanford University 113 137711
2313 Ruslan Medzhitov Yale University 113 114581
2314 Andrea C Ferrari University of Cambridge 113 112554
2315 Michael O'Keeffe Arizona State University 113 111957
2316 John Pendry Imperial College London 113 109721
2317 Henry N Ginsberg Columbia University 113 107547
2318 Reginaldo Barboza Silva Universidade Estadual Paulista 113 106138
2319 Peter S Hall University of Birmingham 113 97926
2320 Sankar Ghosh Yale University; Howard Hughes Medical Institute; Columbia University 113 94726
2321 Peter Jüni AHRC; St Michael's Hospital; University of Toronto 113 91146
2322 Eric Bass Johns Hopkins University 113 90254
2323 Kenneth E Lee US Army 113 89785
2324 Philipp Weigell Max Planck Institut für Physik 113 86352
2325 Shou Cheng Zhang Stanford University 113 86253
2326 David A Case Rutgers University 113 85921
2327 Yang Chen 1 Purdue University 113 82971
2328 Lili Wang Harvard Medical School 113 82569
2329 Eric Hanushek Stanford University 113 81803
2330 Marc S Sabatine Brigham and Women's Hospital Harvard Medical School 113 81354
2331 Janet Lee Regis University 113 79974
2332 David Vanderbilt Rutgers University 113 77686
2333 V Kumar   113 75660
2334 Soumitro Banerjee Indian Institute of Science Education & Research Kolkata 113 75572
2335 James R Heath California Institute of Technology 113 75262
2336 Elliott Lieb Princeton University 113 73805
2337 Kenneth Kh Lee Chinese University of Hong Kong 113 71648
2338 Mauro Giavalisco University of Massachusetts 113 71463
2339 Lieping chen Yale University 113 70759
2340 Daniel Von Hoff Tgen; Mayo 113 69213
2340 Feng Gao China University of Mining and Technology 113 69213
2342 Kathleen I Pritchard University of Toronto 113 69150
2343 Raghu Kalluri University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center 113 68913
2344 Mark Williams University of Colorado 113 68689
2345 Ray Baughman University of Texas at Dallas 113 68299
2346 Stuart Parkin Max Planck Institute for Microstructure Physics; IBM Research Almaden 113 67780
2347 Elizabeth F Loftus University of California Irvine 113 66607
2348 Fred C Tenover Cepheid 113 66295
2349 Margaret M Johnson University of Birmingham 113 64781
2350 Ferenc Krausz Max Planck Institut für Quantenoptik; LMU 113 64755
2351 J Holton Wilson Central Michigan University 113 64585
2352 M Williams University of Oxford 113 64124
2353 Sally Wenzel University of Pittsburgh 113 64119
2354 Andrew Prentice London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine 113 64088
2355 Joseph P Newhouse Harvard University 113 63924
2356 Larry Davis University of Maryland College Park 113 63917
2357 A Alvarez Buylla University of California San Francisco 113 63602
2358 Sabino Matarrese Padova University 113 63458
2359 Jeffrey Weitz McMaster University 113 63416
2360 David Zhang Hong Kong Polytechnic University 113 62846
2361 Gary Lyman Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center 113 62745
2362 Steven Chu Stanford University 113 61696
2363 J H Taylor Princeton University 113 61292
2364 Karsten Danzmann Leibniz Universität Hannover; Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics 113 60686
2365 Michael J Brownstein   113 60623
2366 Hervé Aussel AIM Paris Saclay 113 60489
2367 Peter Howley Harvard Medical School 113 59640
2368 Peter Katzmarzyk Pennington Biomedical Research Center 113 59476
2369 Giorgio Bernardi 2 Roma 3 University 113 59103
2370 Gareth Morgan University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences 113 57228
2371 Aarsland Dag King's College London 113 56407
2372 Vincent W V Jaddoe Erasmus University Rotterdam 113 56071
2373 Ellen Bialystok York University 113 55981
2374 Ronald E Smith University of Washington 113 55978
2375 Robert Linhardt Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 113 55865
2376 Rui L Reis University of Minho 113 55854
2377 Ignace Vergote University of Leuven 113 55151
2378 Maciej Lewenstein ICFO Institut of Photonic Sciences 113 55145
2379 Brian Hemmings   113 55135
2380 S Przedborski Columbia University 113 54391
2381 Robert Dickinson University of Texas at Dallas 113 54127
2382 Anthony P Monaco Tufts University 113 53795
2383 Rob Hegele Western University; Robarts Research Institute 113 53448
2384 M W van Tulder VU University Amsterdam; Arhus University 113 53444
2385 Julie A Schneider Rush University Medical Center 113 53143
2386 Shitij Kapur University of Melbourne 113 53111
2387 Jim Mintz University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio 113 52599
2388 Paul Sawchenko Salk Institute for Biological Studies 113 51874
2389 Marcel Levi Amsterdam Medical Center; UCLH 113 51579
2390 Virgil Percec University of Pennsylvania 113 51333
2391 Mathias Fink ESPCI Paris; CNRS 113 51289
2392 John Cryan University College Cork 113 51288
2393 Mark T Gladwin University of Pittsburgh 113 50790
2394 Yongguang Wang The Seventh Hospital of Hangzhou 113 50456
2395 Felipe F Casanueva Santiago de Compostela University; CIBERobn; ISCIII 113 50233
2396 Ryuzo Yanagimachi University of Hawaii 113 50089
2397 James A Wells University of California San Francisco 113 49874
2398 Thomas Gasser   113 49550
2399 Juan Bonifacino NICHD NIH 113 49177
2400 Rocky Tuan Chinese University of Hong Kong; University of Pittsburgh 113 49155
2401 Steve A Kay University of Southern California 113 49014
2402 Masashi Hazumi KEK Japan 113 48967
2403 Benjamin G Neel NYU School of Medicine; Laura and Isaac Perlmutter Cancer Center 113 48908
2404 Khalid Iqbal New York State Institute for Basic Research in Developmental Disabilities 113 48819
2405 Dacheng Tao University of Sydney 113 48609
2406 Jiri Dvorak Schulthess Clinic Zurich 113 48579
2407 Rosario Rizzuto University of Padova 113 48482
2408 Sang Yup Lee Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology 113 48360
2409 Francis J Keefe Duke University 113 47550
2410 F M M Morel Princeton University 113 47481
2411 Robert John Aitken University of Newcastle 113 47222
2412 John Trowsdale University of Cambridge 113 47132
2413 Kenneth H Rubin University of Maryland College Park 113 47086
2414 Niels Høiby University of Copenhagen 113 47074
2415 Renato V Iozzo Kimmel Cancer Center; Thomas Jefferson University 113 47060
2416 Martha E Shenton Brigham and Women's Hospital Harvard Medical School 113 46808
2417 Steven Laureys University of Liege; University Hospital of Liège 113 46689
2418 Rafael Fonseca Mayo Clinic in Arizona 113 46606
2419 Kenneth Timmis Technical University Braunschweig 113 46373
2420 Carlos Dieguez Universidade de Santiago de Compostela 113 46116
2421 A G Tony Fane UNSW & SMTC; NTU 113 45997
2422 John Ralph University of Wisconsin Madison 113 45955
2423 Timothy J Wilt Minneapolis VA Center for Chronic Diseases Outcomes Research 113 45927
2424 John D Lambris University of Pennsylvania 113 45898
2425 Robert G Griffin Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIT 113 45556
2426 William A Banks University of Washington 113 45359
2427 Douglas Fuchs Vanderbilt University 113 45130
2428 Manel Martinez Institut de Fisica d'Altes Energies Barcelona 113 44565
2429 Andrew Saykin Indiana University 113 44496
2430 Peter Somogyi University of Oxford 113 43475
2431 Peter Campochiaro Johns Hopkins University 113 43154
2432 Guochun Zhao University of Hong Kong 113 42759
2433 Robert H Singer Albert Einstein College of Medicine 113 42020
2434 William W Thatcher University of Florida 113 39737
2435 Jeffrey Benovic Thomas Jefferson University 113 39177
2436 Doug Seals University of Colorado Boulder 113 38958
2437 David Savitz Brown University 113 38638
2438 Lotfi A Zadeh University of California Berkeley 112 239753
2439 Vincenzo Barone Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa 112 226740
2440 Richard L Martin Los Alamos National Laboratory 112 194098
2441 Adam R Smith Indiana University Kokomo 112 148479
2442 Erik Ingelsson Stanford University 112 105693
2443 Thomas M Achenbach University of Vermont 112 104129
2444 Joseph Massaro Boston University 112 100442
2445 Troyen A Brennan CVS Caremark 112 99047
2446 Gordon R Bernard Vanderbilt University 112 98142
2447 Ansuman Banerjee Intel Corporation 112 90880
2448 Chiuhsiang Joe Lin National Taiwan University of Science and Technology 112 89132
2449 Angus Deaton Princeton University 112 87190
2450 Steve Petersen Washington University 112 86160
2451 Adrian Bird University of Edinburgh 112 83990
2452 Henry Völzke Universitätsmedizin Greifswald 112 83952
2453 Richie Poulton University of Otago 112 83409
2454 Jørgen Vestbo University of Manchester 112 79032
2455 Robert Tarjan Princeton University 112 78941
2456 Yuan Zhang 1 Columbia University 112 78039
2457 Mads Melbye Statens Serum Institut 112 76894
2458 Hadis Morkoç Virginia Commonwealth University 112 76357
2459 Jeremy Lee Bioprocessing Technology Institute 112 74560
2460 Dm Buss University of Texas at Dallas 112 73427
2461 Konrad Reinhart Jena University Hospital; Charité; GSA 112 73253
2462 James S Wang NASA Goddard Space Flight Center 112 72602
2463 William R Sellers Broad Institute Harvard MIT 112 70664
2464 Mahul B Amin University of Tennessee Health Science Center 112 70056
2465 Robert Smith   112 69507
2466 Akhilesh Pandey Mayo Clinic 112 69416
2467 Parviz Moin Stanford University 112 68898
2468 Seishi Ogawa   112 68354
2469 William Nordhaus Yale University 112 68203
2470 Judith Campisi Buck Institute for Research on Aging 112 66699
2471 E Wesley Ely Vanderbilt University Medical Center 112 66662
2472 Witold Pedrycz University of Alberta 112 66630
2473 Zhang Bo First Affiliated Hospital of Nanjing Medical University 112 66411
2474 Peter Nijkamp VU University Amsterdam 112 65162
2475 Austen Angell Arizona State University 112 64329
2476 Yoav Ben Shlomo   112 64306
2477 Francesca Ricci   112 63634
2478 F L Lewis University of Texas at Arlington 112 63313
2479 Alfonso Valencia Barcelona Supercomputing Center. 112 62290
2480 Yamada Akira Tokyo Institute of Technology 112 61318
2481 John Hughes University of Vermont 112 61029
2482 Chris G Van De Walle University of California Santa Barbara 112 60455
2483 Francis T Cullen University of Cincinnati 112 59954
2484 Troels Staehelin Jensen Aarhus University 112 59584
2485 Alessandra Buonanno Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics; University of Maryland 112 58999
2486 Valerio Re University of Bergamo; INFN 112 57956
2487 Jim Woodgett Lunenfeld Tanenbaum Research Institute 112 56193
2488 Albert W Wu Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health 112 55568
2489 Mark P Jensen University of Washington 112 55126
2490 E Bouza Universidad Complutense de Madrid; Ciberes; Hospital General Universitario Gregorio Marañón 112 54262
2491 Vince D Calhoun TReNDS;GSU; Gatech; Emory 112 54196
2492 Henry L Roediger Washington University in St Louis 112 54146
2493 Paolo Maria Rossini Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore 112 53873
2494 Ranga Myneni Boston University 112 53838
2495 Hans Dieter Volk   112 53808
2496 Timothy Dinan University College Cork 112 53663
2497 Martin Knapp London School of Economics and Political Science; King's College London 112 53520
2498 Kamil Ugurbil University of Minnesota 112 53483
2499 Vincent Rotello University of Massachusetts 112 53195
2500 Leo Joosten Radboud UMC Nijmegen; Iuliu Hatieganu University of Medicine and Pharmacy Cluj Napoca 112 52463
2501 Douglas Kell University of Manchester 112 52424
2502 T Mark Harrison University of California Los Angeles 112 51026
2503 Sergio Giralt Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center 112 51025
2504 Anthony Cheetham University of Cambridge 112 50961
2505 Berthold Koletzko Ludwig Maximilians Universität München; Dr von Hauner Children's Hospital 112 50909
2506 Emeran A Mayer University of California Los Angeles 112 50448
2507 Bernt Schiele Max Planck Institute for Informatics; Saarland University 112 49990
2508 Yoshihisa Yamamoto Stanford University 112 49953
2509 Donald D Price University of Florida 112 49398
2510 Robert M Hoffman AntiCancer Inc 112 49349
2511 Thomas Elbert University of Konstanz 112 48930
2512 Alan G Marshall Florida State University 112 48899
2513 Chuan He University of Chicago 112 48416
2514 Miles Hewstone University of Oxford 112 48262
2515 Bradford Berk University of Rochester and Dentistry 112 47916
2516 De Sauvage   112 47616
2517 Eric Courchesne University of California San Diego 112 46897
2518 Peter Parker   112 46417
2519 Peter Pare University of British Columbia 112 46353
2520 Mark S George Medical University of South Carolina 112 46093
2521 Joel Kopple Harbor UCLA Medical Center 112 45984
2522 Adam Drewnowski University of Washington 112 45888
2523 Magnus Ingelman Sundberg Karolinska Institute 112 45883
2524 Kurt J Isselbacher Massachusetts General Hospital Cancer Center 112 45824
2525 Jun Lin Changchun institute of Applied Chemistry 112 45690
2526 Jonathan Sprent Garvan Institute of Medical Research 112 45522
2527 Rajamani Krishna University of Amsterdam 112 45490
2528 Hergen Spits Amsterdam Academic Medical Centre; AIMM therapeutics 112 45477
2529 Joel Bockaert Montpellier University 112 45471
2530 Meilin Liu Georgia Institute of Technology 112 45207
2531 Frank Porreca University of Arizona 112 43917
2532 Charles A Nelson Harvard University 112 43466
2533 Tyrone Cannon Yale Unversity 112 43132
2534 Nancy A Moran University of Texas at Austin 112 42948
2535 Bart N Lambrecht Ghent University 112 42769
2536 Robert Usher Newton Edith Cowan University 112 40579
2537 John Blundell University of Leeds 112 40092
2538 Gurdyal Besra   112 39833
2539 Narla Mohandas New York Blood Center 112 39631
2540 Peter Capak California Institute of Technology 112 39520
2541 Harry Greenberg Stanford University 112 38735
2542 MENSAH MESHARK NBA 111 167904
2543 George Mensah National Institutes of Health NIH 111 150930
2544 David Spiegelhalter Cambridge University 111 120613
2545 Victor Velculescu Johns Hopkins University 111 99723
2546 Dick De Zeeuw University of Groningen; University Medical Center Groningen 111 99131
2547 Beth Levine University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center 111 94333
2548 Manolis Kellis Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIT 111 94082
2549 R J Sampson Harvard University 111 92704
2550 James C Hone Columbia University 111 90379
2551 Rachelle Buchbinder Monash University; Cabrini Health 111 86448
2552 Jean Jouzel CEA Saclay 111 85907
2553 Christopher E Shaw King's College London 111 83617
2554 Udo Hoffmann Harvard University; Massachusetts General Hospital 111 81356
2555 Frank Harrell Duke University; University of Virginia; Vanderbilt University 111 76693
2556 Christopher Peterson University of Michigan 111 75436
2557 Raj Mittra Penn State University 111 74023
2558 Rashmi Sinha National Institutes of Health NIH 111 73861
2559 John B Carlin Murdoch Childrens Research Institute; University of Melbourne 111 73648
2560 Richard J Youle National Institutes of Health NIH 111 70872
2561 P Eline Slagboom Leiden University Medical Center 111 69661
2562 Cameron S Carter University of California Davis 111 69544
2563 Xiaowei Zhuang Harvard University 111 66838
2564 Roger Sheldon Technische Universiteit Delft 111 65491
2565 Ron Fouchier Erasmus Medical Center Rotterdam 111 63853
2566 Kenneth Rockwood Dalhousie University 111 63849
2567 Michael Shur Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 111 63498
2568 B Guy Peters University of Pittsburgh 111 63483
2569 Dieter Bimberg Technische Universität Berlin 111 62748
2570 Daan Frenkel University of Cambridge 111 62630
2571 Hanlin Chen South China University of Technology 111 61539
2572 Kenneth Pargament Bowling Green State University 111 61525
2573 Szabolcs Marka Columbia University 111 61194
2574 William Evans University of California Berkeley 111 59986
2575 Ulf Meißner Universität Bonn 111 59953
2576 Norman Pace University of Colorado Boulder 111 59927
2577 Jerome Engel University of California Los Angeles 111 59716
2578 Marcel Tanner University of Basel 111 58698
2579 Shi Xue Dou University of Wollongong 111 58536
2580 Frans De Waal Emory University 111 58483
2581 David Chandler University of California Berkeley 111 57981
2582 Karl Erik Andersson Wake Forest University 111 57515
2583 Bruce McNaughton University of Lethbridge 111 57128
2584 Yoshiaki Ito National University of Singapore 111 56925
2585 Steve Horvath University of California Los Angeles 111 56505
2586 Bruce J Berne Columbia University 111 56322
2587 Mohd Adli Ali IIUM 111 55745
2588 David M Clark University of Oxford 111 55743
2589 Peter G Wolynes Rice University 111 55556
2590 Ibrahim Dincer University of Ontario Institute of Technology 111 55493
2591 Costantino Iadecola Weill Cornell Medical College 111 55438
2592 Robert Thomas Knight University of California Berkeley 111 55106
2593 David Hume University of Queensland 111 55099
2594 Randall S Johnson University of Cambridge; Karolinska Institutet; University of California San Diego 111 54712
2595 Paul O'Byrne McMaster University 111 54314
2596 David Goldenberg Immunomedics Inc 111 54216
2597 Xuemin Shen University of Waterloo 111 52910
2598 Graham P Taylor Imperial College London 111 52864
2599 Antonio Palumbo Università di Torino 111 52715
2600 Keith Burridge University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 111 52427
2601 Antonio Facchetti Northwestern University; Flexterra Inc. 111 52413
2602 Daniel G Anderson Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIT 111 52163
2603 Michael Busch Blood Systems Research Institute; University of California San Francisco 111 51993
2604 Russ Poldrack Stanford University 111 51968
2605 Linda George Duke University 111 51673
2606 Alexander Tomasz   111 51329
2607 John J Lemasters Medical University of South Carolina 111 51227
2608 Haralampos M Moutsopoulos National and Kapodistrian University of Athens 111 51209
2609 Xiaoliang Sunney Xie Lee Shau Kee Peking University 111 51201
2610 Alan Barrett European Bioinformatics Institute 111 51014
2611 Berrie Giebels Ecole Polytechnique; CNRS; IN2P3 111 50229
2612 Jouke Jan Hottenga VU University Amsterdam 111 50195
2613 Peter Lansdorp BC Cancer Agency 111 50119
2614 J A Scott Kelso Florida Atlantic University; University of Ulster 111 50058
2615 Albert J R Heck Bijvoet Center; Utrecht University 111 49746
2616 Wei Ying Ma Toutiao; Bytedance 111 49673
2617 Saul Shiffman University of Pittsburgh 111 49560
2618 Jürgen Baumert Max Planck Institute for Human Development 111 49530
2619 Peter Vandamme Ghent University 111 49464
2620 Harold A Sackeim Columbia University 111 49389
2621 Douglas Cook University of California Davis; Texas A&M University; University of Wisconsin 111 49232
2622 Mark A Kay Stanford University 111 49011
2623 Olga Botner Uppsala University 111 48897
2624 Scott Kaufmann Mayo Clinic 111 48755
2625 Nabil Seidah Institut de Recherches Cliniques de Montréal  111 48618
2626 Ian Manners University of Bristol 111 48287
2627 Ralf Bartenschlager Ruprecht Karls Universität Heidelberg 111 48088
2628 Stephen Pennycook National University of Singapore 111 48003
2629 Patrick Holt Telethon Kids Institute; University of Western Australia 111 47847
2630 Edwin L Thomas Rice University; MIT; Cornell University; University of Minnesota 111 47242
2631 William Coryell University of Iowa 111 45905
2632 Erich P Ippen Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIT 111 45616
2633 C Blitterswijk Maastricht University 111 45472
2634 Lloyd A Greene Columbia University 111 45362
2635 Marinos Dalakas National and Kapodistrian University of Athens 111 45327
2636 Angelo M De Marzo Johns Hopkins University 111 45280
2637 Charles Gerba University of Arizona 111 44937
2638 Philip D Harvey University of Miami 111 44461
2639 Bin Wang University of Hawaii 111 44421
2640 Sylvia Asa University of Toronto 111 44211
2641 Myron L Weisfeldt Johns Hopkins University 111 44006
2642 Motoharu Seiki University of Tokyo 111 43952
2643 Lyle L Moldawer University of Florida 111 43558
2644 Moses Chao New York University 111 42458
2645 Rajender Varma US Environmental Protection Agency; Palacky University 111 42174
2646 Francisco Tomas Barberan CSIC 111 41414
2647 Carel P van Schaik Universität Zurich 111 41362
2648 S K Dey Cincinnati Children's Medical Center 111 41124
2649 Arkady Tseytlin Imperial College London 111 40588
2650 Alan F Cowman Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research 111 40513
2651 Eric Orwoll Oregon Health & Science University 111 40483
2652 Paul Williams University of Nottingham 111 40208
2653 Stuart M Phillips McMaster University 111 38476
2654 Elizabeth S Dennis CSIRO 111 37553
2655 Eugene F Fama Chicago Booth 110 297644
2656 George Lakoff University of California Berkeley 110 195605
2657 Hans Wedel University of Gothenburg 110 125125
2658 David Watson University of Notre Dame 110 123788
2659 Leslie A Barlow Colorado State University 110 118237
2660 Anna Dominiczak University of Glasgow 110 110737
2661 Liu Shuai Nanyang Technological University 110 101008
2662 Charles D A Wolfe King's College London 110 99630
2663 Joel Parker University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 110 96981
2664 John W Berry Queens University; HSE National Research University 110 94738
2665 Alexa Beiser Boston University 110 93490
2666 L Cardon GlaxoSmithKline 110 91933
2667 Hyeyoung Kim University of California Los Angeles 110 91838
2668 Felipe Castro da Silva FURG; INPE 110 91076
2669 Hywel Williams University of Nottingham 110 90251
2670 Carl Lavie Ochsner Clinical School 110 88444
2671 Anne Mctiernan Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center 110 87883
2672 Andrew P Feinberg Johns Hopkins University 110 83832
2673 Jeffrey Reid Regeneron Pharmaceuticals 110 82231
2674 Dieter Häussinger Heinrich Heine Universität Düsseldorf 110 78242
2675 Susan Dumais Microsoft Research 110 76192
2676 Peter Calverley   110 73094
2677 Tim Willson UNC Chapel Hill 110 72889
2678 Richard I Fisher Fox Chase Cancer Center; Temple University 110 72043
2679 Michael Dean National Institutes of Health NIH 110 71898
2680 Howard Y Chang Stanford University 110 70697
2681 Siwoo Lee Korea Institute of Oriental Medicine 110 70455
2682 Keith P Johnston University of Texas at Dallas 110 68853
2683 Keith E Stanovich University of Toronto 110 68796
2684 Serge Gauthier McGill University 110 68063
2685 Douglas W Dockery Harvard School of Public Health 110 67131
2686 Ralf Schwarzer Freie Universität Berlin 110 66404
2687 Christine A Taylor Cleveland Clinic 110 66116
2688 Jing Kong Massachusetts Institute of Technology 110 65868
2689 Leslie G Ungerleider National Institutes of Health 110 64930
2690 Wing Kam Liu Northwestern University 110 64046
2691 Jaihwan Kim Seoul National University 110 62622
2692 Bruce Freeman University of Pittsburgh 110 62588
2693 Vijay P Singh Texas A&M University College Station 110 62440
2694 Jacob Park Green Mountain College 110 62198
2695 Luis A Moreno Aznar Universidad de Zaragoza 110 61610
2696 Janet Smith University of Birmingham 110 61315
2697 R Stanley Williams Texas A & M University 110 60523
2698 Andrew N Meltzoff University of Washington 110 60243
2699 Jennifer C Smith Warwick University 110 59904
2700 Robert E Coleman University of Sheffield 110 59513
2701 Thomas Montine Stanford University 110 59448
2702 Per Magne Ueland Bevital; University of Bergen; Haukeland hospital 110 59294
2703 Takeshi Iwatsubo University of Tokyo 110 57741
2704 Duane D Miller University of Tennessee Health Science Center 110 57679
2705 Dawn Song University of California Berkeley 110 57515
2706 Howard Stone   110 57420
2707 Vladimir Hachinski   110 57403
2708 John Aber University of New Hampshire 110 57400
2709 J M Brown   110 57335
2710 Katherine Fitzgerald University of Massachusetts Medical School 110 57238
2711 Nicholas P J Day University of Oxford 110 56869
2712 William Smith Portland Community College 110 56865
2713 Nikos Logothetis Stanford University 110 55977
2714 K K Ang University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center 110 54810
2715 Elizabeth Spelke Harvard University 110 54618
2716 Mehmet Toner Massachusetts General Hospital; Harvard Medical School; Shriners Hospital for Children 110 54568
2717 Keith A Johnson Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School 110 54349
2718 Nenad Markovic Argonne National Laboratory 110 54308
2719 Fine Fiedler Helmholtz Zentrum Dresden Rossendorf 110 54287
2720 Bertil Fredholm Karolinska Institute 110 53137
2721 Michael Hallek University of Cologne 110 53014
2722 Kazuo Tsubota Keio University 110 52998
2722 Michael Doherty University of Nottingham 110 52998
2724 John R Reynolds Georgia Tech 110 52575
2725 Glenda Halliday University of Sydney 110 51936
2726 Peter S Jensen University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences 110 51696
2727 Michael Green University of California Los Angeles 110 51640
2728 Colin Hill University College Cork 110 51375
2729 Hermenegildo Garcia Universitat Politecnica de Valencia 110 50671
2730 J Apperley Imperial College London 110 50546
2731 Christian Büchel University Medical Center Hamburg 110 50487
2732 Richard Houlston   110 50338
2733 T M L Wigley University of Adelaide; NCAR 110 50184
2734 Mario Cazzola University of Pavia 110 49639
2735 Richard Bardgett University of Manchester 110 49483
2736 Hidenori Takagi Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research 110 48720
2737 Joachim Herz University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center 110 48677
2738 Hans Joachim Freund Fritz Haber Institut 110 48601
2739 Alexander Kuzmin Novosibirsk State University 110 48561
2740 Richard David Kolodner Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research 110 48338
2741 Eric A Klein Cleveland Clinic 110 47612
2742 Anne White University of Manchester 110 47260
2743 Thirumalai Venkatesan National University of Singapore 110 46976
2744 Val C Sheffield  University of Iowa 110 46924
2745 M Thomas P Gilbert University of Copenhagen 110 46539
2746 Andreas Heinz Charite Berlin Campus Charité Mitte 110 46388
2747 Paul Hodges University of Queensland 110 46268
2748 Gerald R Ferris Florida State University 110 46200
2749 Joachim Frank Howard Hughes Medical Institute; Columbia University 110 45992
2750 Ernesto Carafoli Università degli Studi di Padova 110 45860
2751 SooKyung Choi Gyeongsang National University 110 45610
2752 Jelle Jolles Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam 110 45544
2753 Søren Molin Technical University of Denmark 110 45180
2754 William D Foulkes McGill University 110 45100
2755 Benjamin S Hsiao Stony Brook University 110 44925
2756 J Kevin Thompson University of South Florida 110 44702
2757 Juan Carlos Izpisua Belmonte Salk Institute for Biological Studies 110 44570
2758 Francisco Sanchez Madrid Hospital de la Princesa; Universidad Autónoma de Madrid 110 43882
2759 Fred Finkelman University of Cincinnati 110 43650
2760 Michael P Murphy University of Cambridge 110 43637
2761 Megan R Gunnar University of Minnesota 110 43517
2762 WIlliam Koros Georgia Institute of Technology 110 43464
2763 Henry Joy Mccracken Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris 110 42828
2764 Funda Meric Bernstam University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center 110 42766
2765 Adrian Raine University of Pennsylvania 110 42365
2766 William Jacobs Albert Einstein College of Medline 110 42288
2767 John D Scott University of Washington 110 40584
2768 K Daniel O'Leary Stony Brook University 110 40455
2769 Rubin M Tuder University of Colorado 110 39858
2770 Barry Fraser Curtin University 110 39574
2771 Robert Edelman NorthShore University HealthSystem 110 39171
2772 Alfred Kröner Mainz University; Beijing SHRIMP 110 38348
2773 Israel E Wachs Lehigh University 110 35705
2774 John P Perdew Temple University 109 275038
2775 Ronald A Fisher university of Cambridge; University College London 109 177298
2776 Colin Mathers World Health Organization 109 162010
2777 Robert Engle New York University 109 156802
2778 Pierre Legendre Université de Montréal 109 114434
2779 Deborah A Nickerson University of Washington 109 113549
2780 Kim Youneng Universitas Gadjah Mada 109 105354
2781 James L Mcclelland Stanford University 109 104110
2782 Markus Perola   109 100025
2783 Penny Kris Etherton Pennsylvania State University 109 99363
2784 Tõnu Esko   109 96587
2785 John A Bargh Yale University 109 89842
2786 Arshed A Quyyumi Emory University 109 88518
2787 Joseph Hun Wei Lee Hong Kong University of Science and Technology 109 85352
2788 Andrew J Elliot University of Rochester 109 82558
2789 Arnold L Rheingold University of California San Diego 109 78017
2790 Wolfram Burgard Universität Freiburg 109 77633
2791 Marten Scheffer Wageningen University 109 76997
2792 Paul E Spector University of South Florida 109 76728
2793 JN Reddy Texas A&M University College Station 109 76280
2794 Amos Bairoch University of Geneva; SIB Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics 109 75411
2795 Jeffrey Ginsberg McMaster University 109 73993
2796 Gordon Richards Drexel University 109 71082
2797 Do Young Kim Yonsei University 109 70920
2798 William T Freeman Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIT 109 70708
2799 Zhong Xinhua East China University of Science and Technology 109 68662
2800 Austin Smith University of Cambridge 109 66140
2801 Bjørn H Samset CICERO Center for International Climate Research 109 64839
2802 Wang Hu Hunan University 109 64061
2803 Robert Wise Johns Hopkins University 109 63761
2804 Lorenzo Galluzzi Weill Cornell Medical College 109 62528
2805 Warren J Manning Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center 109 61591
2806 James Haxby Dartmouth College 109 61485
2807 Tatsuo Itoh University of California Los Angeles 109 61351
2808 Frank Millero Marine Physical Chemistry 109 61131
2809 Deborah M Miller Cleveland Clinic 109 61091
2810 Seth Marder Georgia Institute of Technology 109 59596
2811 Bruce Allen Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics 109 58742
2812 Joseph S Takahashi University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center 109 58312
2813 H Peter Lu Bowling Green State University 109 57834
2814 Peter B Berger Geisinger Clinic 109 57411
2815 Donald Sparks University of Delaware 109 56955
2816 Jef D Boeke NYU Langone Medical Center 109 56690
2817 Ole A Andreassen University of Oslo; Oslo University Hospital 109 56658
2818 Ben Willem Mol Monash University 109 56390
2819 A Michael Lincoff Cleveland Clinic 109 55972
2820 Michael D Hill University of Calgary; Foothills Medical Centre 109 55846
2821 Kevin D Hyde Mae Fah Luang University 109 55617
2822 William L Johnson California Institute of Technology 109 55364
2823 B J Casey Yale University 109 55148
2824 Franco Nori RIKEN; University of Michigan 109 54908
2825 Charles Mackay Monash University 109 54143
2826 Lisa Feldman Barrett Northeastern University 109 53973
2827 Josep Dalmau University of Pennsylvania 109 53002
2828 Petr Pyšek Institute of Botany Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic 109 52868
2829 James C Carrington Donald Danforth Plant Science Center 109 52681
2830 Thomas A Wynn Pfizer; National Institutes of Health NIH 109 52606
2831 Talmadge E King Jr University of California San Francisco 109 52233
2832 Jennifer Rexford Princeton University 109 51427
2833 Omar Farha Northwestern University 109 50564
2834 Michael McGehee University of Colorado Boulder 109 50416
2835 David Stuart Oxford University 109 50147
2836 Caroline Sabin University College London 109 49717
2837 Ary Hoffmann University of Melbourne 109 49641
2838 Christian Gluud The Copenhagen Trial Unit 109 49498
2839 Nils Chr Stenseth University of Oslo 109 49393
2840 Stuart Biddle University of Southern Queensland 109 49027
2841 Samy Suissa McGill University 109 48893
2842 Richard F Thompson (1930 2014) University of Southern California 109 48735
2843 L Jeffrey Medeiros MD Anderson Cancer Center 109 48661
2844 Robert H Yolken Stanley Medical Research Institute 109 48439
2845 Detlef Schuppan Mainz University Medical Center; Harvard Medical School 109 47234
2846 Jinghong Li Tsinghua University 109 47198
2847 Paul Hansma University of California Santa Barbara 109 46851
2848 Jean Louis Mandel Collège de France 109 46541
2849 Peter C Doherty University of Melbourne 109 46451
2850 Peter Agre Johns Hopkins Malaria Research Institute 109 46353
2851 Viola Vaccarino Emory University 109 46110
2852 Yuliang Zhao Chinese Academy of Sciences 109 44765
2853 Michael D Lesh University of California San Francisco 109 44639
2854 Andrew Lyne University of Manchester 109 43544
2855 Jin Quan Yu Scripps Research Institute 109 43366
2856 Kay Davies University of Oxford 109 43080
2857 Jizhong Zhou   109 43079
2858 Ley Sander University College London 109 43011
2859 Mohamed H Sayegh American University of Beirut 109 42974
2860 Robert D Burk Albert Einstein College of Medicine 109 42947
2861 D E Walling University of Exeter 109 42657
2862 Thomas Brandt Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich 109 42518
2863 Ilse De Bourdeaudhuij Gewoon Hoogleraar Universiteit Gent 109 41640
2864 Joshua S Bloom University of California Berkeley; Wise.io 109 41513
2865 Alex Piquero University of Texas at Dallas 109 41288
2866 John Sweeney University of Cincinnati 109 40972
2867 John L Wallace University of Calgary 109 40508
2868 Eduardo Damião da Silva Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná 109 40181
2869 Daniel G Tenen National University of Singapore 109 40073
2870 Eske Willerslev University of Copenhagen 109 39115
2871 David A Boas Boston University 109 38614
2872 John Gribben Queen Mary University of London 109 38205
2873 Robert Soiffer Harvard Medical School 109 37781
2874 Pamela Silver Harvard Medical School 109 34334
2875 L David Sibley Washington University in Saint Louis 109 31911
2876 Rakesh Agrawal Microsoft Research 108 128190
2877 Ofer Lahav University College London 108 120907
2878 Bengt Muthen Statmodel 108 114407
2879 Marco Dorigo Université Libre de Bruxelles 108 112202
2880 John C Marshall University of Toronto 108 109044
2881 Hazel Markus Stanford University 108 100055
2882 Tom Greene University of Utah 108 92760
2883 D S Celermajer University of Sydney 108 81413
2884 Ian G Stiell University of Ottawa; OHRI 108 78867
2885 Andrew Morris University of Liverpool 108 78841
2886 Martinus Th Van Genuchten Federal University of Rio de Janeiro 108 74934
2887 Emad Alnemri Thomas Jefferson University 108 74561
2888 Daniel H Solomon Brigham and Women's Hospital 108 73985
2889 David Wishart University of Alberta 108 71686
2890 Brian Anderson Australian National University; National ICT Australia 108 71026
2891 Thomas J Wang Vanderbilt University 108 69049
2892 Steven Kliewer UT Southwestern Medical Center 108 68247
2893 Robin D Rogers University of Alabama 108 65718
2894 D Quentin Miller Suffolk University 108 65398
2895 Karl Glazebrook Swinburne University of Technology 108 63330
2896 Jing Zhu Tsinghua University 108 63240
2897 John Blenis Weill Cornell Medical College 108 62384
2898 Michael R Hoffmann California Institute of Technology 108 62348
2899 Hiromi Yamashita Osaka University 108 62155
2900 Petre Stoica Uppsala University 108 61537
2901 John C Avise University of California Irvine 108 61271
2902 M Tan Scripps Research Institute 108 61021
2903 James C Anthony Michigan State University 108 60731
2904 David Streiner McMaster University; University of Toronto 108 59932
2905 Ralph Adolphs California Institute of Technology 108 59727
2906 Richard Baraniuk Rice University 108 59717
2907 Marlan Scully Texas A&M University College Station 108 59255
2908 Mark Westoby Macquarie University 108 59065
2909 Clement Sánchez Collège de France; CNRS; UPMC 108 58082
2910 Mubarak Shah University of Central Florida 108 57637
2911 Graham Collingridge University of Bristol 108 57615
2912 Ana Maria Cuervo Albert Einstein College of Medicine 108 57512
2913 M Celeste Simon University of Pennsylvania 108 56419
2914 Christer Betsholtz Uppsala University 108 56363
2915 Walter Wahli University of Lausanne 108 56166
2916 Jeff Wrana Lunenfeld Tanenbaum Research Institute; Mount Sinai Hospital Toronto 108 56071
2917 Douglas K Rex Indiana University 108 55041
2918 Jack W Szostak Massachusetts General Hospital 108 54713
2919 Gertjan Van Ommen Leiden University Medical Center 108 54592
2920 Theodore Pincus NYU Medical Center 108 54241
2921 Marc Vidal Harvard Medical School 108 53704
2922 Roy Williams California Institute of Technology 108 52802
2923 Paul Saftig   108 52790
2924 Thomas Henzinger IST Austria 108 52744
2925 Tatsuhiko Tsunoda University of Tokyo 108 52739
2926 David Kleiner National Cancer Institute 108 51943
2927 Joseph J Eron University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 108 51907
2928 Pierre Taberlet Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique CNRS 108 51731
2929 Thomas Dishion Arizona State University; Oregon Research Institute 108 51608
2930 John Blangero University of Texas Rio Grande Valley School of Medicine 108 51601
2931 Paul Moayyedi McMaster University 108 51597
2932 Brian G Spratt Imperial College London 108 51537
2933 Joanne Katz Johns Hopkins University 108 51241
2934 Andrew A Nierenberg Massachusetts General Hospital 108 50777
2935 Stephen Long University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign 108 50003
2936 Ian Pavord University of Oxford 108 49863
2937 Paul Mulvaney University of Melbourne 108 49862
2938 Timothy M Swager Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIT 108 49479
2939 James Barber Imperial College London 108 49353
2940 Yadvinder Malhi University of Oxford 108 49313
2941 Joe G N Garcia University of Arizona 108 49294
2942 Karl Leo TU Dresden 108 48864
2943 Lars Engebretsen University of Oslo 108 48419
2944 Freek Kapteijn Technische universiteit Delft 108 48412
2945 Jay Keasling University of California Berkeley 108 48171
2946 W H Trzaska University of Jyväskylä 108 48082
2947 Marion Leboyer Université Paris Est Créteil 108 48020
2948 Lawrence A Loeb University of Washington 108 47965
2949 Baoshan Xing University of Massachusetts Amherst 108 47038
2950 Philip S Low Purdue University 108 46928
2951 Gary Williamson Monash University 108 46926
2952 Juan Bisquert Universitat Jaume I 108 46588
2953 Keith A Hobson Environment Canada 108 46215
2954 Malcolm Brenner Baylor College of Medicine 108 46163
2955 Jinhua Ye Natl Inst Mat Sci; Natl Res Inst Met; NIMS; INST MINERAL 108 45752
2956 Salvatore Cuzzocrea Università di Messina 108 45595
2957 Daniel Buser University or Bern 108 45255
2958 Timothy M Pawlik Ohio State University 108 45228
2959 Henning Tiemeier Erasmus Medical Center, Rotterdam 108 45191
2960 John R Weisz Harvard University 108 45133
2961 C Van Der Vleuten Maastricht University, SHE, Flinders U, Witwatersrand U, USUHS, UCSF 108 45019
2962 Fadlo R Khuri American University of Beirut 108 44940
2963 Kenneth Andrew Friedman Tulane University 108 44731
2964 Cornelis Erik Hack Universitair Medisch Centrum Utrecht 108 44648
2965 Jack Wands Brown University 108 44592
2966 Marcel Dicke Wageningen University 108 44503
2967 Benedetto Vitiello Università di Torino 108 44359
2968 Pal Pacher National Institutes of Health; Semmelweis University; University of Texas 108 44277
2969 Sharon Hillier University of Pittsburgh 108 44201
2970 Jie Liu Duke University 108 44100
2971 Richard J Smith University of Iowa 108 44073
2972 Jaephil Cho Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology 108 43933
2973 Aharon Gedanken Bar Ilan University 108 43460
2974 Edwin M Stone University of Iowa 108 42905
2975 Sidney H Kennedy University of Toronto 108 42858
2976 Tamas L Horvath Yale University 108 42854
2977 Cheryl Perry University of Minnesota; University of Texas 108 42512
2978 Loren Rieseberg University of British Columbia 108 42481
2979 Israel Vlodavsky Technion Israel Institute of Technology 108 42425
2980 Jordi Rello   108 42229
2981 Michael D Rugg University of Texas at Dallas 108 42122
2982 Philippe Gros McGill University 108 42121
2983 J B Furness Florey Institute of Neuroscience and Mental Health; University of Melbourne 108 41997
2984 Silvia Bordiga University of Torino 108 40913
2985 Shihe Yang Hong Kong University of Science and Technology 108 40836
2986 Athanasios V. Vasilakos Lulea University of Technology 108 40158
2987 Peter Andersen Statens Serum Institut 108 40071
2988 Lutz Ackermann Georg August Universität Göttingen 108 39595
2989 Alessandro Rambaldi Università degli Studi di Milano 108 39419
2990 Andreas Radbruch Deutsches Rheumaforschungszentrum Berlin 108 39395
2991 Wang Guoxiu University of Technology Sydney 108 39179
2992 Russell S Phillips Harvard Medical School 108 38452
2993 Lai Sheng Wang Brown University 108 38381
2994 Shaobin Wang University of Adelaide 108 37071
2995 Walter H Kaye University of California San Diego 108 36423
2996 Gary S Becker University of Chicago 107 276177
2997 B Efron Stanford University 107 152674
2998 John Stuart Mill University of St. Andrews 107 141065
2999 P Hotez Baylor College of Medicine; George Washington University; Yale University; Rockfeller University 107 130173
3000 Graeme Smith Monash University 107 110077
3001 R Guo Florida State University 107 103395
3002 Serge Hercberg INSERM; Université Paris 13 107 98745
3003 David Patterson University of California Berkeley 107 98573
3004 Zahi Fayad Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai 107 94609
3005 Thomas F Stocker University of Bern 107 93651
3006 René Stulz Ohio State University 107 89614
3007 Michael Lawrence Broad Institute Harvard MIT 107 89140
3008 James Torner University of Iowa 107 87510
3009 Gokhan Hotamisligil Harvard University 107 85399
3010 Gary King Harvard University 107 80868
3011 Mark R Leary Duke University 107 79887
3012 Joo Hyung Kim Inha University 107 78031
3013 Peter A Mccullough Baylor University Medical Center 107 77689
3014 Frank Dentener European Comission Joint Research Center 107 75620
3015 Alvar Agusti Universitat de Barcelona; Hospital Clínic; IDIBAPS; CIBER 107 73880
3016 Luis Alberto García Rodríguez CEIFE 107 73634
3017 Gervasio Silva Carvalho PUCRS 107 72691
3018 Chong Kwon Kim Seoul National University 107 71806
3019 Wen Hsiung Li University of Chicago 107 70048
3020 David A Wardle Nanyang Technological University 107 69020
3021 Richard Kaner University of California Los Angeles 107 68335
3022 Josef Kittler University of Surrey 107 67154
3023 Erica Smith Federation University Australia+K848 107 66541
3024 Richard G M Morris University of Edinburgh 107 66515
3025 Dieter Fox University of Washington; Nvidia Research 107 64785
3026 Ken Mackie Indiana University 107 64716
3027 Myoung Hwa Lee NINDS NIH 107 64552
3028 Martha S Linet National Cancer Institute 107 63824
3029 Matthew D Smith Miami University 107 63737
3030 Walter Paulus Goettingen University 107 63686
3031 Xiangfeng Duan University of California Los Angeles 107 61734
3032 Tsuyoshi Tanaka   107 61364
3033 Detlef P van Vuuren PBL; Utrecht University 107 61268
3034 Klaus F Rabe Lungen Clinic 107 60973
3035 Giorgio Walter Canonica 107 59423
3036 Julian Davies University of British Columbia 107 57924
3037 Brunangelo Falini University of Perugia 107 56984
3038 Hong Cai Zhou Texas A&M University 107 56575
3039 Lauri A Aaltonen University of Helsinki 107 56347
3040 Shahin Rafii Weill Cornell Medical College 107 56124
3041 T Taniguchi National Institute for Materials Science 107 55676
3042 Shenhong Wu Stony Brook University 107 55122
3043 John Ward University College London 107 55046
3044 Adrian M Owen University of Western Ontario 107 54567
3045 L T Drzal Michigan State University 107 54248
3046 Karel Svoboda Howard Hughes Medical Institute Janelia Farm Research Campus 107 54129
3047 Jean Charles Soria Gustave Roussy 107 53757
3048 Douglas R MacFarlane Monash University 107 53755
3049 Åke Borg Lund University 107 53702
3050 David J Cohen University of Missouri 107 53329
3051 Bangalore Sathyaprakash Penn State University; Cardiff University 107 53188
3052 Fred W McLafferty Cornell University 107 53044
3053 W Bruce Croft University of Massachusetts Amherst 107 52367
3054 Wenbin Lin University of Chicago 107 51867
3055 Michael S Gazzaniga University of California Santa Barbara 107 51567
3056 Mikhail Shifman University of Minnesota 107 51209
3057 Charles Cleeland University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center 107 51100
3058 David H Ledbetter Geisinger 107 51073
3059 Amalio Telenti Scripps Research Institute 107 50847
3060 Moshe Y Vardi Rice University 107 50720
3061 hans paerl University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 107 50587
3062 Paul Janmey University of Pennsylvania 107 50277
3063 Marta Kutas University of California San Diego 107 50096
3064 Lei Zhang Hong Kong Polytechnic University 107 50093
3065 Eric P Hoffman Binghamton University 107 50000
3066 Dietmar W Hutmacher Queensland University of Technology 107 49759
3067 John Bowers UCSB 107 49547
3068 Ronald Plasterk Center of Biomedical Genetics 107 49500
3069 John Pezzuto   107 48994
3070 C Richard A Catlow University College London 107 48983
3071 Justin W Smith Amazon Web Services 107 48979
3072 J R Calabrese Case Western Reserve University 107 48966
3073 Nathanael Gray Harvard Medical School 107 48905
3074 Pan Chyr Yang National Taiwan University 107 48609
3075 Glyn W Humphreys University of Oxford 107 48596
3076 Patrik Brundin Van Andel Research Institute 107 48564
3077 Michael Birrer Harvard Medical School 107 48311
3078 Peter H Wiernik Cancer Research Foundation 107 48229
3079 Diana Kuh University College London 107 48070
3080 Raymond Vanholder Ghent University Hospital 107 47871
3081 Bart Van Meerbeek KU University of Leuven 107 47763
3082 Stephan Stilgenbauer   107 47620
3083 Mike Hamblin Harvard Medical School 107 47228
3084 John Casida (deceased 2018) University of California Berkeley 107 46810
3085 Felipe Fregni Harvard Medical School 107 46375
3086 Dario Giugliano Università della Campania L Vanvitelli 107 46354
3087 Rachel Gutierrez Bicol University 107 46176
3088 Stephen L Hauser University of California San Francisco 107 46110
3089 Robert Breiman Emory University 107 46065
3090 Dean Kilpatrick Medical University of South Carolina 107 46002
3091 Kazuki Saito Chiba University; RIKEN CSRS 107 45998
3092 S Alexander Haslam University of Queensland 107 45660
3093 Xavier Querol IDAEA CSIC 107 45560
3094 Peter Stenvinkel Karolinska Institute 107 45522
3095 Naoyuki Taniguchi Osaka University; RIKEN 107 45425
3096 Kelvin J A Davies University of Southern California 107 45293
3097 Francis K L Chan Chinese University of Hong Kong 107 45256
3098 Suzanne Yvette O'Reilly Macquarie University 107 45030
3099 P R Larsen Harvard Medical School 107 44892
3100 Moras Dino UNISTRA 107 44558
3101 Alain Dufresne Grenoble INP 107 44092
3102 James Haber Brandeis University 107 44082
3103 Eric Arthur Newsholme Merton College Oxford 107 44077
3104 Andrea Biondi Università degli Studi Milano Bicocca 107 44033
3105 Peter Fratzl Max Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces 107 43929
3106 John Katzenellenbogen University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign 107 43598
3107 Victor I Klimov Los Alamos National Laboratory 107 43363
3108 Jerry L Workman Stowers Institute 107 42918
3109 Yong Guan Zhu Institute of Urban Environment 107 42627
3110 Andrew K Godwin University of Kansas Medical Center 107 42473
3111 Eric Vivier Aix Marseille Université; CSO Innate Pharma 107 42292
3112 Jonathan Ellman Yale University 107 42263
3113 J Bruce German University of California Davis 107 42086
3114 Paul Joseph Dyson EPFL 107 41901
3115 Anthony R Means Baylor College of Medicine 107 41635
3116 Kristian Helin University of Copenhagen 107 41623
3117 Alan Bird Moorfields Eye Hospital 107 41568
3118 David Wink National Institutes of Health NIH 107 41048
3119 Gao Huijun Harbin Institute of Technology 107 40926
3120 Roberto Maiolino University of Cambridge 107 40718
3121 Linda Tacconi Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics 107 40111
3122 Herbert W Virgin Washington University in St Louis 107 39552
3123 Arjun Yodh University of Pennsylvania 107 39531
3124 Seth Kalichman University of Connecticut 107 39486
3125 Michael R Irwin University of California Los Angeles 107 39377
3126 Fernando C Barros UCPEL; UFPEL 107 38943
3127 Stephen M Prescott Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation 107 38895
3128 Michael Otto Boston University 107 38827
3129 Thomas Paul Davis Monash University 107 38813
3130 Wayne W Hancock University of Pennsylvania 107 38739
3131 Zhanhu Guo University of Tennessee Knoxville 107 38700
3132 Michal Schwartz Weizmann Institute of Science 107 38499
3133 Jeffrey Milbrandt Washington University in Saint Louis 107 37913
3134 Aaron Blair National Cancer Institute 107 37649
3135 K H Kaestner University of Pennsylvania 107 37097
3136 Stephen Manuck University of Pittsburgh 107 36785
3137 Samson A Jenekhe University of Washington 107 36646
3138 Gordon E Brown Jr  Stanford University 107 36602
3139 Leon Kochian Global Institute for Food Security 107 36538
3140 magnus hook Texas A&M University 107 33863
3141 Moti Yung Columbia University 107 33182
3142 David J Teece University of California Berkeley 106 161457
3143 Reza Malekzadeh Tehran University of Medical Sciences 106 114613
3144 Alice Eagly Northwestern University 106 106335
3145 Ines Barroso Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute 106 102163
3146 S Claiborne Johnston University of Texas at Dallas 106 100261
3147 Philip Kim Harvard University 106 100187
3148 Terence P Speed Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research 106 96311
3149 Theo Stijnen Leiden University Medical Center 106 95847
3150 Adrian F Hernandez Duke Clinical Research Institute 106 94068
3151 Bruce Fischl Massachusetts General Hospital; Harvard Medical School 106 92239
3152 Mark Caulfield Barts; Queen Mary University of London 106 91463
3153 Steven M Greenberg   106 91413
3154 Xavier Pi Sunyer Columbia University 106 91138
3155 Jon Kleinberg Cornell University 106 88921
3156 Mike A Nalls Data Tecnica International; NIA NIH 106 87393
3157 Di Wang Zhejiang University 106 86817
3158 Barbara Ainsworth Arizona State University 106 85274
3159 Anthony G Greenwald University of Washington 106 85125
3160 Shaker A Zahra University of Minnesota 106 84056
3161 Fred Luthans University of Nebraska 106 83483
3162 Theodore S Rappaport New York University 106 82581
3163 David M Reid University of Aberdeen 106 80695
3164 Yuan Zhang 2 Institute of Basic Medical Sciences Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences 106 79491
3165 Hae Yeoun Lee Kumoh National Institute of Technology 106 72601
3166 Yinan Chen   106 72422
3167 Ashutosh Ghosh Calcutta University 106 71267
3168 Juan Maldacena Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton 106 71166
3169 Liu Hao Moffitt Cancer Center 106 69305
3170 Peter Bruce University of Oxford 106 69281
3171 Cees Dekker Delft University of Technology 106 67743
3172 Chin Hui Lee Georgia Tech 106 66694
3173 Andras Nagy Lunenfeld Tanenbaum Research Institute; Mount Sinai Hospital Toronto 106 66335
3174 Carlo Patrono Università Cattolica del Sacre Cuore 106 65105
3175 Richard McMahon University of Cambridge 106 64505
3176 Filippo Crea Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore di Mino 106 63384
3177 Donald Berry UT MD Anderson Cancer Center 106 61644
3178 Soohong Daniel Park Samsung Electronics 106 61342
3179 Ove Hoegh Guldberg University of Queensland 106 60884
3180 Robert D Holt University of Florida 106 60658
3181 Richard J Hobbs University of Western Australia 106 60075
3182 Allan Young King's College London 106 60028
3183 Sarmad Hussain KICS UET 106 59180
3184 Sriramulu Mohan S.A.Engineering College 106 59014
3185 Paul Harvey University of Oxford 106 58360
3186 Raymond J Carroll Texas A&M University 106 57917
3187 Chi V Dang Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research; The Wistar Institute 106 56775
3188 Martin White University of California Berkeley 106 56494
3189 Mary Claire King University of Washington 106 56271
3190 John F Thompson Melanoma Institute Australia 106 55436
3191 Alan R Saltiel University of California San Diego 106 55008
3192 James Coyne University of Pennsylvania; Universitat Groningen 106 54738
3193 Mark Andrew Johnson University of Alaska Fairbanks 106 54383
3194 Cees Kallenberg University of Groningen 106 53244
3195 Ken Hess UT MD Anderson Cancer Center 106 53026
3196 Eviatar Nevo University of Haifa 106 52802
3197 Robert E Kraut Carnegie Mellon University 106 52173
3198 Charles L Brooks III University of Michigan 106 52031
3199 Christopher Cox Johns Hopkins University 106 51503
3200 Michael Frese NUS Business School, Management and Organization; Leuphana, University of Lueneburg 106 51386
3201 Carlos Jose Bustamante University of California Berkeley 106 51259
3202 Brain Wilson University of Toronto 106 51106
3203 Kang G Shin University of Michigan 106 51096
3204 Vladimir Bulovic Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIT 106 51048
3205 Kenneth A Jacobson National Institutes of Health NIH 106 50576
3206 Tomas Paus University of Toronto 106 50057
3207 Jade Zhou University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio 106 49959
3208 Ian Hickie University of Sydney 106 49942
3209 J A Martínez Universidad de Navarra 106 49361
3210 Giovanni Martinelli Seragnoli Institute 106 48435
3211 Patrick Wen   106 48320
3212 S McCouch Cornell University 106 47873
3213 Robert Siegler Carnegie Mellon University 106 47831
3214 Ishwarlal Jialal California Northstate University 106 47804
3215 Dimitrios Kontoyiannis MD Anderson Cancer Center 106 47727
3216 Kaare Christensen University of Southern Denmark 106 47420
3217 Thomas A Widiger University of Kentucky 106 47408
3218 Robert Hogg Simon Fraser University 106 47343
3219 K Ahmed   106 47326
3220 Andrew Bush Imperial College London; Royal Brompton Hospital 106 47123
3221 Claudio Cobelli University of Padova 106 47070
3222 Mitchell Kronenberg La Jolla Institute for Allergy & Immunology 106 46646
3223 Nigel Cairns University of Exeter 106 46432
3224 David S Goldstein CNP; DIR; NINDS; NIH 106 46190
3225 Yigong Shi Princeton University; Tsinghua University 106 46122
3226 Nicholas Ayache INRIA 106 45726
3227 Paul J Frick Louisiana State University 106 45329
3228 Hans Peter Seidel Max Planck Institute for Informatics 106 45026
3229 Richard L Wahl Washington University in St Louis 106 44962
3230 Fay Horak Oregon Health & Science University 106 44583
3231 Olivier Rascol INSERM; Université Toulouse 106 44459
3232 Ursula Keller ETH Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich 106 44063
3233 Roald Bahr Oslo Sports Trauma Research Center; Norwegian School of Sport Sciences 106 44026
3234 Jenny Nelson Imperial College London 106 44021
3235 Michal Lipson Columbia University 106 43365
3236 Alan Hofmann University of California San Diego 106 43272
3237 Frank Glorius WWU Muenster 106 43079
3238 S B McMahon King's College London 106 43027
3239 W Walukiewicz   106 42869
3240 Patrick F Chinnery University of Cambridge 106 42864
3241 Paul Workman Institute of Cancer Research London 106 42607
3242 Martin Elvis Harvard Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics 106 42508
3243 David Webb   106 42454
3244 Cori Bargmann Rockefeller University 106 41748
3245 Agnes Fogo Vanderbilt University 106 41719
3246 Fang Jie Zhao Nanjing Agricultural University 106 41547
3247 Paul Harris Harvard University 106 41509
3248 Scott Dattalo Synaptics 106 41494
3249 Jack Gauldie McMaster University 106 41007
3250 Frank H De Jong Erasmus MC Rotterdam 106 40842
3251 Johannes A Romijn Academic Medical Center University of Amsterdam 106 40379
3252 Karsenti Eric European Molecular Biology Laboratory 106 40347
3253 Thomas M S Wolever University of Toronto 106 39504
3254 Eric Ataylor King's College London 106 39460
3255 James L Hedrick IBM 106 38997
3256 N Scott Adzick Children's Hospital of Philadelphia 106 38757
3257 Richard Trembath King's College London 106 38744
3258 Wilson C Hayes Hayes Associates Inc 106 38295
3259 Hartmut Jaeschke University of Kansas Medical Center 106 37399
3260 Kevin Foley Semmes Murphey Clinic, University of Tennessee Health Science Center 106 37071
3261 Franz Himpsel University of Wisconsin Madison 106 36872
3262 Frank Vitaro Universite de Montreal 106 36641
3263 Klaas Westerterp Maastricht University 106 36545
3264 Michael Lynskey King's College London 106 36218
3265 Sotiris E Pratsinis ETH Zürich 106 35503
3266 Derk Jan Dijk University of Surrey 106 34144
3267 Erik A Richter Københavns Universitet 106 33243
3268 David E Goldberg ThreeJoy Associates Inc 105 152744
3269 Paul I W De Bakker Vertex Pharmaceuticals 105 137896
3270 Luis Ruilope Institute of Research i+12 Hospital 12 de Octubre 105 127463
3271 Alan S Go Kaiser Permanente Northern California 105 113870
3272 Stephen J Gould   105 110787
3273 Jawahar L Mehta University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences 105 106875
3274 Søren Brunak University of Copenhagen 105 98951
3275 Wang Peng Argonne National Lab 105 94905
3276 Ronald Prineas Wake Forest University 105 94337
3277 Aroon Hingorani University College London 105 93021
3278 Lee Schwamm Harvard Medical School 105 89695
3279 Pietro Perona California Institute of Technology 105 89633
3280 Sharon Lise Normand Harvard Medical School 105 86787
3281 Hideo Ohno Tohoku University 105 85386
3282 Carninci Piero RIKEN 105 83877
3283 Noah Fierer University of Colorado Boulder 105 82411
3284 A Rosengren Gothenburg University 105 80093
3285 Lawrence Katz Harvard University 105 77169
3286 Yang Chen 2 Virginia Tech 105 77072
3287 Samantha Lee Rutgers University 105 74832
3288 Jon Elster Columbia University 105 73897
3289 Marco Valgimigli Inselspital Bern 105 73351
3290 Jose Rodriguez Universidad Andres Bello 105 73231
3291 Kenneth J Rothman Research Triangle Institute; Boston University 105 72843
3292 Xiangyang Li HuaZhong Agricultural University 105 72275
3293 Yezuo Wang Virginia Commonwealth University 105 72241
3294 Jonathan A Lee Eli Lilly and Company Ltd 105 71082
3295 Jennifer Chen University of Southern California 105 69693
3296 Young Uk Kim Myongji University 105 68973
3297 K Rajender Reddy University of Pennsylvania 105 68946
3298 Ran Wang City University of Hong Kong 105 68100
3299 Bruce G Link University of California Riverside 105 66928
3300 Roel Nusse Stanford University 105 66551
3301 Ralph Nuzzo University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign; CalTech 105 66041
3302 Kim Myonghee Pukyong National University 105 65731
3303 A Townsend Peterson University of Kansas 105 65465
3304 Guillermo Sapiro Duke University 105 65146
3305 Barry Wellman NetLab Network 105 65010
3306 Yi Zhang Howard Hughes Medical Institute; Harvard Medical School; Boston Children's Hospital 105 63132
3307 Michael Lynch Arizona State University 105 62905
3308 Ruth S Defries Columbia University 105 62345
3309 Michael H Jones Cell Guidance Systems 105 61809
3310 Li Yunming Chengdu Military General Hospital 105 59786
3311 Claes Ohlsson Göteborgs Universitet; Sahlgrenska Akademin 105 58799
3312 Scott Doney University of Virginia 105 58663
3313 Chihaya Adachi Kyushu University 105 58637
3314 Ulrich Kerzel IUBH 105 58124
3315 John Chapman INSERM 105 58099
3316 Dario Altieri Wistar Institute 105 57784
3317 David Hensher University of Sydney 105 54981
3318 Mihir Bellare University of California San Diego 105 54928
3319 Martin A Schwartz Yale University 105 54821
3320 Philip Seeman University of Toronto 105 54414
3321 Jadwiga Wedzicha National Heart and Lung Institute; Imperial College London 105 54200
3322 Nicholas Wald Queen Mary University of London 105 54089
3323 Roman Schnabel Universität Hamburg 105 53494
3324 Takeshi Sakurai Kanazawa University; University of Tsukuba 105 52759
3325 Chunhai Fan Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics CAS 105 52459
3326 Andy Young University of York 105 52422
3327 Erik Jeppesen Aarhus University 105 51683
3328 Lloyd Johnston University of Michigan 105 51573
3329 Michael Nitsche Leibniz Institut für Arbeitsforschung 105 51421
3330 Philippe Ravaud   105 50791
3331 Alfons Baiker ETH Zurich 105 50753
3332 Bonaventura Clotet irsiCaixa AIDS Research Institute 105 50232
3333 Richard J Saykally University of California Berkeley 105 50180
3334 George Howard biostatistics 105 50072
3335 D T Stuss University of Toronto 105 49919
3336 Felix Mitelman Lund University 105 49180
3337 James Poterba Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIT 105 48699
3338 H John B Birks University of Bergen 105 48143
3339 Ken A Dill Stony Brook University 105 48062
3340 Edward V Loftus Jr Mayo Clinic 105 48038
3341 Myles Brown Dana Farber Cancer Institute; Harvard Medical School 105 47577
3342 Ira Tabas Columbia University Medical Center 105 47318
3343 John Nurnberger Indiana University 105 47137
3344 Peter J Morris University of Oxford 105 47043
3345 Arthur L Reingold University of California Berkeley 105 47023
3346 Minesh Mehta Miami Cancer Institute 105 46806
3347 Jack Greenblatt University of Toronto 105 46618
3348 John Watson Research Desert Research Institute 105 46464
3349 Yunqi Liu Chinese Academy of Sciences 105 46093
3350 Irene J Higginson King's College London 105 45836
3351 David Moore Baylor College of Medicine 105 45812
3352 Karine Clement Sorbonne University 105 45726
3353 Amit Sheth Wright State University 105 45710
3354 Victor Nizet University of California San Diego 105 45366
3355 Mateusz Ploskon Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory 105 45062
3356 Gregory Stephanopoulos W.H. Dow Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology 105 44697
3357 Takuji Tanaka Gifu Municipal Hospital 105 44498
3358 Wolfgang Wick Universität Heidelberg 105 44108
3359 D W Armstrong University of Texas at Arlington 105 44104
3360 Anthony A Grace University of Pittsburgh 105 43975
3361 Timothy Cloughesy University of California Los Angeles 105 43955
3362 David Page Whitehead Institute 105 43821
3363 Liang Cheng Indiana University 105 43717
3364 Giovanni B Frisoni   105 43563
3365 Jean Michel Pawlotsky PUPH; Hôpital Henri Mondor; Université Paris Est 105 43126
3366 Juergen Behm Ulm University 105 43086
3367 Chung K Law Princeton University 105 42772
3368 Joan L Duda University of Birmingham 105 42747
3369 Charles T Driscoll Syracuse University 105 42611
3370 Joan Russo University of Washington 105 42597
3371 Sten Grillner Karolinska Institute 105 42478
3372 Jonathan A Cooper Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center 105 42394
3373 Dennis P Curran University of Pittsburgh 105 42324
3374 Stephen Neidle University College London 105 42305
3375 Yutaka Yasui St Jude Children's Research Hospital 105 42099
3376 Kullervo Hynynen University of Toronto 105 42009
3377 Josep M Antó Centre de Recerca en Epidemiologia Ambiental 105 41938
3378 Michael King University College London 105 41873
3378 Ole Petter Ottersen University of Oslo 105 41873
3380 Hans Ellegren Uppsala University 105 41743
3381 Stephen Sligar University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign 105 41546
3382 Adele C Green Queensland Institute of Medical Research 105 41394
3383 Dale E Bauman Cornell University 105 41299
3384 Charles Lynch University of Iowa 105 41086
3385 Salvatore Torquato Princeton University 105 41078
3386 James T Becker University of Pittsburgh 105 40785
3387 Edward J Boyko University of Washington 105 40762
3388 Sokrates T Pantelides Vanderbilt University 105 40690
3389 Richard McNally Harvard University; University of Illinois at Chicago; University of Health Sciences 105 40461
3390 Qiang Zhang Tsinghua University 105 40370
3391 Zhongfan Liu Peking University 105 39221
3392 Daniel Baker University of Colorado Boulder 105 38809
3393 John Schiller National Institutes of Health NIH 105 38770
3394 Stephen Goff Columbia University 105 38229
3395 Klaus Schulze Osthoff University of Tübingen 105 37610
3396 Hendrik G Stunnenberg Radboud University Nijmegen 105 37373
3397 Joseph Frank National Institutes of Health 105 37214
3398 Helen Tager Flusberg Boston University 105 37098
3399 Ryoichiro Kageyama Kyoto University 105 36909
3400 Lawrence S Young University of Warwick 105 36419
3401 Mark Febbraio   105 35402
3402 Jason Brandt Johns Hopkins University 105 34971
3403 Irma Thesleff University of Helsinki 105 34944
3404 Henry A Lester California Institute of Technology 105 34332
3405 R D Goldman Northwestern University 105 33987
3406 Icek Ajzen University of Massachusetts Amherst 104 313837
3407 George E P Box University of Wisconsin Madison 104 183679
3408 Geert Hofstede University of Maastricht 104 181825
3409 Knuuti Juhani University of Turku; Turku University Hospital 104 156579
3410 Ricardo Uauy Catholic University of Chile 104 119504
3411 Edward L Wright University of California Los Angeles 104 109991
3412 John Urry Lancaster University 104 105488
3413 Roderic Guigo Center for Genomic Regulation; Universitat Pompeu Fabra 104 104889
3414 Daniel C Dennett Tufts University 104 101182
3415 David A Wheeler Baylor College of Medicine 104 93100
3416 Thomas Unger Maastricht University 104 88379
3417 Sudha Seshadri University of Texas San Antonio 104 86947
3418 M G M Hunink Erasmus University; Harvard University 104 84751
3419 Laura Y Wang Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center 104 84118
3420 Mats Alvesson Lund University 104 82311
3421 Liam Smeeth London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine 104 80924
3422 Hanna Damasio University of Southern California 104 80212
3423 Yan Liu Indiana University 104 78537
3424 Bruce Neal UNSW; Imperial College; George Institute for Global Health; University of Sydney 104 77672
3425 Danny Miller HEC Montreal 104 76796
3426 Yong Seuk Lee Gachon University 104 75006
3427 Sebastian Schneeweiss Harvard Medical School 104 74492
3428 Margaret W Chen The Aerospace Corporation 104 70593
3429 Mike Lean University of Glasgow 104 70536
3430 Susan Solomon Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIT 104 70132
3431 Letizia Lusito University of Salento Lecce 104 69510
3432 J Jack Lee University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center 104 68375
3433 Xinge Zhang Nankai Univeristy 104 68321
3434 Jerry Gurwitz University of Massachusetts Medical School 104 67649
3435 Martin Heimann Max Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry 104 66240
3436 Chenxi Wang The University of Tokyo 104 66086
3437 Philip B Mitchell University of New South Wales 104 63836
3438 David A Stahl University of Washington 104 63334
3439 Shuicheng Yan Qihoo 360; National University of Singapore 104 62713
3440 I Babuska University of Texas at Dallas 104 61966
3441 Dennis Kasper Harvard Medical School 104 60059
3442 Timothy P Smith USDA ARS 104 59636
3443 Gerald F Watts University of Western Australia 104 58944
3444 Andrej Shevchenko Max Planck Institute for Molecular Cell Biology & Genetics 104 58896
3445 Tomasz Bulik Uniwersytet Warszawski 104 57859
3446 G C Ebers University of Oxford 104 57388
3447 Alessandro Vespignani Northeastern University 104 57238
3448 David A Collier Eli Lilly and Company Ltd 104 57001
3449 James Nichols Patuxent Wildlife Research Center USGS 104 56715
3450 Ayhan Demirbaş   104 56585
3451 Barbara J Rolls   104 56548
3452 Gordon Parker University of New South Wales 104 56413
3453 William D Nix   104 56366
3454 Gerry Melino University Rome Tor Vergata; MRC Leicester 104 56291
3455 Zoubin Ghahramani University of Cambridge; Uber 104 56267
3456 Dacher Keltner University of California Berkeley 104 55637
3457 Robert M Kaplan UCLA 104 55592
3458 Ross L Levine Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center 104 55445
3459 Demetrios Christodoulides University of Central Florida 104 54061
3460 David C Smith CSIRO 104 54049
3461 Jeffrey Hausdorff Tel Aviv Medical Center; Tel Aviv University 104 53636
3462 Aldo R Boccaccini University of Erlangen Nuremberg 104 53454
3463 Max Coltheart Macquarie University 104 52856
3464 Rainer Waser RWTH Aachen University 104 52666
3465 Robert Norman University of Adelaide 104 52516
3466 Louis Philippe Boulet Université Laval 104 52425
3467 Katherine J Lee Murdoch Childrens Research Institute 104 52386
3468 Davey Jones University of Western Australia; Bangor University 104 51933
3469 Jerald Bachman University of Michigan 104 51885
3470 Andy Dobson Princeton University 104 51558
3471 Cie Smith Karolinska Institutet 104 51450
3472 Paul Tapponnier National University of Singapore 104 51321
3473 M P Scott Stanford University 104 51040
3474 Philippe Pibarot Laval University 104 51003
3475 Graham J Hutchings Cardiff University 104 50021
3476 mony de Leon New York University 104 49632
3477 Jean Pierre Sauvage University of Strasbourg 104 49627
3478 Stuart Lipsitz   104 49363
3479 David F Dinges University of Pennsylvania 104 49338
3480 Mario Sitta Università Piemonte Orientale 104 49136
3481 Linda F Nazar University of Waterloo 104 48851
3482 William J Sutherland University of Cambridge 104 48782
3483 John List University of Chicago 104 48737
3484 Gary l Johnson University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 104 48556
3485 Norman Fleck University of Cambridge 104 48139
3486 Paulo Artaxo Universidade de São Paulo 104 47965
3487 Gary W Evans Cornell University 104 47892
3488 Alon Halevy Facebook 104 47806
3489 Lawrence M Weiss City of Hope; Stanford University; Clarient; Neogenomics 104 47793
3490 Edmund Sonuga Barke King's College London 104 47588
3491 Gerard London INSERM PARIS 104 47548
3492 Carlos Martínez Centro Nacional de Biotecnología 104 47543
3493 Joseph Avruch Massachusetts General Hospital 104 47224
3494 R Michael Bagby University of Toronto 104 47201
3495 Carlos D Bustamante Stanford University 104 46992
3496 Douglas L Rothman Yale University 104 46983
3497 Carlos Augusto Monteiro Universidade de São Paulo 104 46802
3498 Subir Sachdev Harvard University 104 46717
3499 Bryan R G Williams Hudson Institute of Medical Research 104 46658
3500 Robert G Cumming University of Sydney 104 46657
3501 Ullrich Scherf Bergische Universität Wuppertal 104 46349
3502 Tait Shanafelt Stanford University 104 45805
3503 Wolfgang Löscher University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover 104 45575
3504 Carsten Bolm RWTH Aachen University 104 45466
3505 Ken Shortman Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research 104 45129
3506 Robert West University College London 104 45085
3507 Gregor Morfill Max Planck institut für Extraterrestrische Physik 104 44725
3508 H S Philip Wong Stanford University 104 44679
3509 Sushil Jajodia George Mason University 104 44282
3510 Martial Hebert Carnegie Mellon University 104 44028
3511 Gaurang Bhaskar Yodh University of California Irvine 104 43986
3512 Ken K Ong University of Cambridge 104 43974
3513 Charles Perfetti University of Pittsburgh 104 43876
3514 Andreas Meyer Lindenberg Central Institute of Mental Health 104 43706
3515 Ulrich Dirnagl Charite Universitätsmedizin Berlin 104 43462
3516 Rob M Van Dam National University of Singapore 104 43217
3517 Graham Dunn University of Manchester 104 42885
3518 Masayoshi Watanabe Yokohama National University 104 42725
3519 E Richard Stanley Albert Einstein College of Medicine 104 42636
3520 Gregory A Voth University of Chicago 104 42628
3521 Thomas J Coates University of California Los Angeles 104 42403
3522 Gary Lopaschuk University of Alberta 104 42305
3523 Timothy Hla Harvard Medical School; Boston Children's Hospital 104 41959
3524 Ronald Rapee Macquarie University 104 41905
3525 Emmanuel Mignot Stanford University 104 41861
3526 Tomas Olsson   104 41577
3527 Bruce Stillman Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory 104 41497
3528 Phyllis Butow   104 41331
3529 W Dalton Dietrich University of Miami 104 41295
3530 Fernando Baquero IRYCIS; CIBERESP; Ramón y Cajal University Hospital 104 40967
3531 Alastair Fitter University of York 104 40779
3532 Katherine Tucker University of Massachusetts Lowell 104 40528
3533 Domenico RIBATTI University of Bari 104 40459
3534 Tian He East China University of Science and Technology 104 40445
3535 Helmut Kettenmann MDC 104 40235
3536 William Blattner University of Maryland 104 39959
3537 Ted Gooley Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center 104 39611
3538 Thomas Bein Ludwig Maximilians University Munich 104 39584
3539 Malcolm McCulloch University of Western Australia 104 39259
3540 Piero Rosati University of Ferrara 104 38876
3541 Tilman Sauerbruch University of Bonn 104 38277
3542 Yuntian Zhu North Carolina State Univeristy 104 38251
3543 Aysegul Sahin MD Anderson Cancer Center 104 37962
3544 Peter Brown University of Oxford 104 37799
3545 Gregor Reid University of Western Ontario 104 37391
3546 Scott Chapman Dalhousie University 104 37357
3547 Gerald Weissmann New York University 104 37186
3548 Antoine Kahn Princeton University 104 37097
3549 Carlos M Ferrario Wake Forest University 104 36772
3550 Volker Dietz University Hospital Balgrist 104 36745
3551 Kazuhiro Hono National Institute for Materials Science NIMS Japan 104 36526
3552 Lothar Hennighausen National Institutes of Health NIH 104 36334
3553 R Todd Constable Yale University 104 36286
3554 C Blake Gilks University of British Columbia 104 36254
3555 Gunnar E Carlsson University of Gothenburg 104 35092
3556 Louis Bernatchez Université Laval 104 34662
3557 John P Pierce University of California San Diego 104 34621
3558 Katherine Flegal Stanford University 103 224414
3559 Kevin Lane Keller Dartmouth College 103 214202
3560 Leonard Berry Texas A&M University College Station 103 197785
3561 Erik H Erikson   103 170143
3562 Patrizio Lancellotti University of Liege 103 132967
3563 Massimo F Piepoli Imperial College London University 103 131486
3564 Don Norman University of California San Diego 103 115128
3565 Kenneth Rogoff Harvard University 103 105909
3566 Giancarlo Logroscino University of Bari 103 92276
3567 Mark Halpern University of British Columbia 103 89975
3568 John Roberts Stanford Graduate School 103 87877
3569 Carmen M Reinhart Harvard University 103 82991
3570 Benjamin Neale Massachusetts General Hospital 103 78909
3571 Alvaro Muñoz Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health 103 78354
3572 Fikret Berkes University of Manitoba 103 78345
3573 Ronald Melzack York University Toronto 103 76630
3574 Seong Jun Kim Korea Research Institute of Chemical Technology 103 75817
3575 Michael Moseley Stanford University 103 74940
3576 Edmund Clarke Carnegie Mellon University 103 74918
3577 Johanna Dwyer  ODS NIH; Tufts University 103 74116
3578 Andrew Mccallum University of Massachusetts Amherst 103 72336
3579 Francisco Guinea IMDEA Nanoscience 103 71695
3580 Antonio H Castro Neto National University of Singapore 103 71406
3581 Antoine Bechara University of Iowa; University of Southern California; McGill; University of Toronto 103 70647
3582 Marc Hauser Risk Eraser 103 70098
3583 Reynaldo Martorell Emory University 103 68834
3584 Sven Cichon   103 68426
3585 Tim Behrens University of Oxford; University College London 103 66608
3586 Christopher Dye University of Oxford 103 66582
3587 Philip Hugenholtz University of Queensland 103 65149
3588 Jure Leskovec Stanford University 103 63573
3589 Paul K Chu City University of Hong Kong 103 63155
3590 Kent C Berridge University of Michigan 103 63153
3591 Zhenyu Zhang Chongqing Communication Institute 103 63094
3592 Kyung Hee Kim The College of William & Mary 103 63061
3593 David Miller University of Oxford 103 62067
3594 Alan S Coates University of Sydney 103 61892
3595 John R Wingard University of Florida 103 60554
3596 V Menon Stanford University 103 60416
3597 Dedre Gentner Northwestern University 103 59676
3598 O H Franco Institute of Social and Preventive Medicine  103 59230
3599 Sam Choi   103 59135
3600 Edward B Barbier Colorado State University 103 57714
3601 Mani Srivastava University of California Los Angeles 103 57061
3602 Gregory McCarthy Yale University 103 56457
3603 Peter Devilee Leiden University Medical Center 103 56252
3604 M F Smith University College London 103 56239
3605 Mark W Lee Jr University of Missouri 103 55804
3606 Steven M Girvin Yale University 103 54741
3607 Jerry Franklin University of Washington 103 54276
3608 Robert M Malina University of Texas at Austin 103 54075
3609 Andrew Demchuk University of Calgary 103 53582
3610 H Joseph Newton Texas A&M University 103 53546
3611 James W Jones University of Florida 103 53427
3612 Mitchell Sogin Marine Biological Laboratory Woods Hole 103 53377
3613 Vicente Soriano Universidad Internacional de La Rioja 103 52869
3614 Drew Shindell Duke University; GISS; NASA 103 52825
3615 Lortholary Olivier PUPH; Université de Paris 103 52723
3616 Andrea Ballabio Telethon Institute of Genetics and Medicine 103 52180
3617 Sanjay Gupta Case Western Reserve University 103 52133
3618 Mark Conner University of Leeds 103 51857
3619 Michel W Barsoum Drexel University 103 51819
3620 Mark Groudine UWSOM 103 51244
3621 Roland Siegwart ETH Zurich 103 50884
3622 Patrik Magnusson Karolinska Institutet 103 50792
3623 Daniele Piomelli University of California Irvine 103 49943
3624 Vijay Kumar University of Pennsylvania 103 49837
3625 Steven E Jacobsen University of California Los Angeles 103 48848
3626 Eric A Davidson University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science 103 48669
3627 Daniel Nagin Carnegie Mellon University 103 48520
3628 Luca Benini ETHZ; Università di Bologna 103 48331
3629 Kang L Wang University of California Los Angeles 103 48325
3630 Roy A Wise National Institute on Drug Abuse 103 48178
3631 Steward T A Pickett Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies 103 48033
3631 Xavier Mariette Université Paris Sud; Assistance Publique Hôpitaux de Paris; INSERM 103 48033
3633 Johan Six ETH Zurich 103 47868
3634 Dario Gasparrini SSDC/INFN PG 103 47531
3635 Jan Van Gijn Utrecht University 103 47510
3636 Stavros Manolagas University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences 103 47347
3637 Silvano Sozzani University of Brescia 103 46869
3638 Michel Ducreux Université Paris Sud; Gustave Roussy Cancer Center 103 46591
3639 Huajian Gao Nanyang Technological University 103 46390
3640 Morinobu Endo Shinshu University 103 46367
3641 Xiaogang Wang Chinese University of Hong Kong 103 46351
3642 Jay Kolls Tulane University 103 46326
3643 T M Rice ETH Zurich; Brookhaven National Lab 103 45851
3644 David A B Miller Stanford University 103 45781
3645 Jill Clayton Smith University of Manchester; St Mary's Hospital 103 45703
3646 Kai Ming Ho Iowa State University 103 45383
3647 Berislav Zlokovic University of Southern California 103 45301
3648 John E Walker Medical Research Council 103 44860
3649 Roger K Pitman Harvard University 103 44685
3650 Frederick A Moore University of Florida 103 44594
3651 Heung Yeung Shum Microsoft 103 44453
3652 David Jayne University of Cambridge 103 44353
3653 Chris M Wood McMaster University; University of Miami 103 44330
3654 Luis F Parada Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center 103 44191
3655 Kinam Park Purdue University 103 44190
3656 Bernd R T Simoneit Oregon State University 103 44106
3657 Stan Nelson University of California Los Angeles 103 43768
3658 Andrea Scozzafava Università di Firenze 103 43745
3659 Arno Villringer Max Planck Society 103 43737
3660 Kailash Bhatia University College London 103 43732
3661 Alex Guenther University of California Irvine 103 43440
3662 Miles Padgett University of Glasgow 103 43387
3663 Munir Pirmohamed University of Liverpool 103 42483
3664 Gerrit E W Bauer IMR/WPI AIMR, Tohoku University; Zernike Institute for Advanced Materials & Kavli Institute 103 42108
3665 Stafford Lightman University of Bristol 103 42086
3666 David Solit Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center 103 42033
3667 Rienk van Grondelle VU University Amsterdam; Akademie Hoogleraar; KNAW 103 41923
3668 Kenneth S Kosik University of California Santa Barbara 103 41840
3669 John Defries Institute for Behavioral Genetics 103 41599
3670 Pravin Varaiya University of California Berkeley 103 41588
3671 Joseph A Izatt Duke University 103 41438
3672 Howard E Gendelman   103 41198
3673 Finlay Mcalister University of Alberta 103 41138
3674 Joseph M Prospero University of Miami 103 40883
3675 Paul Gilbert University of Derby 103 40745
3676 David Elbaz CEA Saclay 103 40681
3677 David J Burn Newcastle University UK 103 40645
3678 Ian Q Whishaw University of Lethbridge 103 40611
3679 Carol A Barnes   103 40595
3680 Jonathan Gershenzon Max Planck Institute for Chemical Ecology 103 40327
3681 Michael H Gelb University of Washington 103 40312
3682 Walter J Koch Temple University 103 40216
3683 Wei Zhang University of Sheffield 103 40142
3684 Mohit Bhandari McMaster University 103 40069
3685 Uzi Landman Georgia Institute of Technology 103 40051
3686 Marion Koopmans Erasmus MC Rotterdam 103 39813
3687 Ronald E Dahl University of California Berkeley 103 39697
3688 Paul Klenerman University of Oxford 103 39665
3689 Daniela Rus Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIT 103 39337
3690 J T Gosling University of Colorado Boulder 103 38773
3691 Richard S J Tol University of Sussex; Vrije Universiteit; Tinbergen Institute; CESifo 103 38762
3692 Mark L Entman Baylor College of Medicine 103 38512
3693 Johnny Huard University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston 103 38440
3694 Raymond Niaura New York University 103 38140
3695 Vittorio Krogh Fondazione IRCCS Istituto Nazionale dei Tumori 103 38022
3696 Leendert Looijenga   103 37695
3697 Naoto T Ueno University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center 103 37188
3698 Seang Mei Saw National University of Singapore 103 37143
3699 Mara Salvato Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics 103 36637
3700 Shuk Mei Ho University of Cincinnati 103 35843
3701 Ronald P Mason NIEHS NIH 103 35354
3702 Richard M Cowling Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University 103 34977
3703 Carlos Simon Universidad de Valencia; Igenomix 103 33806
3704 John Lis Cornell University 103 33454
3705 Mustafa Soylak Erciyes Universitesi 103 32708
3706 Mark A Magnuson Vanderbilt University 103 32274
3707 Michal Tendera Medical University of Silesia 102 189495
3708 Mark Newman University of Michigan 102 181827
3709 David R Matthews University of Oxford 102 153197
3710 M A K Halliday University of Sydney 102 148041
3711 Ronald L Rivest Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIT 102 136622
3712 William Stevenson Vanderbilt University Medical Center 102 115800
3713 Richard Nisbett University of Michigan 102 103148
3714 Raewyn Connell University of Sydney 102 99621
3715 Joseph Nye Harvard University 102 91683
3716 Anthony Atkinson Oxford University 102 87430
3717 Richard A Moore British Columbia Cancer Agency 102 86861
3718 Sarah Allwood Spiers NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde 102 86239
3719 Bette Caan Kaiser Permanente 102 85400
3720 Roger S Blumenthal Johns Hopkins University 102 83927
3721 Veronique Roger Mayo Clinic 102 83342
3722 Cecilia Lindgren Wellcome Trust 102 83042
3723 Dale Schunk University of North Carolina Greensboro  102 81909
3724 Lluis Serra Majem Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria 102 81433
3725 Sander Klous University of Amsterdam 102 80236
3726 Zhang Zhifei Northwest University 102 79881
3727 M J C Eijkemans University Medical Center Utrecht 102 78479
3728 Lincoln Stein Ontario Institute for Cancer Research 102 73495
3729 Pippa Norris Harvard University; Sydney University 102 73050
3730 Jung Hyeun Kim University of Seoul 102 72419
3731 Perry Elliott University College London 102 72303
3732 John Friedmann University of British Columbia 102 70963
3733 Martin Prince King's College London 102 68649
3734 Andrea Rossi University of Pisa 102 68541
3735 Yutaka Sato Tohoku University 102 67050
3736 Daniel Sargent Mayo Clinic 102 66931
3737 David Card University of California Berkeley 102 66594
3738 William H Schlesinger Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies 102 64848
3739 R Lawrence Edwards University of Minnesota 102 63929
3740 Johannes Lehmann Cornell University 102 63598
3741 James Januzzi Massachusetts General Hospital Harvard Medical School 102 63034
3742 Ernest Pascarella University of Iowa 102 62928
3743 Marcus W Feldman Stanford University 102 62411
3744 Jayson Smith Cal Poly Pomona 102 61861
3745 J Adam Wilson University of Cincinnati 102 61194
3746 Laszlo Lovasz Eotvos University 102 61146
3747 Roberto M Lang University of Chicago 102 60071
3748 Sandra Lavorel Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique CNRS 102 59813
3749 Warren Bilker University of Pennsylvania 102 59744
3750 Ewald Weibel University of Bern 102 59620
3751 Jan Reedijk Leiden University 102 59327
3752 Nicholas John Timpson University of Bristol 102 59012
3753 Mark Hallett HMCS; NINDS; NIH 102 58623
3754 Max Viergever University Medical Center Utrecht 102 58275
3755 Arie Perry University of California San Francisco 102 58067
3756 Deanna Barch Washington University in St Louis 102 57216
3757 J M D Coey Trinity College Dublin 102 56806
3758 Nicholas Suntzeff Texas A&M University 102 56736
3759 Joe Berry Carnegie Institution for Science 102 56472
3760 David Read University of Sheffield 102 56139
3761 Dirk Helbing ETH Zurich; Delft University of Technology 102 55986
3762 Takashi Takahashi Nagoya University 102 54674
3763 Qiang Yang Hong Kong University of Science and Technology 102 54673
3764 Ke Wu Ecole Polytechnique 102 54375
3765 Peter F Stadler Universitat Leipzig 102 54244
3766 Christian Serre CNRS; Ecole Normale Supérieure; École Supérieure de ESPCI 102 53440
3767 Stefan Lohmander Lund University 102 52611
3768 Alan Yuille Johns Hopkins University 102 51825
3769 Philippe Dubois University of Mons 102 51729
3770 T A Salthouse University of Virginia 102 51378
3771 Jordan Louviere University of South Australia 102 51282
3772 J Van Krieken UMC St Radboud 102 51130
3773 Tetsuya Mitsudomi Kindai University 102 50546
3774 Charu Aggarwal IBM T J Watson Research Center 102 50447
3775 David R Kaplan Hospital for Sick Children 102 50191
3776 Badri Krishnan Albert Einstein Institut Hannover 102 49440
3777 John Kuriyan University of California Berkeley 102 49163
3778 Yoshinori Watanabe University of Tokyo 102 49093
3779 Darrell G Schlom Cornell University 102 48701
3780 Andre Franke Christian Albrechts University Kiel 102 48650
3781 Patrick Brady University of Wisconsin Milwaukee 102 48585
3782 Richard Simpson La Trobe University 102 48359
3783 H Brodaty University of New South Wales 102 47422
3784 Jeffrey I Zink University of California Los Angeles 102 47353
3785 Licheng Sun Royal Institute of Technology Stockholm 102 47341
3786 C Day Newcastle University UK 102 46789
3787 Dayle Smith Pacific Northwest National Laboratory 102 46448
3788 Morris Birnbaum Pfizer Inc 102 46317
3789 Robert J Naiman University of Washington 102 46294
3790 Bernhard Schmid Universität Zurich 102 46161
3791 Ulman Lindenberger Max Planck Institute for Human Development 102 46143
3792 M Santosh   102 45974
3793 Alfred Pühler Universität Bielefeld 102 45937
3794 Shaul Mukamel University of California Irvine 102 45872
3795 David Teplow University of California Los Angeles UCLA 102 45599
3796 Siegfried Kasper Medical University of Vienna 102 45532
3797 Ralph Nixon New York University 102 45324
3798 Steven M Reppert University of Massachusetts Medical School 102 44640
3799 David Johnson Princess Alexandra Hospital 102 44597
3800 David A McCormick University of Oregon; Yale University 102 44338
3801 Ray Fitzpatrick University of Oxford 102 44260
3802 Kishor Trivedi Duke University 102 44217
3803 V Shane Pankratz University of New Mexico 102 43581
3804 Orrin Devinsky New York University 102 43251
3805 William T Carpenter University of Maryland 102 43232
3806 Emanuel Petricoin George Mason University 102 43168
3807 Wolfgang Parak Universität Hamburg 102 42961
3808 En Tang Kang National University of Singapore 102 42941
3809 PT de Jong   102 42763
3810 Lars Bäckman Karolinska Institute 102 42666
3811 Huntington F Willard Geisinger 102 42235
3812 David E Levy New York University 102 42225
3813 Guozhong Cao University of Washington 102 41738
3814 S J Rachman University of British Columbia 102 41671
3815 Roy W Beck Jaeb Center for Health Research 102 41608
3816 Steven Offenbacher University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 102 41499
3817 Wim J G Oyen Humanitas University 102 41347
3818 Martha Q Lacy Mayo Clinic 102 41027
3819 Shun Cheng Lee   102 40728
3820 Gary S Grest Sandia National Laboratories 102 40708
3821 Evan Ma Johns Hopkins University 102 40209
3822 Robert F Siliciano Johns Hopkins University 102 40207
3823 Jürgen Floege RWTH Aachen University 102 40005
3824 Bernd Girod Stanford University 102 39876
3825 Asantha Cooray University of California Irvine 102 39835
3826 Philip Hawkins University College London 102 39749
3827 Nicholas W Lukacs University of Michigan 102 39605
3828 Pieter Postmus Leiden University Medical Center 102 39404
3829 Alfredo Fusco   102 39311
3830 Hector D Abruna Cornell University 102 39295
3831 Roger A Barker University of Cambridge 102 39224
3832 Yu Guo Guo Institute of Chemistry Chinese Academy of Sciences 102 39209
3833 Stephan A Mayer Henry Ford Health System 102 39118
3834 Jonathan Yewdell NIAID 102 39005
3835 Jack J Middelburg Utrecht University 102 38642
3836 Shuji Ogino Brigham & Women's Hospital; Harvard University; DFCI; HSPH; Broad Institute 102 38584
3837 Mohammad Shahidehpour Illinois Institute of Technology 102 38583
3838 Daniel J Suson Purdue University Northwest 102 38582
3839 Douglas Lorne Arnold McGill University 102 38092
3840 Michael Boeckh Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center 102 38047
3841 Raymond J Gorte University of Pennsylvania 102 37494
3842 Chris G Maher University of Sydney 102 37329
3843 Magnus Johannesson Stockholm School of Economics 102 37280
3844 Adrian Covaci University of Antwerp 102 37215
3845 Michael Boyle McMaster University 102 37162
3846 Constantine Sedikides University of Southampton 102 36582
3847 Neil Kaplowitz University of Southern California 102 36412
3848 Alan Faden University of Maryland 102 36211
3849 Darley Usmar University of Alabama at Birmingham 102 36121
3850 Henry R Kranzler   102 36003
3851 Shaojun Guo Peking University 102 35794
3852 Edith Sullivan Stanford University 102 35625
3853 James Marshall Roswell Park Cancer Center 102 35587
3854 Stephen D Miller Northwestern University 102 35242
3855 Gerd P Pfeifer Van Andel Research Institute 102 34434
3856 Paul Devroey Universiteit Brussel 102 34206
3857 D Spray Einstein College of Medicine Bronx 102 34173
3858 Stephan Arndt University of Iowa 102 34161
3859 Harold P Erickson Duke University 102 33583
3860 Gary J Macfarlane University of Aberdeen 102 33030
3861 Marika Tiggemann Flinders University 102 32798
3862 Henrik Hagberg University of Gothenburg 102 29563
3863 Barbara Riegel University of Pennsylvania 101 113800
3864 Andrew Gelman Columbia University 101 107921
3865 Owen White University of Maryland 101 105964
3866 Karen Glanz University of Pennsylvania 101 97028
3867 Paul Flicek European Molecular Biology Laboratory; European Institute of Bioinformatics; Wellcome Sanger Institute 101 94641
3868 Christophe Tzourio University of Bordeaux 101 93353
3869 Rod Ellis Curtin University 101 93106
3870 Scott Zeger Johns Hopkins University 101 89204
3871 Donna Arnett University of Kentucky 101 85543
3872 Hong Ru Lee Institute for Information Industry 101 77359
3873 Stephen R Palumbi Stanford University 101 76472
3874 J H Zhang Kunming University of Science and Technology 101 74374
3875 Serena Psoroulas Paul Scherrer Institute 101 73867
3876 Martin Brown Stanford University 101 73389
3877 Kwang S Kim Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology 101 68926
3878 Federica Sallusto Institute for Research in Biomedicine 101 67713
3879 Philip Barter University of New South Wales 101 67559
3880 Johnson Li University of Manitoba 101 66904
3881 Lixia Zhang University of California Los Angeles 101 66125
3882 Mark S Tremblay Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario 101 65441
3883 Jennifer Widom Stanford University 101 65208
3884 Pamela Robey National Institutes of Health NIH 101 63800
3885 Didier Trono École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne 101 63401
3886 Jin Hyeok Kim Chonnam National University 101 62518
3887 L Alan Sroufe University of Minnesota 101 62461
3888 Wang Xiaohui south china university of technology 101 62140
3889 Zachary Goodman Inova Fairfax Medical Campus 101 61774
3890 Zhang Liang Chengdu Institute of Biology 101 61492
3891 Gianfranco De Zotti INAF Osservatorio Astronomico di Padova; SISSA Trieste 101 61107
3892 Sam Ge National University of Singapore 101 60366
3893 Ming Hsuan Yang University of California at Merced; Google 101 60155
3894 James K Liu University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey 101 58742
3895 Joel S Schuman New York University 101 58363
3896 G Q Chen Tsinghua University 101 58171
3897 Trisha Greenhalgh University of Oxford 101 57840
3898 Geoffrey Norman McMaster University 101 57803
3899 Eva K Grebel Heidelberg University 101 56863
3900 Bob Jessop Lancaster University 101 56851
3901 Huan Liu Arizona State University 101 56447
3902 Otto F Kernberg Weill Cornell Medical College; Personality Disorders Institute NewYork Presbyterian H 101 55646
3903 Jean Francois Lamarque National Center for Atmospheric Research 101 54343
3904 Cristina Basso University of Padova 101 54219
3905 Per Hall Karolinska Institute 101 52942
3906 Loet Leydesdorff University of Amsterdam 101 51904
3907 J Charles Jennette University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 101 51743
3908 Sebastian Edwards University of California Los Angeles 101 51608
3909 Steve Brown Ignite Channel 101 51224
3910 Raja Parasuraman George Mason University 101 51164
3911 Kenneth A Strain University of Glasgow 101 51056
3912 Veerabhadran Ramanathan Scripps Institution of Oceanography; University of California San Diego 101 50821
3913 Christian Homburg   101 50641
3914 Fortunato Ciardiello Seconda Università di Napoli 101 50324
3915 Gustaaf Van Tendeloo university of Antwerp 101 49933
3916 Terry E Robinson University of Michigan 101 49622
3917 Lars Edvinsson   101 49599
3918 Sebastian L Johnston Imperial College London 101 49319
3919 David Cutler Harvard University 101 49302
3920 Nancy Adler University of California San Francisco 101 48814
3921 Lain Jong Li King Abdullah University of Science and Technology 101 48450
3921 Michael N Hall University of Basel 101 48450
3923 Zifan Zhou Northwestern University 101 48229
3924 Vladimir Shalaev Purdue University 101 48227
3925 Harald Stenmark University of Oslo 101 48188
3926 Mario Raviglione Università degli Studi di Milano 101 48106
3927 Andrew Ellington University of Texas at Austin 101 48063
3928 Noga Alon Tel Aviv University 101 47716
3929 Douglas Mann Washington University in St Louis 101 47426
3930 Kay Hofmann University of Cologne 101 47347
3931 Brian Rini Cleveland Clinic 101 47309
3932 Brian C J Moore University of Cambridge 101 47078
3933 R D Reitz University of Wisconsin Madison 101 46945
3934 Liangbing Hu University of Maryland College Park 101 46825
3935 Bruce E Rittmann Arizona State University 101 46611
3936 Richard H Myers Boston University 101 46388
3937 Peter Davies Feinstein Institute for Medical Research; Albert Einstein College of Medicine 101 46276
3938 Kaushik Roy Purdue University 101 45813
3939 John Terborgh Duke University 101 45590
3940 Ian Roberts London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine 101 45183
3941 Margaret J Snowling Oxford University 101 44991
3942 Tsu Jae University of California Berkeley 101 44573
3943 Edward Francis Delong University of Hawaii 101 44551
3944 Mingwei Chen Johns Hopkins University 101 44420
3945 V P Collins University of Cambridge 101 43731
3946 Chao Jun Li McGill University; Tulane University; Stanford University 101 43405
3947 Roland Good University of Oregon 101 43308
3948 Christopher Brightling University of Leicester 101 43263
3949 Joshua Hare University of Miami 101 43101
3950 Mordechai Segev Technion Israel Institute of Technology 101 43009
3951 Didier Sornette ETH Zurich 101 42994
3952 Mitsuhiro Yanagida OIST 101 42748
3953 Jeffrey Cohn University of Pittsburgh 101 42735
3954 D R Bangsberg Oregon Health & Science University; PSU School of Public Health 101 42684
3955 Pierre Baldi University of California Irvine 101 42630
3956 M T Turvey University of Connecticut 101 42606
3957 Vikas P Sukhatme Emory School of Medicine 101 42511
3958 Robert Josse St Michael's Hospital; University of Toronto 101 42389
3959 Ulrich Forstermann Gutenberg University Mainz Medical Center 101 42255
3960 Stefan G Hofmann Boston University 101 41992
3961 Ronald K Hanson Stanford University 101 41985
3962 Ernst Wagner Ludwig Maximilians Universität München 101 41834
3963 John D Birkmeyer   101 41651
3964 Ezekiel Emanuel University of Pennyslvania 101 41610
3965 Jonathan Adachi McMaster University 101 41056
3966 David Rimm Yale University 101 41016
3967 Luigi Daniele Notarangelo National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases NIH 101 40907
3968 Marco Pierotti IFOM 101 40775
3969 Didier Samuel AP HP Hôpital Paul Brousse; Universite Paris Sud 101 40759
3970 Andrew P Halestrap University of Bristol 101 40640
3971 E Mark Cummings University of Notre Dame 101 40472
3972 Susan M Farrington Universtiy of Edinburgh 101 40377
3973 Jonathan Lindsey North Carolina State University 101 40172
3974 Jorge E Galán Yale University 101 40117
3975 Eric Pamer University of Chicago 101 39992
3976 Samuel D Wright CSL Behring 101 39931
3977 Martin D Brand Buck Institute for Research on Aging 101 39822
3978 Valerian Kagan University of Pittsburgh 101 39440
3979 Jenny L Donovan University of Bristol 101 39430
3980 David J Craik University of Queensland 101 39230
3981 Jeffrey C Murray University of Iowa 101 39225
3982 Yu Shyr Vanderbilt University 101 39199
3983 J J Garcia Luna Aceves University of California Santa Cruz 101 39071
3984 Thomas A Sellers Moffitt Cancer Center 101 38973
3985 Daniel Diekema University of Iowa 101 38728
3986 Daniel O Stram University of Southern California 101 38621
3987 Thomas F Meyer Max Planck Institute for Infection Biology 101 38431
3988 Yusuke Yamauchi University of Queensland 101 38236
3989 Peter R Schofield Neuroscience Research Australia 101 37908
3990 Scott E Fraser University of Southern California 101 37822
3991 A Hari Reddi University of California Davis 101 37750
3992 Wolff Michael Roth University of Victoria 101 37711
3993 Francesco Forastiere Lazio Regional Health Service 101 37409
3994 Vadivel Ganapathy Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center 101 37324
3995 Lihua Xiao South China Agricultural University 101 36784
3996 Philip Spinhoven Leiden University 101 36736
3997 K F To Chinese University of Hong Kong 101 36538
3998 Huangxian Ju Nanjing University 101 36459
3999 Thomas Spiro University of Washington 101 36404
4000 Colin A Chapman George Washington University; McGill University; Northwest University China; University of KwaZulu 101 36170
4001 Han Qing Yu University of Science and Technology of China 101 36137
4002 J P Aggleton   101 35649
4003 Rex Forehand University of Vermont 101 35600
4004 Frank Aarestrup Technical University of Denmark 101 35228
4005 Klaus Aktories Universität Freiburg 101 34763
4006 Lutz Jancke Universität Zurich 101 34673
4007 Joel Gelernter Yale University 101 34406
4008 Jacques Deviere ULB Brussels 101 33302
4009 Amira Klip The Hospital for Sick Children 101 28862
4010 Paulus Kirchhof University of Birmingham 100 172308
4011 Antonio Damasio University of Southern California 100 155567
4012 David Goff Colorado School of Public Health 100 144909
4013 Thomas Saaty University of Pittsburgh 100 128692
4014 Michael F Scheier Carnegie Mellon University 100 102469
4015 Robert A Holt BC Cancer Agency 100 98347
4016 Judea Pearl University of California Los Angeles 100 96436
4017 James E Smith West Virginia University 100 94590
4018 Li Fei Fei Stanford University 100 90433
4019 Giancarlo Agnelli University of Perugia 100 87257
4020 Barry Davis University of Texas School of Public Health 100 85137
4021 Pieter De Jong Children's Hospital Oakland Research Institute 100 84335
4022 Vinay Nadkarni University of Pennsylvania 100 83650
4023 Adrian E Raftery University of Washington 100 82446
4024 Vance Fowler Duke University 100 80488
4025 Manesh Patel Duke University 100 76161
4026 Fred Glover University of Colorado; OptTek Systems 100 72635
4027 Jennie Wilson University of West London 100 71845
4028 Mingyi Wang NIH NIA; Johns Hopkins University 100 71067
4029 Alan M Zaslavsky Harvard University 100 69800
4030 Carol D Ryff University of Wisconsin Madison 100 69614
4031 Larry A Curtiss Argonne National Laboratory 100 69076
4032 Eoin O'Brien   100 67726
4033 Gordon McKay Hamad Bin Khalifa University; Qatar Foundation 100 67504
4034 Keerti Shah MMI; Johns Hopkins University 100 66586
4035 Cathy Wu University of Delaware 100 65941
4036 Justin H Johnson AstraZeneca 100 64025
4037 Jianjun Wang University of Pittsburgh 100 63622
4038 Ruth Wodak Lancaster University 100 62995
4039 François Bondu CNRS; Université de Rennes 1 100 62325
4040 You Shin Chen Georgetown University 100 61633
4041 Shankar Ghosh   100 61367
4042 Hao Kuo Chen National Central University 100 60847
4043 Zhang Lan Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics CAS 100 60642
4044 Zhang Di University of California Los Angeles UCLA 100 58974
4045 Robert Stone Oregon State University 100 58319
4046 Francesco Fidecaro University of Pisa; INFN 100 56316
4047 Abdullah M Asiri King Abdulaziz University 100 55475
4048 Andre Nel University of California Los Angeles 100 55399
4049 Robert Turner Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences Leipzig 100 55130
4050 Douglas Drossman University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 100 54625
4051 Bernardo Huberman   100 53994
4052 Wolfgang Streeck Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies 100 53570
4053 Rowan Chlebowski Research City of Hope National Medical Center 100 53513
4054 Silvia De Sanjose PATH 100 52909
4055 Stephen Macmahon University of Oxford 100 52762
4056 Cleo Yi Fang Lee Stanford University 100 52555
4057 Yiu Wing Mai University of Sydney 100 52551
4058 Takashi Kato University of Tokyo 100 52072
4059 S Amari   100 51983
4060 Alan Aderem Seattle BioMed 100 51438
4061 Francois Peeters University of Antwerp 100 51001
4062 L P Kouwenhoven Delft University of Technology 100 50727
4063 Sabu Thomas Mahatma Gandhi University 100 49654
4064 Parameswaran Ajith International Centre for Theoretical Sciences 100 49347
4065 Michael Unser Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne 100 49187
4066 Antonio Gasbarrini Catholic University; Gemelli Hospital 100 48615
4067 Mireia Crispín Ortuzar University of Cambridge 100 48520
4068 Eric Fombonne Oregon Health & Science University 100 48336
4069 Sonia Livingstone London School of Economics and Political Science 100 48256
4070 Christine A Iacobuzio Donahue Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center 100 48208
4071 Zhi Hua Zhou Nanjing University 100 48027
4072 Mark Zanna University of Waterloo 100 47736
4073 Mike Wingfield University of Pretoria 100 47597
4074 Chris D Thomas University of York 100 47161
4075 Hugh Willmott Cass Business School; Cardiff Business School 100 46186
4076 James S Harris Jr  Stanford University 100 46090
4077 Kerry Emanuel Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIT 100 45948
4078 Martha J Farah University of Pennsylvania 100 45904
4079 Lorenz S Cederbaum Ruprecht Karls Universität Heidelberg 100 45725
4080 Harry L A Janssen University of Toronto 100 45709
4081 Jianfeng Xu NorthShore University HealthSystem; Wake Forest University; Fudan University 100 45560
4082 Jack V Tu University of Toronto 100 45510
4083 Clifton E Barry III NIAID 100 45058
4084 Stefan M Pfister Hopp Children´s Cancer Center Heidelberg 100 45049
4085 Gui Rong Liu University of Cincinnati; National University of Singapore; Northwestern University 100 44831
4086 John C Marshall (1939–2007) Oxford University 100 44710
4087 O Civelli University of California Irvine 100 44634
4088 Francesco Lo Coco Università Tor Vergata, Roma 100 44170
4089 Robert E Kingston Mass General Hospital; Harvard Medical School 100 44102
4090 Josep Call   100 44048
4091 Philip G de Groot University Medical Center Utrecht 100 43977
4092 John Lynch University of Adelaide 100 43971
4093 Shaoguang Wang Chinese University of Hong Kong 100 43859
4094 Rod A Wing University of Arizona 100 43629
4095 Arya M Sharma University of Alberta 100 43590
4096 P S Ohashi Princess Margaret Cancer Centre 100 43454
4097 Ravi Naidu   100 43275
4098 David Richardson University of Southampton 100 42789
4099 Steffanie A Strathdee University of California San Diego 100 42407
4100 Robert Ritch   100 42067
4101 J W Vaupel University of Southern Denmark 100 42046
4102 John R Seeley University of Oregon 100 42038
4103 Heino Falcke Radboud University 100 41907
4104 Simon Lovestone University of Oxford 100 41889
4105 Horst Weller Universität Hamburg 100 41873
4106 Simon B Eickhoff Heinrich Heine Universität Düsseldorf 100 41542
4107 Nicos A Nicola Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research 100 41324
4108 Tung Tien Sun New York University 100 41311
4109 Jonathan Flint University of California Los Angeles 100 41176
4110 Bjorn Lindman Lund University 100 40528
4111 Leif Andersson Uppsala University; Texas A&M University 100 40344
4112 Colin Blakemore City University of Hong Kong 100 40332
4113 Ulf Ziemann Eberhard Karls University of Tübingen 100 40213
4114 Lena Claesson Welsh Uppsala University 100 40016
4115 Dionysios D Dionysiou University of Cincinnati 100 39876
4116 P F Fox University College Dublin 100 39736
4117 Ilpo Huhtaniemi Imperial College London 100 39690
4118 Kwok Kin Wong   100 39529
4119 Bassim H Hameed Qatar University 100 39352
4120 Peter Hersey University of Sydney 100 39199
4121 David Nieman Appalachian State University 100 38417
4122 Barbara D Boyan Virginia Commonwealth University 100 38245
4123 Gleb Sukhorukov Queen Mary University of London 100 38187
4124 Thomas F Cash Old Dominion University 100 37892
4125 Vijay Pande Stanford University 100 37854
4126 Emanuele Bonamente University of Perugia 100 37847
4127 Samir Mitragotri Harvard University; Wyss Institute; UC Santa Barbara; MIT 100 37748
4128 Gert Storm Utrecht University 100 37648
4129 Kerry J Ressler McLean Hospital; Harvard Medical School 100 37609
4130 Sheila West Wilmer Eye Institute 100 37467
4131 Bengt Westermark Uppsala Univertsty 100 37445
4132 R A Bausch Goldbohm TNO 100 37344
4133 T Jake Liang National Institutes of Health NIH 100 37296
4134 Michael Wehmeyer University of Kansas 100 37177
4135 Richard Lenski Michigan State University 100 37126
4136 S Joseph Wright Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute 100 36996
4137 Mauricio Tohen University of New Mexico 100 36971
4138 Arndt Hartmann Universität Erlangen Nürnberg 100 36918
4139 Marc Hillmyer University of Minnesota 100 36393
4140 Piero Picci Istituto Ortopedico Rizzoli Bologna 100 36392
4141 James M Downey University of South Alabama 100 36249
4142 Dieter Horns University of Hamburg 100 35998
4143 Alexei Verkhratsky University of Manchester 100 35962
4144 Michael Cates University of Cambridge 100 35866
4145 Joan Selverstone Valentine University of California Los Angeles 100 35863
4146 Jan Vilcek New York University 100 35497
4147 A David Edwards King's College London 100 35492
4148 Martial Van der Linden University of Geneva; University of Liege 100 35364
4149 Rob Pieters University Utrecht 100 34897
4150 Nicholas Tarrier University of Manchester 100 34747
4151 Enrique Iglesia University of California Berkeley 100 34507
4152 J Holmgren University of Gothenburg 100 34324
4153 Karl Kelsey Brown University 100 34111
4154 Pappachan Kolattukudy University of Central Florida 100 33928
4155 Thomas Spencer University of Missouri 100 33867
4156 Vadim Gladyshev Brigham and Women's Hospital Harvard Medical School 100 33777
4157 Tom H M Ottenhoff Leiden University Medical Center 100 33381
4158 John A Hawley Australian Catholic University 100 32974
4159 Gene E Robinson University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign 100 32614
4160 Rebecca Richards Kortum Rice University 100 32577
4161 Young Moo Lee Hanyang University 100 32515
4162 Ruud Buijs Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico 100 32495
4163 Michel Bouvier Universite de Montreal 100 32489
4164 Adele Boskey Cornell University 100 32349
4165 Ross Coppel Monash University 100 32030
4166 Roger Chevalier University of Virginia 100 31873
4167 Marie Vahter Karolinska Institutet 100 29399