14201 | 29056 | All Saints Christian Law College | | | 30163 | 28465 | 5819 | 6626 |
14202 | 29056 | University Institute | | | 30221 | 28448 | 5819 | 6626 |
14203 | 29056 | Hans College | | | 29389 | 28756 | 5819 | 6626 |
14204 | 29062 | Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam STAI Syekh Manshur STAISMAN Pandeglang Banten | | | 27970 | 28967 | 5819 | 6626 |
14205 | 29062 | Bandarban University | | | 28690 | 28875 | 5819 | 6626 |
14206 | 29062 | K S G M College Nirsa | | | 27446 | 28984 | 5819 | 6626 |
14207 | 29062 | Sekolah Tinggi Teknik Baramuli Pinrang | | | 28125 | 28937 | 5819 | 6626 |
14208 | 29069 | Rofel Arts and Commerce College | | | 21794 | 29254 | 5819 | 6626 |
14209 | 29069 | Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Tarbiyah Baitul Arqom Al Islamy | | | 28887 | 28871 | 5819 | 6626 |
14210 | 29069 | Institute of Advanced Management & Technology | | | 29846 | 28614 | 5819 | 6626 |
14211 | 29075 | Royal College of Law | | | 27038 | 29011 | 5819 | 6626 |
14212 | 29082 | Seshadripuram Evening P U College | | | 28537 | 28904 | 5819 | 6626 |
14213 | 29086 | Qalam Institute of Higher Education | | | 29780 | 28665 | 5819 | 6626 |
14214 | 29086 | STT Baptis Medan | | | 21959 | 29291 | 5819 | 6626 |
14215 | 29090 | Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan STIKES Nusantara Kupang | | | 22335 | 29254 | 5819 | 6626 |
14216 | 29090 | Sana Polytechnic College | | | 29556 | 28756 | 5819 | 6626 |
14217 | 29092 | Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Tarbiyah STIT Ahlussunah Bukittinggi | | | 26195 | 29068 | 5819 | 6626 |
14218 | 29092 | Akademi Komunikasi Media Radio Televisi dan Periklanan | | | 24188 | 29182 | 5819 | 6626 |
14219 | 29097 | Construction Technology College | | | 30408 | 28364 | 5819 | 6626 |
14220 | 29097 | Sekolah Usaha Perikanan Menengah Negeri SUPM Pontianak | | | 28482 | 28967 | 5819 | 6626 |
14221 | 29100 | IKIP PGRI Wates | | | 24738 | 29155 | 5819 | 6626 |
14222 | 29100 | KYS Business College School | | | 27574 | 29018 | 5819 | 6626 |
14223 | 29100 | Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam STAI Sebelas April Sumedang | | | 22567 | 29277 | 5819 | 6626 |
14224 | 29106 | Sekolah Tinggi Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan STKIP Al Amin Dompu | | | 26452 | 29068 | 5819 | 6626 |
14225 | 29106 | Anjuman Girls Degree College Sadar Nagpur | | | 30163 | 28520 | 5819 | 6626 |
14226 | 29106 | Universitas Gunung Leuser Aceh | | | 26784 | 29051 | 5819 | 6626 |
14227 | 29106 | Koustuv Institute of Science | | | 26086 | 29094 | 5819 | 6626 |
14228 | 29106 | Balochistan Institute of Technology | | | 29780 | 28716 | 5819 | 6626 |
14229 | 29113 | Akademi Teknik Radiodiagnostik dan Radioterapi Citra Intan Persada | | | 29883 | 28651 | 5819 | 6626 |
14230 | 29113 | Politeknik Ganesha Guru | | | 28932 | 28901 | 5819 | 6626 |
14231 | 29113 | KIIT School of Computer Application | | | 30300 | 28455 | 5819 | 6626 |
14232 | 29120 | Kompas International College | | | 27927 | 29001 | 5819 | 6626 |
14233 | 29120 | Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan STIKES Tengku Maharatu | | | 25089 | 29155 | 5819 | 6626 |
14234 | 29120 | Sekolah Tinggi Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan STKIP Ahlussunnah Bukittinggi | | | 24263 | 29211 | 5819 | 6626 |
14235 | 29126 | Saanvi PG College for Women | | | 28663 | 28967 | 5819 | 6626 |
14236 | 29126 | Smart College | | | 28782 | 28937 | 5819 | 6626 |
14237 | 29126 | Optopreneur College | | | 28690 | 28963 | 5819 | 6626 |
14238 | 29126 | Universitas Aufa Royhan di Kota Padangsidimpuan UNAR | | | 23390 | 29240 | 5819 | 6626 |
14239 | 29135 | Government Post Graduate College Mandian Abbottabad | | | 24947 | 29203 | 5819 | 6626 |
14240 | 29135 | Akademi Keperawatan AKPER Gunung Maria Tomohon | | | 29606 | 28807 | 5819 | 6626 |
14241 | 29135 | Newbridge College | | | 27989 | 29018 | 5819 | 6626 |
14242 | 29135 | Sekolah Tinggi Ekonomi dan Perbankan STE BANK Islam Mr Sjafruddin Prawiranegara | | | 27989 | 29018 | 5819 | 6626 |
14243 | 29135 | Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi STIE Tenggarong | | | 27970 | 29018 | 5819 | 6626 |
14244 | 29135 | CSI Dental College Madurai | | | 28819 | 28937 | 5819 | 6626 |
14245 | 29135 | Digital Film School | | | 28887 | 28916 | 5819 | 6626 |
14246 | 29143 | STIMIK Tunas Bangsa | | | 29389 | 28846 | 5819 | 6626 |
14247 | 29143 | Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi STIE Ganesha | | | 26917 | 29068 | 5819 | 6626 |
14248 | 29143 | Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Tarbiyah STIT Buntet Pesantren | | | 25429 | 29155 | 5819 | 6626 |
14249 | 29143 | Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Tarbiyah STIT PGRI Pasuruan | | | 28782 | 28962 | 5819 | 6626 |
14250 | 29143 | STI West Negros University | | | 29846 | 28675 | 5819 | 6626 |
14251 | 29149 | St Joseph’s College of Arts and Science for Women | | | 23630 | 29254 | 5819 | 6626 |
14252 | 29149 | Akademi Kebidanan AKBID ST Benedicta Pontianak | | | 27682 | 29041 | 5819 | 6626 |
14253 | 29154 | Akademi Manajemen Belitung AMB | | | 29479 | 28832 | 5819 | 6626 |
14254 | 29154 | UGC Academic Staff College | | | 29059 | 28937 | 5819 | 6626 |
14255 | 29156 | Akademi Farmasi AKFAR Prayoga Padang | | | 18832 | 29401 | 5819 | 6626 |
14256 | 29156 | Akademi Komunitas Perkebunan Yogyakarta | | | 26838 | 29094 | 5819 | 6626 |
14257 | 29156 | Christu Jyoti Institute of Technology and Science | | | 23945 | 29240 | 5819 | 6626 |
14258 | 29161 | Sri Venkateswara Arts College | | | 28418 | 29001 | 5819 | 6626 |
14259 | 29161 | Islamic Azad University Bushehr Sama Center | | | 21480 | 29353 | 5819 | 6626 |
14260 | 29161 | Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Administrasi STIA BAGASASI | | | 28285 | 29018 | 5819 | 6626 |
14261 | 29166 | Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Komunikasi Wangsa Jaya Serang | | | 21657 | 29353 | 5819 | 6626 |
14262 | 29166 | Akademi Bahasa Asing ABB Internasional Bandung | | | 26893 | 29115 | 5819 | 6626 |
14263 | 29166 | Maxwell Academy | | | 30095 | 28626 | 5819 | 6626 |
14264 | 29172 | Sekolah Tinggi Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan STKIP Qomaruddin Gresik | | | 29606 | 28832 | 5819 | 6626 |
14265 | 29175 | Chin Christian University | | | 27109 | 29115 | 5819 | 6626 |
14266 | 29175 | (3) Ilmu Ekonomi Universitas Cenderawasih | | | 21270 | 29378 | 5819 | 6626 |
14267 | 29183 | iCOOP College | | | 27875 | 29064 | 5819 | 6626 |
14268 | 29183 | Gwalior Engineering College | | | 27574 | 29068 | 5819 | 6626 |
14269 | 29183 | KLE Society's College of Arts and Commerce | | | 27176 | 29115 | 5819 | 6626 |
14270 | 29183 | Akademi Keperawatan AKPER HKBP Balige | | | 24282 | 29277 | 5819 | 6626 |
14271 | 29189 | Akademi Kebidanan AKBID YAPPI Sragen | | | 29361 | 28901 | 5819 | 6626 |
14272 | 29189 | Manikya Lal Verma Textile and Engineering College | | | 27682 | 29068 | 5819 | 6626 |
14273 | 29189 | Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan STIKES Tamalatea Makassar | | | 26012 | 29182 | 5819 | 6626 |
14274 | 29192 | Anhui Shengzhi Radio and Television University / 安徽省直广播电视大学 | | | 11541 | 29613 | 5819 | 6626 |
14275 | 29192 | Aringar Anna Government Arts College Attur | | | 27757 | 29068 | 5819 | 6626 |
14276 | 29196 | S S International University | | | 29059 | 28984 | 5819 | 6626 |
14277 | 29200 | WMO Arts & Science College | | | 27639 | 29094 | 5819 | 6626 |
14278 | 29200 | Tashkent State University of Economics Samarkand Branch | | | 22539 | 29353 | 5819 | 6626 |
14279 | 29200 | Akademi Pariwisata Jakarta | | | 29335 | 28937 | 5819 | 6626 |
14280 | 29200 | Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen Informatika dan Komputer STMIK Prabumulih | | | 29412 | 28904 | 5819 | 6626 |
14281 | 29200 | Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi STT Duta Bangsa Bekasi | | | 10248 | 29686 | 5819 | 6626 |
14282 | 29206 | Kachin Theological College and Seminary | | | 27446 | 29133 | 5819 | 6626 |
14283 | 29208 | Institute of Molecular Sciences and Bioinformatics | | | 29001 | 29001 | 5819 | 6626 |
14284 | 29213 | A B A Institute of Higher Education | | | 30163 | 28641 | 5819 | 6626 |
14285 | 29213 | Dong Jiao Zong Higher Learning Centre | | | 29999 | 28731 | 5819 | 6626 |
14286 | 29213 | SSBS College Mailam Home | | | 25252 | 29254 | 5819 | 6626 |
14287 | 29213 | STIK Gia Makassar | | | 28639 | 29041 | 5819 | 6626 |
14288 | 29213 | Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Indonesia STIKI Makassar | | | 26917 | 29155 | 5819 | 6626 |
14289 | 29219 | Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi STIE EI Ekadharma Indonesia | | | 28285 | 29068 | 5819 | 6626 |
14290 | 29219 | Sekolah Usaha Perikanan Menengah Negeri SUPM Kota Agung | | | 26732 | 29182 | 5819 | 6626 |
14291 | 29221 | Rahnaward University | | | 23316 | 29353 | 5819 | 6626 |
14292 | 29228 | EMEA College | | | 17984 | 29490 | 5819 | 6626 |
14293 | 29228 | Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam STAI Al Ghazali Bulukumba | | | 28144 | 29115 | 5819 | 6626 |
14294 | 29228 | Politeknik Kesehatan TNI AU Adisutjipto Yogyakarta | | | 26990 | 29182 | 5819 | 6626 |
14295 | 29228 | Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi STIE Satu Nusa Kota Bandar Lampung | | | 28844 | 29041 | 5819 | 6626 |
14296 | 29228 | University of the Holy Quran and Academic Sciences | | | 21713 | 29401 | 5819 | 6626 |
14297 | 29228 | J J College of Education | | | 29556 | 28937 | 5819 | 6626 |
14298 | 29236 | Sri D N R Government Degree College for Women Palakol | | | 28663 | 29053 | 5819 | 6626 |
14299 | 29236 | Yemeni Academy of Graduate Studies | | | 21863 | 29401 | 5819 | 6626 |
14300 | 29240 | Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan STIKES Pamenang | | | 28071 | 29137 | 5819 | 6626 |