1001 | 6349 | Pontifical University John Paul II / Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawła II w Krakowie |  |  | 2408 | 6754 | 4137 | 6626 |
1002 | 6373 | University of Economics Varna / Икономически университет Варна |  |  | 4636 | 7703 | 3260 | 6626 |
1003 | 6382 | Institut Polytechnique Lasalle Beauvais |  |  | 9824 | 8147 | 2433 | 6626 |
1004 | 6389 | National School of Political Studies and Public Administration |  |  | 7212 | 5764 | 4447 | 6626 |
1005 | 6407 | Breda University of Applied Sciences |  |  | 6436 | 4116 | 5490 | 6626 |
1006 | 6420 | École nationale Supérieure de Chimie de Rennes ENSCR |  |  | 17058 | 17953 | 5819 | 3276 |
1007 | 6468 | Agora University |  |  | 7443 | 9242 | 5819 | 5379 |
1008 | 6485 | Escuela de Alta Direccion y Administración EADA |  |  | 7390 | 16190 | 5819 | 4011 |
1009 | 6503 | Handelskammer Hamburg |  |  | 7674 | 3227 | 5819 | 6626 |
1010 | 6505 | École Nationale Supérieure d’Électrotechnique, d’Électronique, d’Informatique, d’Hydraulique et des Télécommunications INP ENSEEIHT (Université Fédérale Toulouse Midi-Pyrénées) |  |  | 4404 | 8916 | 2572 | 6626 |
1011 | 6536 | Technological Education Institute of Western Greece |  |  | 2540 | 10736 | 5819 | 5280 |
1012 | 6542 | ArtEZ Hogeschool voor de Kunsten / Institute of the Arts |  |  | 5751 | 3439 | 5819 | 6626 |
1013 | 6542 | eCampus Università telematica |  |  | 6744 | 7415 | 3668 | 6626 |
1014 | 6546 | Ostbayerische Technische Hochschule Regensburg |  |  | 2663 | 4339 | 5633 | 6626 |
1015 | 6557 | Institut National d'Histoire de Art INHA (HESAM Université) |  |  | 2481 | 3757 | 5819 | 6626 |
1016 | 6574 | Fachhochschule Technikum Kärnten |  |  | 4645 | 13791 | 5819 | 4676 |
1017 | 6617 | Akademie der Bildenden Künste Wien |  |  | 4183 | 3677 | 5819 | 6626 |
1018 | 6644 | Universitat Abat Oliba CEU |  |  | 9220 | 6683 | 5819 | 5902 |
1019 | 6649 | WSB School of Banking / Wyższa Szkoła Bankowa |  |  | 1082 | 4133 | 5819 | 6626 |
1020 | 6698 | Kunstuniversität Graz |  |  | 5731 | 3679 | 5819 | 6626 |
1021 | 6701 | Design Academy Eindhoven |  |  | 9945 | 3451 | 5819 | 6626 |
1022 | 6701 | Burg Giebichenstein Hochschule fur Kunst und Design Halle |  |  | 4097 | 3822 | 5819 | 6626 |
1023 | 6705 | Technological Education Institute of Lamia |  |  | 8715 | 9786 | 5819 | 5379 |
1024 | 6709 | Alice Salomon Hochschule Berlin |  |  | 9237 | 5340 | 5819 | 6147 |
1025 | 6732 | Hochschule Anhalt |  |  | 5142 | 3786 | 5819 | 6626 |
1026 | 6732 | Centro de Estudios Financieros |  |  | 6744 | 3687 | 5819 | 6626 |
1027 | 6736 | Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences (Fachhochschule Frankfurt am Main) |  |  | 5670 | 3766 | 5819 | 6626 |
1028 | 6738 | Folkwang Universität der Künste |  |  | 3980 | 3910 | 5819 | 6626 |
1029 | 6757 | Jesuit University of Philosophy and Education Ignatianum Cracow / Wyższa Szkoła Filozoficzno-Pedagogiczna Ignatianum w Krakowie |  |  | 5791 | 8164 | 3637 | 6626 |
1030 | 6778 | Ostfalia Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften |  |  | 5544 | 3837 | 5819 | 6626 |
1031 | 6786 | École Supérieure d'Informatique de Paris SUPINFO International University |  |  | 5960 | 3833 | 5819 | 6626 |
1032 | 6791 | Academy of Special Education Maria Grzegorzewskiej / Akademia Pedagogiki Specjalnej Marii Grzegorzewskiej w Warszawie |  |  | 5418 | 8679 | 3342 | 6626 |
1033 | 6805 | Chimie ParisTech / École Nationale Supérieure de Chimie de Paris ENSCP (Université PSL) |  |  | 19374 | 26688 | 5819 | 1388 |
1034 | 6805 | European School of Management and Technology Berlin |  |  | 9319 | 3653 | 5819 | 6626 |
1035 | 6810 | Hogeschool Rotterdam / Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences |  |  | 7128 | 3792 | 5819 | 6626 |
1036 | 6810 | Grande École d'Ingénieurs en Informatique et en Electronique a Angers |  |  | 22060 | 9105 | 5031 | 5902 |
1037 | 6818 | Università Europea di Roma |  |  | 10165 | 9227 | 5819 | 5518 |
1038 | 6818 | High School of Economics and Innovation in Lublin / Wyższa Szkoła Ekonomii i Innowacji w Lublinie |  |  | 7861 | 10845 | 5819 | 5280 |
1039 | 6820 | Pädagogische Hochschule Ludwigsburg |  |  | 3883 | 4058 | 5819 | 6626 |
1040 | 6826 | International Helenic University |  |  | 3891 | 9779 | 2715 | 6626 |
1041 | 6850 | Institut Catholique de Paris |  |  | 7824 | 3816 | 5819 | 6626 |
1042 | 6856 | College of Computer Science in Lodz / Wyższa Szkoła Informatyki w Łodzi |  |  | 12567 | 3567 | 5819 | 6626 |
1043 | 6881 | Kühne Logistics University |  |  | 12493 | 7285 | 4047 | 6626 |
1044 | 6891 | Hochschule Fresenius |  |  | 10540 | 4215 | 5679 | 6626 |
1045 | 6899 | Pädagogische Hochschule Freiburg |  |  | 4933 | 4072 | 5819 | 6626 |
1046 | 6906 | Gerrit Rietveld Academie |  |  | 4819 | 4096 | 5819 | 6626 |
1047 | 6915 | Estonian Academy of Arts / Eesti Kunstiakadeemia |  |  | 4133 | 4160 | 5819 | 6626 |
1048 | 6915 | Fachhochschule Potsdam |  |  | 5392 | 9923 | 5819 | 5518 |
1049 | 6918 | Technical University of Gabrovo / Технически университет Габрово |  |  | 5633 | 9905 | 5819 | 5518 |
1050 | 6918 | Universidad San Pablo CEU |  |  | 5697 | 4044 | 5819 | 6626 |
1051 | 6922 | Burgundy School of Business BSB (ex-ESC Dijon) (comUE Université Bourgogne Franche Comté) |  |  | 12632 | 6405 | 4611 | 6626 |
1052 | 6932 | Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Coimbra |  |  | 7128 | 10000 | 2378 | 6626 |
1053 | 6938 | Oulu University of Applied Sciences / Oulun Seudun Ammattikorkeakoulu |  |  | 1956 | 4456 | 5819 | 6626 |
1054 | 6954 | Kokkola University Consortium Chydenius |  |  | 9536 | 13374 | 5819 | 4871 |
1055 | 6972 | IMT Lille Douai (Mines Douai + Télécom Lille) |  |  | 14448 | 8887 | 2890 | 6626 |
1056 | 6977 | Vilnius Academy of Fine Arts / Vilniaus dailės akademija |  |  | 5508 | 8003 | 5819 | 5902 |
1057 | 6989 | University College Lillebælt |  |  | 8389 | 5943 | 5117 | 6626 |
1058 | 7027 | Universität Mozarteum Salzburg |  |  | 4960 | 4262 | 5819 | 6626 |
1059 | 7041 | Gobelins École de l'Image |  |  | 11650 | 3885 | 5819 | 6626 |
1060 | 7041 | Université Saint Louis Bruxelles |  |  | 5133 | 7052 | 4820 | 6626 |
1061 | 7049 | Budapest Business School / Budapesti Gazdasági Egyetem BGE |  |  | 3455 | 8600 | 4062 | 6626 |
1062 | 7052 | Hochschule für Wirtschaft und Umwelt Nürtingen-Geislingen |  |  | 5573 | 4779 | 5679 | 6626 |
1063 | 7069 | IMF Institución Académica |  |  | 4172 | 4384 | 5819 | 6626 |
1064 | 7069 | Istituto Marangoni Fashion and Design School |  |  | 9901 | 4003 | 5819 | 6626 |
1065 | 7098 | Technische Hochschule Ostwestfalen Lippe |  |  | 3962 | 4451 | 5819 | 6626 |
1066 | 7104 | Hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaften Würzburg-Schweinfurt |  |  | 4792 | 4381 | 5819 | 6626 |
1067 | 7116 | Centro de Estudios Políticos y Constitucionales |  |  | 2325 | 7059 | 5819 | 6147 |
1068 | 7116 | Hochschule Magdeburg Stendal |  |  | 4617 | 4398 | 5819 | 6626 |
1069 | 7130 | Hochschule für Grafik und Buchkunst Leipzig |  |  | 5993 | 4314 | 5819 | 6626 |
1070 | 7131 | (3) Duale Hochschule Baden-Württemberg DHWB Stuttgart |  |  | 5171 | 4383 | 5819 | 6626 |
1071 | 7136 | Instituto Superior Miguel Torga |  |  | 9413 | 10043 | 5819 | 5518 |
1072 | 7136 | Danubius University of Galati |  |  | 3381 | 7594 | 4784 | 6626 |
1073 | 7146 | (3) Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Lisboa |  |  | 7861 | 9894 | 2826 | 6626 |
1074 | 7146 | Università per Stranieri di Siena |  |  | 6673 | 4288 | 5819 | 6626 |
1075 | 7187 | Institut Supérieur d'Informatique de Modélisation et de Leurs Applications |  |  | 8841 | 6395 | 5058 | 6626 |
1076 | 7208 | Artesis Plantijn University College / AP Hogeschool Antwerpen |  |  | 5751 | 4443 | 5819 | 6626 |
1077 | 7213 | (1) University of Lower Silesia / Dolnośląska Szkoła Wyższa we Wrocławiu |  |  | 6982 | 7860 | 4465 | 6626 |
1078 | 7221 | Pôle Universitaire Léonard de Vinci |  |  | 14307 | 6951 | 4604 | 6626 |
1079 | 7228 | Universitatea Eftimie Murgu Reşiţa |  |  | 10219 | 12630 | 2958 | 6147 |
1080 | 7242 | Conservatoire National Supérieur de Musique et de Danse de Paris CNSMD Paris (Université PSL) |  |  | 8547 | 4304 | 5819 | 6626 |
1081 | 7254 | Università degli Studi Suor Orsola Benincasa Napoli |  |  | 2549 | 5436 | 5679 | 6626 |
1082 | 7268 | Hochschule Mainz |  |  | 7038 | 4433 | 5819 | 6626 |
1083 | 7268 | University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Ion Ionescu de la Brad |  |  | 6120 | 10559 | 2619 | 6626 |
1084 | 7287 | Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church Budapest / Károli Gáspár Református Egyetem KGRE |  |  | 3972 | 7849 | 4766 | 6626 |
1085 | 7287 | Jade Hochschule |  |  | 4670 | 4626 | 5819 | 6626 |
1086 | 7296 | Hochschule Weihenstephan-Triersdorf |  |  | 7352 | 4441 | 5819 | 6626 |
1087 | 7316 | VAMK University of Applied Sciences (Vaasa Polytechnic) / Vaasan ammattikorkeakoulu |  |  | 3625 | 7265 | 5819 | 6147 |
1088 | 7321 | Staatliche Hochschule fur Gestaltung Karlsruhe |  |  | 8139 | 4427 | 5819 | 6626 |
1089 | 7321 | Academy of Economics Dimitar Apostolov Tsenov Svishtov / Стопанска академия Димитър Апостолов Ценов Свищов |  |  | 4753 | 8301 | 4475 | 6626 |
1090 | 7346 | Wittenborg Business University / Hogeschool Wittenborg |  |  | 12929 | 4213 | 5819 | 6626 |
1091 | 7346 | American College of Thessaloniki |  |  | 9550 | 8347 | 5819 | 5902 |
1092 | 7351 | Varna University of Management / Висше училище по мениджмънт Варна |  |  | 13357 | 10157 | 5819 | 5518 |
1093 | 7351 | Leipzig Graduate School of Management |  |  | 15138 | 4115 | 5819 | 6626 |
1094 | 7367 | American Academy in Rome |  |  | 10447 | 4367 | 5819 | 6626 |
1095 | 7385 | Polish Institute of International Affairs / Polski Instytut Spraw Międzynarodowych |  |  | 6877 | 4598 | 5819 | 6626 |
1096 | 7391 | Hochschule Trier |  |  | 5164 | 4750 | 5819 | 6626 |
1097 | 7413 | Varna Free University Chernorizets Hrabar / Варненски свободен университет Черноризец Храбър |  |  | 5171 | 4778 | 5819 | 6626 |
1098 | 7413 | Royal Academy of Art The Hague |  |  | 12002 | 4352 | 5819 | 6626 |
1099 | 7433 | Institut National des Langues et Civilisations Orientales INALCO (Alliance Sorbonne Paris Cité) |  |  | 5021 | 16753 | 4644 | 5280 |
1100 | 7441 | Universitatea Romano-Britanica Bucuresti |  |  | 20216 | 4015 | 5819 | 6626 |